Athaliah Part 2

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For who can say that child, at birth, was not Condemned with them--included in their guilt?

That G.o.d, for David's sake, will grant him favour, And separate him from a hateful race?

Alas! the horrible perplexing state, In which heaven represents itself to me, Haunts me incessantly, and frights my soul.

The chambers gorged with princes ma.s.sacred-- Inexorable Athaliah, armed With poniard, fires her barbarous soldiery Unto the carnage, and pursues the course Of her Left for dead, Joas strikes my sight! Methinks I still behold His nurse, distracted, throw her feeble form In vain before the murderers; and him, Extended on the earth, clasp to her breast I take him up all b.l.o.o.d.y--with my tears Bathing his visage--bring him back to life; And still in terror, or caressing me, I feel his innocent arms upon me press.

Great G.o.d! let not my love be fatal to him, The precious relic of the loyal David: Brought up within Thy house to love Thy law, He knows no other father yet than Thee.

About to attack a homicidal queen, If peril's aspect terrifies my faith, If flesh and blood to-day, bewildered being, Have too great part in tears I shed for him, Heir of Thy sacred promises, preserve him, And punish me alone for all my frailty!


Your griefs are crimeless, Josabet; but G.o.d Would have us trust in His paternal care.

Upon the son who fears Him He does not Call blindly in His wrath to answer for His sire's impiety. All that remain Still faithful Hebrews, will come forth to-day To make their vows anew; all that revere The race of David, Athaliah hate!

Joas will affect them with his modesty, Through which appears to glow his royal blood, And our example, by His very voice The Lord supporting, will moreover speak Within His temple straight unto their hearts.

Two unbelieving kings in turns have braved Him; Tis now imperative a king be raised Upon the throne, who shall avow hereafter That, to the honour of his ancestors, G.o.d caused him, by the influence of His priests, To re-ascend; and, by their hands, hath s.n.a.t.c.hed Him, Joas, from the oblivion of the tomb, To light again the fire of David's ashes.

Great G.o.d! if Thou foreseest that of his race Unworthy, he will stray from David's footsteps, Yea, let him be as fruit whilst growing, plucked, Or blighted in its bloom by hostile blast!

But if this child, obedient to Thy rule, Is to be useful aid in Thy designs, Restore the sceptre to the rightful heir; Give into my weak hands his potent foes; Confound the councils of the cruel queen!

Deign, deign, my G.o.d, on Mathan and on her To cast the spirit of vanity and falsehood, Fatal forerunner of the fall of kings!

Adieu; the hour is pressing. Unto you, His sister and our son advancing, bring The daughters of the families most devout.

_Scene III._



Dear Zachariah, go, without delay; Accompany your n.o.ble father's steps.

Daughters of Levi, young and faithful band, Whom now the Lord hath chosen for their zeal, That come so frequently to share my sighs: Children, my only joy in my long griefs, Those flowers upon your heads, and in your hands Those garlands were appropriate, formerly, At our great festivals; but now, alas!

In these opprobious and afflicting times, What offering so comely as our tears?

I hear, already, hear the sacred trumpet, And soon the temple will be open to us.

Whilst I prepare myself for the occasion, Sing to the Lord, whom you have come to seek.

_Scene IV._


_All the Choir sing._

Let all adore our G.o.d; the universe Is full of His magnificence!

Let all invoke Him ever: His empire was before the birth of time; Sing, and proclaim His benefactions.

_One voice alone._ In vain unrighteous violence hath imposed Silence upon the people praising Him: His name shall never perish.

Day unto day proclaims His glory and His power: The universe is full of His magnificence: Sing, and proclaim His benefactions.

_All the Choir._ The universe is full of His magnificence: Sing, and proclaim His benefactions.

_One voice alone._

He gives to flowers their lovely hues, He brings the fruits to birth and ripens them; To these He portions, with judicious care, The heat of day and coolness of the night: The fields receiving them, return The gifts with usury.


He bids the sun to animate His works, And light's the power of His own hands; But still His holy law, His spotless law Is richest blessing G.o.d has given mankind.


O, Mount of Sinai, keep eternally In our remembrance the ill.u.s.trious day, When on thy flaming summit, in a cloud, Densely enveloped, G.o.d into the eye Of mortals caused to s.h.i.+ne A beamlet of His glory.

O tell me why those lightnings and those flames The floods of vapour, rumblings in the air, The trumpetings, and thunder: Came He to overturn The order of the elements?

Came He to shake the earth Upon its old foundations?


He came to witness to the Hebrew children His holy precepts' everlasting light; He came to bid that happy people love Him With a love eternal.

_All the Choir._

O law divine, delightful law!

O justice, tenderness supreme!

What satisfaction, sweetness overflowing, To pledge unto that G.o.d our love and faith!

_One voice alone._

He freed our fathers from a cruel yoke; While in the desert, with delicious food He nourished them: He gives to us His law, He gives Himself; and for such benefits He orders us to love Him.

_The Choir._ O justice, tenderness supreme!

_The same voice._

For them He closed the waters of the sea, And from an arid rock made fountains gush; He gives to us His law, He gives Himself; And for such benefits He orders us to love Him.

_The Choir._ O law divine, delightful law!

What satisfaction, sweetness overflowing, To pledge unto that G.o.d our love and faith!

_Another voice alone._

O you, who only know a servile fear, Ingrates, can not a G.o.d so good delight you?

Is it so difficult unto your hearts, So painful, then, to love Him?

The bondsman dreads the tyrant's violence, But love's the portion of a child: You wish that G.o.d should load you with His blessings, Without returning Him your love!

_All the Choir._

O law divine, delightful law!

O justice, tenderness supreme!

What satisfaction, sweetness overflowing, To pledge unto that G.o.d our love and faith!

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Athaliah Part 2 summary

You're reading Athaliah. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): J. Donkersley and Jean Racine. Already has 536 views.

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