Athaliah Part 16

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{JOSABET _(embracing Joas)_}.

O king, offspring of David!


My only mother! Come, dear Zachariah, Embrace me.

{JOSABET (_to Zachariah_).}

My son, prostrate yourself before your king.

{JOAD (_whilst they embrace._)}

Children, may thus your hearts be always one.

{JOSABET (_to Joas_).}

You know then to what source you owe your life?


And also know the hand, which, but for you, Had robbed me of it.


I then can call you by your own name, Joas.


Joas will never cease to love you.


What! is it--


It is Joas.


Let us hear that Levite.

_Scene VI._



I know not what design they have 'gainst G.o.d; But threatening boldness growls on every side: Amidst their standards they have lighted fires, And doubtless Athaliah joins her forces; Already every path for succour's closed: The sacred mount on which the temple's reared Is quite infested with fierce Tynans; Blaspheming, one of them came forth and said, "Your Abner is in chains, and cannot aid you."

{JOSABET (_to Joas_)}

Dear child, whom Heaven in vain reserved for me, I've done whate'er I could to rescue you: But G.o.d no longer knows your father, David.

{JOAD (_to Josabet_).}

What! fear you not to draw His wrath on you, And on this king so dear unto your love?

Though G.o.d should tear him from your arms for ever, And will that David's house should be extinct, Are you not here upon the holy mount, Where 'gainst his innocent son the Jewish sire, Raised, without murmur, his obedient arm; And, as burnt-offering, on the altar placed The finit of his old age, leaving with G.o.d The oversight of bearing out His promise, And yielded up to Him, with his loved son, His house's hope, contained in him alone?

Friends let us go. Let Ishmael to his charge, Take all the side that looks unto the east; You take the northern portion, you the west, And you the centre. Let not too much zeal, Betraying my designs, cause priest or Levite To quit his place, and charge before the time; And, finally, let all impelled as one Keep to the death the post I have a.s.signed them.

The foe beholding us in his blind rage, As a vile herd reserved for ma.s.sacre, Thinks but to meet disorder and dismay.

You, Azariah, keep beside the king.

_(To Joas.)_

Come, you dear scion of a valiant race, With a new courage fill your champions; a.s.sume the diadem before their eyes, And fall as king, at least, if fall you must.

_(To a Levite.)_

Follow him, Josabet. Give me those arms.

_(To the Choir.)_

Children, to G.o.d present your innocent tears.

_Scene VII._

_The Choir sing._

Children of Aaron, go--depart; In never more ill.u.s.trious cause Battled the zeal of your progenitors.

Children of Aaron, go--depart; It is your king, your G.o.d, for whom ye fight.

_One voice alone._

Where are those thunderbolts Thou launchest, Great G.o.d, in Thy just wrath?

Art Thou no more the jealous G.o.d?

Art Thou no longer the avenger?


Where, G.o.d of Jacob, are Thy former favours?

Amid the horrors, that encompa.s.s us, Hearest Thou alone the voice Of our iniquities?

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Athaliah Part 16 summary

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