The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 55

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=Indian soy sauce.= Put two ounces of b.u.t.ter in a ca.s.serole, add two chopped shallots, and heat. Then add one spoonful of flour, one pint of boiling milk, one-half pint of Indian soy sauce, and season with salt and Cayenne pepper. Boil for a few minutes; then add a cup of thick cream and the juice of a lemon. The Indian soy sauce may be obtained in bottles.

=Chicken saute, Alsacienne.= Cut a chicken in four. Heat one ounce of b.u.t.ter in a saute pan, add the chicken, season with salt and pepper and a chopped shallot, and cook until golden yellow. Then add one-half spoonful of flour, and toss. Then add one-half gla.s.s of white wine, one cup of bouillon, and a spoonful of meat extract; and simmer for fifteen minutes. Serve on a platter garnished on one side with noodles, and on the other side with flour dumplings. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.

=Escoffier dressing.= Mix well together one-fourth cup of imported Escoffier sauce, which may be obtained in bottles, three-fourths of a cup of Chili sauce, a cup of mayonnaise to which has been added the juice of half a lemon, a little chives cut fine, and salt, pepper and paprika to taste. Pour over the salad.


BREAKFAST Orange marmalade Buckwheat cakes Breakfast sausages Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Canape de sardine Eggs Grazienna Pork tenderloin, sauce piquante Lorraine potatoes Dandelion salad Oregon cream cheese with crackers Coffee

DINNER Little Neck clams Fish broth, with whipped cream Chow chow Broiled barracouda, sauce Rougemont Potato brioche Tournedos, Cafe Julien String beans with tomatoes Escarole salad Strawberries a la mode a.s.sorted cakes Demi

=Eggs Grazienna.= Mix a cupful of boiled peas with a spoonful of cream sauce and a little salt and sugar. Heat well, and place on a platter.

Put four fried eggs on top of the peas and pour a little tomato sauce around the bottom of the platter.

=Fish broth with whipped cream.= Make a fish broth, serve whipped cream and cheese straws on the side.

=Potato brioche.= Make a potato croquette preparation. Roll out, in flour, into the shape of a ball, place on a b.u.t.tered pan, brush the tops with yolks of eggs, and bake in oven until nicely colored.

=Sauce Rougemont (cold).= Chop very fine some fresh mustard and tarragon, and mix with well-seasoned mayonnaise. If fresh mustard is not available use a little French mustard.

=Broiled barracouda, sauce Rougemont.= Split a barracouda, season well with salt and pepper, roll in oil, and broil. Place on a platter and garnish with parsley in branches and quartered lemons. Serve sauce Rougemont separate.

=Tournedos, Cafe Julien.= Take tournedos, or filet mignons, or small tenderloin steaks, or sirloin steaks; season well with salt and pepper, roll in oil, and broil. When done place on a platter, and garnish, for each person, with one fresh boiled artichoke bottom filled with French peas. Pour sauce Madere over the meat.

=String beans with tomatoes.= Peel and cut four tomatoes in four. Put in a ca.s.serole with one ounce of b.u.t.ter, season with salt and pepper, and simmer for ten minutes. Add two pounds of fresh boiled string beans, and two more ounces of fresh b.u.t.ter. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and simmer for five minutes. Sprinkle with parsley chopped fine.


BREAKFAST Sliced pineapple Fried eggs with salt pork Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Little Neck clam c.o.c.ktails Eggs a la tripe Cold roast beef String bean salad d.u.c.h.esse darioles Demi

DINNER Potage Maintenon California ripe olives Pompano saute, meuniere Roast duckling, apple sauce Baked creamed squash Sweet potatoes saute Green peas Waldorf salad Fancy ice cream a.s.sorted cakes Coffee

=Fried eggs with salt pork.= Put four slices of salt pork in a frying pan and fry until done. Then break four eggs on top of the pork, season with a little pepper, and bake in oven for three minutes.

=Dariole d.u.c.h.esse.= Mix one ounce of flour and three ounces of sugar with two whole eggs and five yolks. Then add one pint of milk to which has been added six crushed macaroons. Line about a dozen dariole moulds, or small timbales, with tartelette dough, or puff paste parings. (Paste left over when making vol au vent or puff paste cakes). The paste should be rolled out very thin. Into the bottom of each lined mould place a little chopped candied fruit, then fill with the above preparation. Dust some powdered sugar on top, and bake in a rather hot oven. Unmould and serve with fruit sauce.

=Potage Maintenon.= Put a soup hen and two pounds of veal bones in a pot in one gallon of water, add a spoonful of salt, one onion, one carrot, one stalk of celery, one-half stalk of leek, and a bouquet garni. Bring to a boil, skim well, and then simmer until the fowl is done. Then take out the fowl and cut the white meat in small squares. Strain the broth.

Heat in a ca.s.serole four ounces of b.u.t.ter, add one-half cup of rice and two and one-half ounces of flour. When heated through add the broth, stir well, and let it simmer slowly. When once boiling be careful that the rice does not stick to the bottom and burn. Also be careful when stirring that you do not break the rice. Taste, season with salt and a little Cayenne pepper; and when the rice is soft thicken the soup with the yolks of four eggs mixed with a cup of cream and a very little grated nutmeg. Do not let the soup boil after adding the thickening.


BREAKFAST Fresh raspberries and strawberries with cream Calf's liver and bacon Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Cantaloupe and watermelon, surprise s.h.i.+rred eggs, Caroli Veal kidneys saute, au Madere Mashed potatoes Salade Bresilienne Camembert cheese with crackers Coffee

DINNER Consomme brunoise and vermicelli Pickles. Radishes Planked black ba.s.s Cuc.u.mber salad Deviled chickens' legs with Virginia ham Spinach with cream Egg plant, Sicilienne French pastry Demi

=Cantaloupe and watermelon, surprise.= Cut out with a round Parisian spoon equal parts of cantaloupe and watermelon. Mix, and serve in grapefruit supreme Serve salt, pepper and powdered sugar separate.

=Eggs, Caroli.= Place in a b.u.t.tered s.h.i.+rred egg dish one slice of smoked beef tongue, break two eggs on top, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with grated cheese, put small bits of b.u.t.ter on top, and bake in oven until brown.

=Consomme brunoise and vermicelli.= One quart of consomme brunoise mixed with one pint of consomme vermicelli. Serve grated cheese separate.

=Planked black ba.s.s.= Season a whole black ba.s.s with salt and pepper, and lay on a b.u.t.tered plank. Put a little b.u.t.ter on top of the fish, and set in oven to bake. When the fish is done make a border around the edge of the plank with potato croquette preparation, using a pastry bag with a star tube to squeeze the potato through. Then set back in oven and cook until the border is brown. Pour two spoonfuls of maitre d'hotel b.u.t.ter over the fish, and garnish with parsley in branches and quartered lemons.

=Deviled chickens' legs and Virginia ham.= Use the legs from soup hens or roasted chickens. Spread with a mixture of half English and half French mustard, roll in bread crumbs, sprinkle with olive oil, broil, and place on a platter. Broil one slice of Virginia ham for each person, and lay on top of the chickens' legs. Pour tomato sauce around them.

=Egg plant, Sicilienne.= Peel an egg plant and cut in thin slices. Mix in a bowl two cups of grated cheese, one egg, half a cup of very thick cream, a little chopped chives, salt and a little Cayenne pepper. Spread on a slice of egg plant, and lay another slice on top, in the form of a sandwich. Roll in flour, then in beaten eggs, and finally in bread crumbs. Fry in very hot swimming b.u.t.ter, and serve on folded napkin.


BREAKFAST Stewed prunes German pancakes Corn m.u.f.fins Ceylon tea

LUNCHEON Hors d'oeuvres a.s.sortis Cold consomme in cups Baked oysters, Gruyere Russian salad Mirlitons au rhum Coffee

DINNER Potage Ruffo Queen olives Bouillabaisse Ma.r.s.eillaise Roast leg of lamb Corn a la Marie Potato croquettes Lima beans in b.u.t.ter Chicory and romaine salad Vanilla ice cream Lady cake Demi

=Baked oysters, Gruyere.= Season one dozen oysters on the half sh.e.l.l with salt and pepper, lay on each a very thin slice of Swiss cheese, put a small bit of b.u.t.ter on top, and bake in a very hot oven for six minutes. Serve in the, on a platter, garnished with quartered lemons.

=Mirlitons au rhum.= Beat until very light, six eggs, six ounces of powdered sugar, and six ounces of almonds chopped very fine. Then add two tablespoonfuls of rum, one ounce of flour, and four ounces of melted b.u.t.ter. Pour into tartalette moulds, that have been lined with very thin dough. Dust the tops with powdered sugar, and bake in a rather hot oven.

Glace the tops with thin icing flavored with rhum.

=Potage Ruffo.= Mix one quart of puree of tomato soup with one pint of consomme, add one-half pound of macaroni that has been boiled in salted water, and cut in pieces one-half inch long. Serve grated cheese separate.

=Corn a la Marie.= Put two ounces of b.u.t.ter and two peeled and quartered tomatoes in a ca.s.serole, and simmer for five minutes. Then add the corn cut from six boiled ears, season with salt, pepper, and a pinch of sugar, and simmer for five minutes.

=Lady cake.= One pound of sugar, three-quarters of a pound of sweet b.u.t.ter, one pound of flour, two ounces of corn starch, half a teaspoonful of baking powder, the whites of sixteen eggs, and rose flavoring. Mix the sugar with the b.u.t.ter and half of the whites of eggs.

Mix the flour, corn starch and baking powder together, and add it to the first mixture. Beat the remainder of the whites of eggs until very hard, and add them to the preceding. Add the rose flavoring, mix lightly, put in mould and bake in the same manner as pound cake.


BREAKFAST Orange marmalade Poached eggs with bacon Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Grapefruit with chestnuts Eggs Mollet, Auben Lamb hash, Sam Ward Escaloped tomatoes Sierra cheese with crackers Coffee

DINNER Blue Point oysters on half sh.e.l.l Consomme federal Salted Brazil nuts Boiled Lake Tahoe trout, Hollandaise Potatoes, nature Sweetbreads braise, Georginette Roast chicken New beets, Californienne Baked kohl rabi Hearts of lettuce, egg dressing Lemon water ice Lady fingers Demi

=Eggs Mollet, Auben.= Make four croustades, lay an egg Mollet in each, and pour a little sauce Italienne over them.

=Lamb hash, Sam Ward.= Put two ounces of b.u.t.ter and one chopped onion in a ca.s.serole and simmer until yellow. Then add one pound of raw potatoes cut in small squares, and two pounds of left-over lamb cut in the same manner; season with salt and pepper, add one cup of bouillon, cover, and simmer for nearly an hour. Then dish up and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

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The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 55 summary

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