English Caricaturists and Graphic Humourists of the Nineteenth Century Part 36

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"The Struggles and Adventures of Christopher Tadpole," by Albert Smith, etchings.

[_With John Tenniel and others._] "The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain," by Charles d.i.c.kens. 1847-8.

[_With Richard Doyle and Alfred Crowquill._] "Bon Gaultier's Book of Ballads," by Theodore Martin and Professor Aytoun. 1849.

"A Man made of Money," by Douglas Jerrold, twelve etchings.

"Natural History of Evening Parties," by Albert Smith.

1851. "The Month," edited by Albert Smith.

1852. "Dashes of American Humour," by Howard Paul.

"The Comic History of Rome," by Gilbert a Beckett, ten coloured etchings and numerous designs on wood.

1853. "The Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran and his man Mark Antony Toole,"

by W. H. Maxwell, etchings.

"Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour," by R. W. Surtees, twelve coloured etchings and numerous designs on wood.

1854. "The Great Highway," by S. W. Fullom.

"Handley Cross; or, Mr. Jorrock's Jaunts," by R. W. Surtees, coloured etchings and numerous designs on wood.

1856. "The Paragreens."

1857. "Merry Pictures," by the Comic Hands of Phiz, Leech, Kenny Meadows, Gavarni, and others.

"The Militia Man at Home and Abroad," by Emeritus.

"A Month in the Forests of France," by the Hon. Grantley F. Berkeley.

1858. "Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports."

"Ask Mamma; or, the Richest Commoner in England," by R. W. Surtees, coloured etchings and numerous designs on wood.

1859. "The Fliers of the Hunt," by John Mills.

"A Little Tour in Ireland," by the Rev. S. Reynolds Hole, coloured folding frontispiece and designs on wood.

"Newton Dogvane: a Story of English Life," by J. Francis.

"Soapey Sponge" (sporting).

"Paul Prendergast."

"Once a Week," 1859 to 1864.

1860. "Mr. Briggs and His Doings" (fis.h.i.+ng), twelve coloured plates.

"Plain or Ringlets," by R. W. Surtees, coloured etchings and numerous designs on wood.

[_With George Cruikshank, "Phiz," and John Tenniel._] "Puck on Pegasus."


"Mill's Life of a Fox-Hound."

[_With George Cruikshank and John Tenniel._] "The Ingoldsby Legends."


"The Follies of the Year," twenty-one coloured etchings from _Punch's_ "Pocket Books," with descriptive letterpress by s.h.i.+rley Brooks.

"Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds," by R. W. Surtees, coloured etchings and designs on wood (finished by "Phiz").

[_With Doyle and others._] "The Cricket on the Hearth." By Charles d.i.c.kens. 1845-6.


"Fly Leaves," lithographs.

"Sketches of Life and Character taken at the Police Court, Bow Street,"

by George Hodder.



"Ups and Downs," 1823; "Paternal Pride," 1825; "Despondency and Jealousy" (with George Cruikshank), and many others, in 1825; "Der Freyschutz Travestied," "Alfred Crowquill's Sketch-Book," "Absurdities in Prose and Verse," 1827; Goethe's "Faust," 1834; six plates of "Pickwickian Sketches," Alfred Bunn's "Vauxhall Papers," 1841; designs on wood for "Sea Pie," an _omnium gatherum_ containing also plates after David c.o.x, Pyne, Stanfield, and Vickers, 1842; "Punch" (vols. ii. to iv.); plates and numerous designs on wood for "Bentley's Miscellany,"

many original designs to "Doctor Syntax's Tour in Search of the Picturesque," 1844; "Comic Arithmetic" (forty-seven humorous vignettes), 1844; "Woman's Love," 1846; "Wanderings of a Pen and Pencil," 1846; "A Good-natured Hint about California," 1849; "The Excitement" (2 plates), 1849; 120 designs on wood for the "Pictorial Grammar;" designs on wood for the "Pictorial Arithmetic;" "Gold," 1850; "A Bundle of Crowquills Dropped by Alfred Crowquill," 1854; "Fun," 1854; "Griffel Swillendrunken," 1856; "Aunt Mavor's Nursery Tales," 1856; "Little Pilgrim," 1856; "Little Plays for Little Actors," 1856; "Fairy Tales,"

1857; "Merry Pictures by the Comic Hands of 'Phiz,'" etc. (Kent & Co.), 1857; "The Book of Ballads," by Bon Gaultier (with Doyle and Leech), 1857; "A New Story Book," 1858; "Fairy Tales," by Cuthbert Bede, 1858; "Baron Munchausen" (coloured plates), 1858; "Tyll Owlgla.s.s" (a similar book), 1859; "Honesty and Cunning," 1859; "Kindness and Cruelty," 1859; "The Red Cap," 1859; "Paul Prendergast," 1859; "Strange Surprising Adventures of the Venerable Gooros Simple," 1861; "Fairy Footsteps,"

1861; Chambers' "Book of Days;" G. W. Reynolds' "Pickwick Abroad" (now scarce); "The Boys and the Giant," 1870; "The Cunning Fox," 1870; "d.i.c.k Doolittle," 1870; "Little Tiny's Picture Book," 1871; "Guide to the Watering Places" (views and comic plates); "Comic Eton Grammar" (with Leech); "Fairy Footsteps; or, Lessons from Legends" (100 designs on wood, with Kenny Meadows); Henry c.o.c.kton's "Sisters; or, England and France."



Charles d.i.c.kens's "Sunday under Three Heads," 1836.

"Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club," forty-three plates by Seymour and "Phiz." 1836-37.

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English Caricaturists and Graphic Humourists of the Nineteenth Century Part 36 summary

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