Titan Academy of Special Abilities Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Group (2)

"Fine," Victoria answered. She looked at me for the first time since we left from the Tyler house. "Tough luck, isn't it? People should know how to be contented with what they have."

I gritted my teeth but I didn't talk. Ethan gave her a warning look. "Quit it, Victoria," he warned.

Victoria just rolled her eyes. We came to a hall with high ceilings and large windows. At the end was another corridor that was narrower compared to the path we walked on earlier. It was also darker and quieter. There were some people we saw along the way. Mostly servants.

Some of them looked like they had just woken up and were starting on their work. I looked at the clock. Three o'clock, early in the morning. We came to the end of the corridor and we are now in front of a large double door.

"Wait here." Gin said to his company. He looked at me and I became suddenly nervous. "Let's go."

I took a step towards him. I noticed that Cain forced a smile as if saying goodbye. Ethan sighed. "Good luck," he whispered as I pa.s.sed by them.

Gin had no expression when I looked at him. He just opened the door and entered. But he hadn't taken two steps when he stopped. My forehead knitted and peeked at the front. And there I saw a beautiful woman.

She's beautiful, almost surreal looking. She looked like an angel who wore a cream colored night dress. Her face looked kind and her skin was smooth. Her hair was brownish, long, and wavy. Her eyes were very pretty.

"Corrine, what are you doing here?" Cain was the one who spoke. They suddenly stepped inside the entrance of the office.

Corrine? Where have I heard that name?

"I was talking to Bins," she answered in a kind and sweet voice. Why are these people so d.a.m.n perfect? Corrine looked at Gin. "Hey, Gin," she greeted.

I could feel Gin stiffened. "You shouldn’t have come outside at this hour," he answered in a monotone voice. But this time, I can feel something in his voice other than coldness. Worry?

"I'm also worried about all of you." Corrine smiled softly. "That's why I'm here."

There was an awkward silence that enveloped the place. Even Victoria was not throwing words. Then it dawned on me. She was that woman. The one Victoria was talking about in the forest earlier. Corrine looked at me which made me startled. It was like an angel staring down at filthy looking people.

I suddenly felt conscious of myself. Her forehead frowned a bit and seemed to wonder. I could tell immediately what she was thinking. 'Is she the one who stole the crest?'

I felt someone sigh next to me. Then he took my arm and gently pulled. "We need to go inside," he told me. Everyone looked at us because of his sudden change of mood.

He suddenly went cold again. I looked at Ethan's group who were left behind. And I saw Corrine staring down at Gin's hand on my arm.

When we entered, I saw a common room. There was a sofa, a table made of mahogany, carpeted floor, beautiful chandelier above and fireplace. It was warm and cozy inside. There was also a door that was ajar. I saw the interior of the room and it looked like a study. A moment later I heard the door shut where Gin and I came from. And exactly at the same time, there were two people who came from the door that was in front of us.  An old woman and a man who was in the middle fifties.

"Good evening, Gin." The old woman greeted as she sat on the sofa in front. The man didn't talk and sat next to the old woman. "You can sit down," said the old woman.

Gin sat down and I remained standing there. What is this, a meeting? Aren't they going to send me to the dungeon?

The old woman had a gentle face. But I can also feel the authority in her aura. The man looked strict and only spoke a few words. He seems like an older version of the guy who was sitting right beside where I stood. He pulled me to sit down.

"Where is the crest?" Asked the man.

Gin retrieved the round object in his pocket and put it on the table. It glimmered beneath the lighting of the place.

"How old are you?" asked the old woman.

"Seventeen." I choked out. I suddenly lost my voice. The old woman looked at the man beside her as if she was pa.s.sing information. "And what special ability do you have? How did you get the crest?"

"I didn't take it," I answered. "They just gave it to me."

Her brow raised. "But the men with you said that you were with them when they went here. And you're the one who stole it."

Flin and Karl are really jerks. If I see them in the jail I will kill them.

"I couldn't do that. I have enhanced senses and control. I can't use that in a robbery." I almost yelled. d.a.m.n. These people.

The two people in front of me paused, seemed to be in thought. "Enhanced senses and control?" The woman asked interestedly. "I thought you have special speed. That's what the people with you told us."

I cursed silently. They were referring to Lucas. "They were lying," I replied. "That's not my special ability. And even if I have, you can't prove that I'm the one who entered this place."

I stood my ground firmly. They had no proof that a person with special speed entered this place. Because there really isn't. Lucas was not with them when they robbed the Academy.

"Very well said," the old woman said smiling. Why is she even smiling?

Didn't she hear what I said? They have no proof.

"And you are a Tyler?" she asked again. "Let's see, what's your whole name?"

"I'm s.h.i.+a Sheridan," I answered with a straight face. "I'm not a Tyler. Flin and Karl only knew that I lived there."

The old lady seems entertained. "Really?" She said and seemed amused. "Well then, who is Lucas? He is a Tyler, yes, and he has super speed."

I suddenly stiffened at what she said. s.h.i.+T. They knew that I'm lying? I tried to calm myself. And what if they knew. They can't apprehend Lucas. I was the one holding the crest. They will have no evidence against him until I confess.

"Are you also going to apprehend him?" I said daringly. "Are you going to waste your time catching a person who had nothing to do with this even if the person guilty is already in front of you?"

The room became quiet, an apprehensive silence filled the room. A moment later the woman laughed softly.

"Why would we do that?" She said amused. "Like what you said earlier, you are already here. And I'm taking your word, Miss Sheridan. This time I will believe you, more than the two people with you. After all, it's already proven that they were the one who entered the palace."

I suddenly felt frustrated. So, they knew all along? Then why were they asking me questions if they already knew? Are they playing with me?


"Miss Sheridan, I have a proposition to make."

I looked at the man. He spoke for the first time. He looked at me with a watchful expression. Even Gin who was silent seems interested in the conversation.

"I'm interested in your ability," he said straightly. There was no introduction and straight to the point. "We need a person like you."

I frowned. Need me? For what? What is he saying?

"I'm willing to set you free. To give you back your previous life." He looked at me like he was challenging me. "But of course, you have to do something in return."

I mentally scoffed and rolled my eyes. What would you expect, that's the motto of the rich, right?

"I want you to be a part of a group. A group that will be joining the Linus Cup."

My jaw dropped at his statement. WAIT, WHAT?

ED's note: Sadly, another cliffhanger.

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Titan Academy of Special Abilities Chapter 5 summary

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