The Orpheus C. Kerr Papers Volume Ii Part 30

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"'Where do you intend to take me!'

"'_To the Sultan!_' exclaimed Nemyl; and, as she sank upon her knees at his feet, he added, furiously, 'Base girl, you would have covered me with disgrace by following a Christian dog; but Allah gave me strength, and I slew the barbarian in his toils.'

"In silence the girl rose to her feet, and signified her readiness to depart by a low salaam.

"At the street door stood the litter prepared for her reception, and Nemyl pus.h.i.+ng her into it, drew the curtains, and gave the signal to the drivers, while he mounted his horse and accompanied them. On arriving at the city of the Sultan (which they did after a tedious journey), Nemyl conveyed his daughter to the grand bazaar; for, in fact, he never received an offer from the Sultan, but spread the report that other purchasers might present themselves, whose positions would fail to gratify the desires of his inordinate ambition. Not long had he remained there with the litter, when the Kislar Aga of Soliman entered the bazaar, and made directly towards him, with long strides.

"'What animal have you in your litter that you keep it closed like a cage?' asked the Aga.

"'Your slave will show you that you may judge of it for yourself,'

answered Nemyl, and drawing the curtains, disclosed Zara, with tears upon her cheeks.

"The Aga started back in amazement at beholding such a display of beauty, and all his anger vanished like snow beneath a sunbeam. He well knew that the addition of such an ornament to the Sultan's harem, through his instrumentality, would add greatly to his consequence; and his satisfaction was so evident, that Nemyl beheld it with delight, and--profited by it.

"'How much gold do you want for the girl?' asked the Aga, endeavoring to appear indifferent.

"'Five thousand doblas,' answered Nemyl, composedly.

"'Five thousand doblas! _Bismillah!_ dare you laugh at our beards? That money would buy a dozen women.'

"'I was offered that by a Russian officer,' said the Circa.s.sian, without moving his eyes.

"For a moment the Aga hesitated, but the idea of selecting a favorite speedily overcame all his scruples, and bidding Nemyl follow him with the litter, he proceeded to a private door of the imperial seraglio, and gave Zara in charge of two female slaves.

"Thus was the fairest flower of Franquistan placed in the imperial garden, and he who had trained it was soon on his way home, with five thousand doblas in his pocket.

"What pencil could portray the delight of his sublime highness, or what tongue could repeat the language of his immaculate lips, when he beheld his Aga's new purchase.

"'_Barek Allah!_' praise be to G.o.d; 'what an hour!' he exclaimed, kissing her pa.s.sionately.

"'She is already a favorite,' said the Aga, and smiled.

"'She will be a favorite,' said the queen's mother, and frowned.

"Zara wept, and would not be comforted during the first few days of her residence at the seraglio; but finally the kind words of his sublime highness conquered her obstinacy, and throwing herself at his feet, she made a full confession of her fondness for Garstoff, and his vain attempt to carry her away by stratagem.

"The Sultan was much afflicted by this news, for he really loved Zara, and was aware, that, should her defection become known, his honor would compel him to plunge her lifeless body into the Bosphorus.

"'My dear Zara,' he said, encircling her waist with his arms, 'you have been frank with me, but beware that you speak of this affair to no one else, or your life will surely be sacrificed. This Garstoff is dead, and can now be nothing to you; do not waste your affections upon a skeleton; but let them revert to me, and Soliman will become the slave of your will.'

"In such a manner did the Refuge of Mankind talk to the daughter of Nemyl, until she gradually drew the veil of forgetfulness over past sorrows, and respected his sublime highness, if she did not love him.

Taking the highest rank in the harem, no wish of hers remained unanswered; masters of every art were furnished as her instructors; subservient slaves were ever ready to do her bidding, and costly presents of every description rolled in upon the favorite, from those who had--axes to grind.

"Each day the Sultan became more deeply in love with her, and in the same proportion, she became each day more odious to those, whom, from old age, or satiety, the magnificent Soliman had quitted for Zara.

Among the most violent enemies of the new favorite, was the queen mother, who suborned the Kislar Aga to her will, and through him, maintained a thorough system of espionage upon every word and action of the object of her hatred; but Zara rendered all her efforts futile until one day while going abroad, she observed a person dressed in the janissary uniform, whose form appeared familiar; and what was her emotion, when he turned his face toward her, and discovered the features of _Garstoff_!"

Here the English member interrupted the reader, and says he:

"Good gracious! I thought that fellow was dead."

"No, sir," says the Turkish chap; "you should remember that Nemyl spared his life."

"I don't remember anything about it," says the British chap, crustily; "but I suppose you told that part of the story when I was asleep.


"The Kislar Aga, who stood behind her litter, noted Zara's emotions and their apparent cause, and when he returned to the palace, made his instigatress acquainted with her rival's strange conduct. The wily woman at once perceived that Zara was partially in her power, and instructed her instrument to watch the favorite closely, and gain further information. Meanwhile, their intended victim suffered the pangs of remorse, and old feelings awakened from their long sleep, struggled fiercely with the usurping pa.s.sions in her bosom.

"The sight of the Russian, whom she believed to be in his grave, made her frantic with sorrow, and she resolved to speak with him, although by so doing, she would risk discovery and an ignominious end.

"To accomplish her purpose she called upon the Aga, as he had always appeared devoted to her special interests, and, describing the person of her lover, asked him to carry a billet to Garstoff, and thus gain a rich reward.

"'Aga,' she said, with composure, 'you must find this man, and ask him if his name is not Garstoff. Should he start, and answer yes, give him this slip of paper, and say no more.'

"With many vows of fidelity, the Aga received the billet, and carried it direct to--the queen mother.

"The latter person did not hesitate to open it, and read as follows:

"'GARSTOFF: I have seen you, and would speak with you. Meet me near the mosque of Omar, to-morrow, at the tenth hour.'


"'She is caught at last,' said the triumphant plotter; 'but we must let the affair run on, until the Sultan may be convinced by his own eyes of her guilt.'

"Accordingly, the slave departed in search of the disguised Russian, whom he soon discovered from the description given him by Zara.

"'Is not your name Garstoff?' he asked.

"'Great heavens!--yes, it is!' answered the janissary, in great confusion.

"'Then here is something for you,' said the Aga; and, handing him the billet, turned upon his heel.

"Great was the surprise of Garstoff when he read the letter; but joy quickly overcame wonder, and he hastened to procure a suitable disguise for the strange meeting.

"At the appointed hour he stood before the mosque, and presently a m.u.f.fled figure approached him, whom his beating heart proclaimed to be the long lost object of his adoration. It was indeed Zara, and, in one moment, they were in each other's arms.

"The Russian hastened to relate his adventures since they last saw each other, and finished by saying:

"'I gave up my commission, dearest Zara, to seek for you, and now that we once more behold each other, let us never part again. This hated uniform I a.s.sumed to facilitate my search; it shall be thrown aside now and forever.'

"Then Zara commenced her narrative, but was quickly interrupted.

"'Zara, tell me, for heaven's sake, have you listened to the Sultan's words of love? Are you, are you--his--slave?' gasped Garstoff, staggering against the wall.

"Zara looked to the ground.

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The Orpheus C. Kerr Papers Volume Ii Part 30 summary

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