Athaliah Part 3

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_ACT SECOND,--Scene I. and II._


That is enough, my daughters, cease your chanting: Tis time to mingle in the public prayers.

Our hour is come; Let us go celebrate This glorious day, and, in our turn, appear Before the Lord. What do I see! my son!

What is the cause that hastens your return?

Where run you thus, all pale and out of breath?


O, my mother!


Well! what!


The temple is profaned!




And by the Lord the temple is abandoned.


I tremble; hasten to enlighten me.


My sire, the high priest, having offered up, According to the law, the sacred bread Of the new harvest, to the G.o.d that fosters Mankind, appearing still with gory hands Fresh from the reeking entrails of the victim; Close to his side the young Eliacin a.s.sisting, like myself, in linen vests; The priests, meanwhile, with sacrificial blood Besprinkling the a.s.sembly and the altar; A murmur indistinct arose; at once The astonished people turn aside their glance,-- A woman--can I name her and not curse?-- A woman--It was Athaliah's self!




In one of the church courts, reserved for men, This haughty woman enters, with proud mien, And even prepares to overpa.s.s the bounds Of the enclosure sacred, which alone Is open to the Levites. Terrified The people fled in every way. My father-- Ah! what resentment kindled in his eye!

Moses to Pharoah seemed less formidable: Queen! go! said he, and quit this awful place, From which thy s.e.x and vices banish thee: Dost thou come here to brave the majesty Of the Eternal G.o.d? At which the queen, Casting on him infuriated glance, Her mouth was opening, doubtless, to blaspheme: I know not if the angel of the Heavens Appearing showed to her a flaming sword; But instantly her tongue and lips were frozen, And all her over-boldness was abashed; As if her eyes were awe-struck, they were fixed; And, above all, Eliacin appeared To amaze her.


What! Has Eliacin been seen by her?


We both of us beheld that cruel queen, Who with an equal horror struck our hearts: But very soon the priests surrounded us-- They caused us to withdraw. Of all the rest I'm ignorant, and I returned to tell You of this woeful uproar.


She came, no doubt, to tear him from our arms; Her fury came to seek him at the altar!

Perhaps, the object of so many tears Is at this moment--G.o.d, who seest my grief, Do Thou remember David!


What is the reason of your flooding tears?


Ah! Is Eliacin's life in danger?


Has he attracted Athaliah's rage?


What! does she fear a child without support, And fatherless?


Ah! here she is. Come, let us go: we must Avoid her.

_Scenes III and IV._


Why, Madam, do you linger in this place?

Here all the objects wound and anger you.

Unto the priest, who dwells within it, leave This temple, flee this tumult, and go calm Your agitated spirit in your palace.


No, no, I cannot: my perplexity And weakness thou behold'st. Give my commands That Mathan instantly must hasten hither.

Happy if I can find, by his a.s.sistance, The peace I seek--that's always shunning me!



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Athaliah Part 3 summary

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