Spring Days Part 10

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"Yes it is. Don't fidget. Have you got the wine out? We should have a dozen of champagne. Mind you make no mistake; '80, that is the wine you must get. Jimmy is most particular what he drinks, and Alfred has the most frightful headaches if he drinks anything but the very best.

I hope he'll find the '80 all right."

"That's father's favourite wine; you mean to say that he won't miss it? Then the port and Burgundy and cherry brandy--I won't take the responsibility."

"n.o.body asked you. All you have to do is to return the keys to Maggie that you took from her."

"I don't think father will be as angry as you think, Grace; besides there's no drawing back now the invitations are out. I think it would be better to tell him that we had a few friends in for tennis. We needn't tell him who was there--we will suppress the name of the Southdown Road people; and we can take the bottles out from the back.

The wine won't be missed for a long time, and we will invent some better excuse before then. We will say that two bottles were drunk at this party and three at that; and further than that we can't remember."

"And what about the peaches? There are only a few ripe, and Sally says she'll want them all. Father has been looking forward to them for weeks and weeks."

"He'll have to do without them; if he wants peaches, he had better bring some down from Covent Garden."

A knock was heard at the door. "Please Miss, Mr. Escott is in the drawing-room."

"Tell him I will be downstairs in a moment," cried Maggie.

"Now off you go, my Lady Mount Rorke," said Sally, who had already begun to regret her promises, and to consider if she had not better break them.

Maggie asked him what train he came down by, then she called the dog; "Come here, my beautiful boy, come and kiss me." The bull-dog growled and wagged his tail.

"He won't hurt you; 'tis only his way of talking."

Maggie laughed, and they walked out on the green sward. "I suppose you've been to a great many b.a.l.l.s this season?"

"I don't know that I have; a few, perhaps. I am glad to get away from town. I like no place like this. I don't know if it is the place or the a.s.sociations."

"You are used to much finer places. I can fancy Mount Rorke--the lakes and the mountains; somehow I think I can see it. Isn't it strange, there are certain things and places you can realise so much better than others, and for no very understandable reason?"

"Yes, that is so," said Frank, obviously pleased by the remark. Then, after a pause, "Mount Rorke is a pretty place, and I don't think I could live long away from it. After a time I always find myself sighing for the bleakness and barrenness of the West. The hedgerows of England are pretty enough; but I hate the brick buildings."

"What kind of buildings do you have in Ireland?"

"Everything is built of grey stone, a cold grey tint on a background of green pasture lands and blue mountains. I daresay you wouldn't like it. It would recall nothing to you, but when I think of it, much less see it, I re-live my childhood all over again. I am a great person for old times. That is the reason I like coming down here. I knew you all so long ago; how well I can remember you--three dark little things.

You used to sit on my knee."

"And do you find nothing nice in the present?"

"Of course I do; it is nice to walk in the garden with you, but it seems to me you have all moved away from me a little. Grace is engaged, you are engaged--"

"Who said I was engaged?"

"Ha, ha, you see I hear everything. What is his name--Alfred?"

"I suppose Sally told you."

"I won't tell you who told me, I never betray secrets. You had a desperate flirtation two years ago, and the man had to go away, and you promised to wait for him."

"I don't mind telling you--I did meet a man about two years ago whom I rather liked; I used to see a great deal of him at tennis parties and b.a.l.l.s; he used to ask me to marry him. He wanted me to engage myself to him, and I told him it would be much better to wait and see what father would say."

"And what did your father say?"

"Father, he never knew anything about it. You may as well tell me, I know it was Sally. I suppose she told you I was very much in love with him?"

"She said, at least, the person who told me said, that you would never care for any one else."

"So you've been talking about me though you promised you wouldn't talk any more," Maggie said to herself, "All right, my lady--very well, we shall see."

"Grace is waving her parasol to us. Lunch must be ready."

Maggie and Grace had calculated that if they could limit the champagne to half a dozen bottles they would be able to hide the deficit from their father's scrutiny; but the servants seemed to be always filling the of the Southdown Road people, and lunch was not half over when they heard the fourth bottle go pop. Maggie looked at Sally across the pile of peaches, but Sally had no ears for the report, only for Jimmy's voice. Her head wagged as she talked, and Maggie wondered if they were exchanging napkins or rings beneath the table.

At that moment the servant handed a letter on a salver to Maggie, saying, "From Mrs. Horlock; the servant is waiting an answer, miss."

Grace trembled. Sally whispered to Jimmy, "What can she want?" In a rea.s.suring voice Maggie said, "She has heard we are having a few people in to tennis, and she wants to know if she may send us round a young man; she will come round herself with the General some time during the afternoon." At the mention of a young man many eyes gleamed, and Sally said, "You had better go at once and write a note and say that we shall be delighted." When they went into the verandah coffee was handed round, and Maggie, as the gentlemen lit their cigarettes, said to Grace, "Nothing could have happened better; father is sure to hear of this, we couldn't have kept it from him: now we can say Mrs. Horlock was our chaperon. None will know when she came, or when she went away." Then turning to her company, Maggie said, "Now gentlemen, as soon as you have finished your cigarettes we will begin."

Sally not only insisted on playing, but on playing with Jimmy; and Grace, who was striving to struggle into the position of Miss Brookes, could do nothing but set the girl in the florid dress and the man who stood next to her to play against them. The garden seemed to absorb the girls, but Maggie, catching sight of Mrs. Horlock, went to meet her.

Mrs. Horlock was sixty, but her figure was like a girl's. She led a blind pug in a complicated leading apparatus, and several other pugs in various stages of fat and decrepitude followed her. It was not long before she raised a discussion on hydrophobia, defending the disease from all the charges of horror and contagion that had been urged against it, narrating vehemently how a mad dog had died in her arms licking her hands and face, and appealing to the General, who denounced muzzling; but when the mangy mastiff came near him he whispered to Frank, "I wish they were all shot. You must come and see us; you must come and see us; I have a pretty little place in the Southdown Road (dreadful place to mention here, they don't like it; of course the people there aren't all quite the thing, but what are you to do, you know?). Lunch at two, dinner at eight--old Indians, you know. I have everything I want. Too many animals, perhaps, but that can't be helped."

"Do you live here all the year?"

"Yes, all the year round. We don't go away much. We have everything here--coach-houses, horses, you'll see when you come. The only thing I want is a little occupation, a little something to bring me out, you know. I read the _Morning Post_ every morning, and I have the _St James's_ in the evening; but then there is the middle of the day," and, with laughter full of genial kindness and goodwill, the General repeated this phrase: "I want a little something to bring me out, you know."

Forty years of Indian sun! b.a.l.l.s in the Government House in Calcutta!

Viceroys, tigers, horse-racing, elephants, jealousies, flirtations, deaths, all now forgotten, and if not forgotten, at rest; and now glad to watch life unfolding itself again in an English village, this old couple sat in the calm sunlight of an English garden, relics of another generation, emblems of an England drawing to a close.

At five o'clock Grace was busy at the tea-table; and very hot and moist Sally threw herself into a cane chair. Maggie, who had suddenly appeared upon the scene, arranged some fresh sets in which she and Frank did not take part--she having promised to walk with him; and they went towards the shade of the sycamores. She had neglected him nearly the whole day, and he was vexed with her. But she excused herself volubly, accusing Sally of indifference to all things except her own pleasures, and impressed upon him that it was her duty to show some politeness to Mrs. Horlock's friend.

"Sally would play tennis, she played two sets, three if I am not mistaken, and she never left Jimmy's side. She took no notice of any one; for that reason I hate having people to the house when she is here; everything devolves upon Grace and me. It is really too bad.

Father wouldn't mind our giving this party at all, if it weren't for him. If he hears that he was here, well, I don't know what will happen."

"He doesn't look quite a gentleman, does he? He is a s.h.i.+p's mate, isn't he?"

"Yes, but it isn't that; father cannot bear those Southdown Road people. A lot of young men live there--quite as good as ourselves, no doubt, but they are all so poor, and father thinks of nothing but money. And Sally meets them. When she goes out driving in the cart she picks them up, and they go off together. Father doesn't know any of them, and he says they laugh at him when he goes to the station in the morning. 'Tisn't true, it is only his imagination; but I can quite well understand his feelings. You know Sally won't give way in anything. Once she ran into the kitchen, and told cook to put back the dinner, so that she might run down the slonk to finish her conversation with him. Of course father was mad at that, coming home tired from the City, and finding that his dinner had been put back.

You saw the way they went on at lunch, sitting close together."

"We were all sitting close together."

"Yes, but not like they were. And all that nonsense with their napkins under the table. If you didn't see it, so much the better. I thought everybody saw it. I wish Sally wouldn't do it. Father, as you know, has a lot of money to leave, and if she did really go too far, I fear he would cut her off."

"But she never would go too far."

"No, I don't think so; I am sure Sally wouldn't do anything that was really wrong, but she is very imprudent."

"How do you mean?"

"I don't know that I ought to tell you."

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Spring Days Part 10 summary

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