Titan Academy of Special Abilities Chapter 48

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Chapter 48: Evoke (2)

The gate opened as the vehicle approached. Two guards greeted the driver as it pa.s.sed. The car continued to enter the gate until we pa.s.sed a road that was once again surrounded by trees. When will it end?

A moment later, the path gradually got wider until a big house greeted us. It was almost as large as one of the parts of the castle at t.i.tan Academy.

This family is not really a joke.

The vehicle drove into the circular driveway where a whole garden was located in the middle. It stopped just in front of the magnificent double doors of the mansion where a seeming butler and three a.s.sistants were waiting for us.

“Very fancy.” muttered Victoria.

We went out from the car, helpers immediately bowing down to greet us. We were then taken to the mansion. It was like entering t.i.tan Academy all over again. The golden lights, the carpet, the chandelier, the gigantic staircase looming in front of us. Are they sure that this is still a house?

We entered a place that looked like a hall. It was s.p.a.cious inside and there was a long table that almost filled the entire room. There seemed to be fifteen seats, with some people already occupying a few: Corrine and her parents, Miss Aura and Sir Apollo, and Ethan and Gin.

Oh, so it’s just really only us.

Those on the table turned to look at us when we arrived. My eyes immediately turned to Gin who was watching me. He was sitting next to Corrine at the other end of the table.

I noticed that even Sir Apollo was dressed soberly today, though a bottle of wine was on his side as he held a half-empty gla.s.s.

“Good afternoon, Victoria, Luna, Cain, and s.h.i.+a.”Corrine's mother greeted us smiling. “It's Good that you came.”

I swallowed when she mentioned my name. It was like hearing something smooth and velvety. I saw them again. The Stanford family. We went and sat on the vacant seats. I was next to Ethan, who was on the right. Luna, Victoria, and Cain were at the end.

The surroundings were very formal so I felt like I was suffocated. I watched the people that were here with me and noticed that Corrine was now talking to Gin.

A while later, I felt Luna grasping my hand as if she was trying to get my attention. I turned and looked to the front again. Corrine’s parents were in front of us. At both ends were Miss Aura and Sir Apollo.

“Y-Yes?” I was confused when I noticed Corrine’s mother was looking at me.

“This is the first time you came here, right?” she asked.

I nodded without realizing and tried to smile. I looked at her husband who was next to her. He was so quiet. He always seemed to have problems. He wasn’t even able to give us a smile when we arrived earlier.

“Hopefully you will not be embarra.s.sed or feel out of place.” Corrine Mama says.

“Thank you.” Was my short answer.

They are so kind. But is she really kind to everyone? Are there really people that are rich like this but very kind?

Food began to come. According to Corrine's mother, Monday was her original birthday. But it was a good thing they prepared for the group this weekend because they knew we could not go next week.

Corrine smiled and thanked us for coming even with our busy schedule for the Linus Cup.

In fact, she seemed really kind. A perfect girl. Like an angel: beautiful, smart, and rich. She had almost everything. I wondered what birthday will a person like her have.

My friends started eating. I watched the food in front of me. I was about to start when I noticed something on my plate. Olives. I hate olives.

I took one of the olives in my dish and placed it on the side so I could not eat it. I was focusing on what I was doing when I felt someone’s gaze on me. I looked up and saw Corrine's father looking at me.

D-Did I do something wrong? Should not I do that at a formal dinner?

“You also don't want olives?”

I turned to Corrine’s mother. “Uh, I do not like the taste.” my simple answer.

But the truth is, I was allergic to it. This is the food that, even when I’m starving, I will still not eat because I can't breathe well when I do. But they don’t have to know.

I continued eating. While doing so, my friends started talking. Corrine’s parents asked us if we were nervous about the upcoming Cup, what we were planning to do, what our parents reaction was now that it was approaching.

Corrine’s parents all know the parents of my peers. Except for mine. So when her mom looked at me, I was more focused on my food.

“How about you, s.h.i.+a? Do your parents know that you joined the Cup?” she asked.

I tried to smile. “I have no parents.” I responded before eating on as if nothing had happened.

They continued to talk. When we finished eating we went to a room in the mansion where they could continue the conversation. Luna and I were walking behind them when she stopped.

“s.h.i.+a, can you join me in the CR?”

“Sure.” I answered back.

I really wanted to get away from them first. I had been forcing myself to be formal in front of them. We separated from the group and went to the other end of the corridor.

I was sure that if I lived in such a house, there would be a tendency for me to get lost. We walked for a few minutes before arrived at a hallway where we could see the CR.

“I’ll wait for you here.” I said.

She nodded and entered the room as I stood by in the hallway. While waiting, I looked at the things around me.

It was clean and quiet. There were some expensive frames and accessories in every corner and some fresh flowers.

I walked a little, pa.s.sing by a staircase. It was clear, slightly s.p.a.cious and carpeted. I saw a hallway above, with a large picture frame facing me.

I went upstairs without even realizing it. When I got there, I realized that it was a picture of a girl. Five years old. I blinked.

She was wearing expensive costumes, standing in a garden. Behind her were two servants and an old woman.

I suddenly stepped back. Wait, that old lady was familiar to me. I watched the picture carefully. I couldn't be wrong. She was the old woman in the hallway. The person who called me Jane Elizabeth.

Wait, what’s going on?

Again I watched the child’s face in the picture. She was smiling brightly. A smile that was very familiar to me. Who is she? A noise suddenly filled my ear—like a sleek and straight line.

I held the table in front of the picture frame where a vase was filled with flowers. I felt my surroundings spinning. I turned to the hallway that was before me and saw the other pictures of the same kid.

I closed my eyes to calm myself. I couldn’t breathe. Did I eat something bad earlier? The sound in my ear went on. When I opened my eyes, an image of the child entered my mind. She was running in the hallway towards me.

“Jane, be careful you might fall.” it followed a seemingly echo voice of a woman. “Jane? Jane Elizabeth?”

I heard a loud noise. I realized that I was covering my ear. My hands plunged into the vase and it fell and broken into pieces on the floor.

I heard Luna’s voice and how she runs toward me. She came in front of me and said something. But I don't understand yet.


She tried to get my attention. But I’m just sitting on the floor while covering my ear. Luna struggled for me to look at her. But I only saw a blurred image.

“s.h.i.+a, look at me!”

I shook my head. The noises of the images won't disappear. I don't like the noise and those images.

“s.h.i.+a, what’s happening ?!”

I just shook my head. I didn't do anything but to shake my head. I could still hear the voices in my ears. I feel my world spinning. The floor I’m stepping, the wall, the images, Luna’s blurry face in front of me.

Jane Elizabeth, you’re just here.

Let’s go. We've been looking for you

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Titan Academy of Special Abilities Chapter 48 summary

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