Athaliah Part 17

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Art Thou no longer the forgiving G.o.d?

_The Choir._

Where, G.o.d of Jacob, are Thy former favours?

_One voice alone._

It is against Thyself that in this strife The armies of the wicked aim a.s.sault.

Come let us cause to cease, say they, G.o.d's festivals upon the earth; And from His tiresome yoke deliver man: Let all His saints be slaughtered; His altars overthrown; That of His name and glory No memory may be left; That neither He, nor Christ may reign o'er us.

_The Choir._

Where are the thunderbolts Thou launchest, Great G.o.d, in Thy just wrath?

Art Thou no more the jealous G.o.d?

Art Thou no longer the avenger?

_One voice alone._

Sad remnant of our kings, Dear and last bloom of such a beauteous stem, Ah! 'neath the dagger of a cruel dam Shall we, a second time, behold thee fall?

Say, did an angel at thy cradle side, Beloved prince! against thy murderers Defend thee with his care; Or in the darkness of the tomb Did G.o.d re-animate thy ashes?


Dost Thou, great G.o.d, impute the guilty deeds Of father and grandfather unto him?

Abandon him without relenting pity?

_The Choir._

Where, G.o.d of Jacob, are Thy former favours?

Art Thou no longer the forgiving G.o.d?

_One of the daughters of the Choir (speaking)._

Dear sisters, hear you not the sound Of the fierce Tyrians' trumpet?


I even hear the barbarous soldiers' cries, And I s.h.i.+ver with horror.

Come, let us fly to our refuge Under the sanctuary's shadow.

_ACT V.--Scene I._



Dear Zachariah, well! what have you learnt?


Redouble to the Lord your fervent prayers: Perhaps we are approaching our last hour; The order's given for the horrid conflict.


What is Joas doing?


He has just been crowned: On him the high-priest's poured the holy oil.

O heaven, what joy was seen in every eye, Beholding him, the ransomed from the tomb!

My sisters, still is seen the dagger's scar.

Also his faithful nurse appeared to us, Who guarding that dear charge has had no eye To note her cares but G.o.d's and Josabet's.

Our Levites wept with joy and tenderness,% And mixed their sobs with shouts of ecstacy.

He, midst those transports, courteous, without pride, To one his hand, to others gave his look, And swore to govern by their frank advice, Naming them all his brothers or his sires.


Think you this secret's spread beyond these walls?


This secret to the temple's still confined; The band of Levi's race, distributed, Have placed themselves all silent at the doors; All are to rush together on the foe, And for the signal cry, "Long live King Joas!"

My father wills that Zachariah guard The king, forbidden to expose himself.

Meanwhile the queen, with poniard in her hand, Laughs at the feeble check of our bra.s.s gates.

To crush them she attends the fatal engines, Breathing, in short, but blood and devastation.

Some priests, my sister, at the first proposed, That in a secret cave, our fathers' dug, The precious ark at least should be concealed.

"O base insulting fear my father cried, The ark which caused so many gorgeous towers To fall, and forced the Jordan's backward course; So many times triumphant o'er the G.o.ds Of nations, must it flee at the approach Of insolent woman?" My mother, near The king, in deadly trouble, now her eye Being on the altar, and now turned on him, Silent, and sinking 'neath the weight of dread, Would have extorted tears from eyes of bra.s.s.

The king from time to time embracing her Consoled her: then she said, "my sisters dear, All follow me, and if our king to-day Must perish, let one fate unite ourselves With him."


What rugged hand knocks with repeated blows?

Why those disordered Levites put to flight?

And what precaution makes them hide their arms?

Is the temple stormed?


Disperse your fears, G.o.d sends us Abner.

_Scene II._


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Athaliah Part 17 summary

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