The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 56

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=Escaloped tomatoes.= Drain into a bowl the juice from canned tomatoes.

b.u.t.ter a baking dish, cover the bottom with a layer of the tomatoes, add bits of b.u.t.ter, season with salt and pepper, and sprinkle with fresh bread crumbs. Then repeat with tomatoes, seasoning, and crumbs, in order, until the dish is full. Then add the tomato juice, sprinkle some crumbs on top, and bake in oven for twenty minutes. Serve in same dish.

=Consomme federal.= Make a consomme royal, season with a little Cayenne pepper, and add six thin slices of truffle for each person.

=Sweetbreads braise, Georginette.= Make a puree of sorrel (see vegetable). Add to the puree some sliced canned mushrooms; or fresh mushrooms saute in b.u.t.ter. Put the sorrel on a platter, lay sweetbreads braise on top, and pour the gravy around the bottom of the platter.

=New beets, Californienne.= Put in a saute pan two ounces of b.u.t.ter, three cloves, one teaspoonful of tarragon vinegar, one-half teaspoonful of sugar, and some fresh-cooked and peeled, small beets. Simmer for a few minutes.

=Baked kohl rabi.= Peel some kohl rabi, slice thin, and boil in salted water. Then arrange in a baking dish, cover with well-seasoned cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and bread crumbs in equal parts, put small bits of b.u.t.ter on top, and bake in oven until brown.


BREAKFAST Baked pears with cream Broiled salmon bellies with melted b.u.t.ter Plain boiled potatoes Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Cantaloupe Eggs, Jockey Club Cold chicken and tongue, meat jelly String bean and tomato salad American dairy cheese with crackers Coffee

DINNER Macaroni soup, with leeks California ripe olives Fillet of flounder, Chilienne Roast loin of veal, au jus Stuffed egg plant Asparagus tips in cream Cleo potatoes Escarole salad Chocolate eclairs Demi

=Eggs, Jockey Club.= s.h.i.+rred eggs garnished with veal kidneys saute au Madere.

=String bean and tomato salad.= Equal parts of fresh-boiled cold string beans and peeled and quartered tomatoes. Put the beans around the edge of a salad bowl and the tomatoes in the center. Serve with French dressing and fresh-chopped parsley.

=Macaroni soup with leeks.= Slice six stalks of leek very thin, and put in ca.s.serole with three ounces of b.u.t.ter. Simmer until the leeks are cooked; then add two quarts of bouillon, stock or chicken broth; and bring to a boil. Then add six ounces of macaroni that has been boiled in salted water for fifteen minutes and then cut in pieces one inch long.

Boil again for fifteen minutes, and season with salt and pepper. It is ready to serve when the macaroni is soft. Serve grated cheese separate.

=Fillet of flounder, Chilienne.= Put four fillets of flounder in a flat b.u.t.tered baking dish, season with salt and pepper, lay four parboiled oysters on top of each fillet, and cover all with sauce Creole. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bread crumbs, put small bits of b.u.t.ter on top, and bake in oven for thirty minutes. Serve in the same dish, sprinkled with chopped parsley.

=Stuffed egg plant.= Three tablespoonfuls of sweet b.u.t.ter, one-half cupful of fresh bread crumbs, one cup of bouillon, the breast or leg of a cooked chicken chopped very fine, one egg, one-half gla.s.s of white wine, one pony of sherry wine, one tablespoonful of flour; and for seasoning use salt and pepper, and a little grated nutmeg, if desired.

Cut three egg plants in two lengthwise, and scoop out the centers, leaving the sh.e.l.l a half inch thick. Soak half a cup of bread crumbs in a little stock or bouillon for five minutes; then add the chicken, two spoonfuls of b.u.t.ter, the egg, well beaten, and the chopped centers of the egg plant. Season, fill the egg plant, sprinkle with fresh bread crumbs, put small bits of b.u.t.ter on top, set in pan with a spoonful of olive oil, pour in the rest of the bouillon and white wine, and bake in a moderate oven. Serve on hot dishes, with the following sauce. Heat one spoonful of flour with one spoonful of b.u.t.ter, add the sherry wine and a cupful of the broth from the pan in which the egg plant was baked, and cook for five minutes. Pour the sauce around the egg plant.

=Asparagus tips in cream.= Make half a pint of cream sauce, and season well. Heat a can of asparagus tips in its own water; drain, lay in a deep vegetable dish, and pour the cream sauce over them.


BREAKFAST Fresh grapes and apricots Oatmeal with cream Crescents Chocolate with whipped cream

LUNCHEON Herring salad, Moscovite Eggs, Germaine Lamb chops saute, aux fines herbes Peas and shallots in cream Mashed potatoes au gratin Lemon pie, special Coffee

DINNER German carrot soup Salami. Green olives. Celery Sand dabs, Gaillard Braised beef, comfortable Green corn Potato croquettes Romaine salad Fancy ice cream a.s.sorted cakes Coffee

=Herring salad, Moscovite.= Soak half a dozen salted herrings in cold water for two hours. Then skin them, remove the bones, slice very thin, and place on a china platter. Chop two pickled beets, and place around the herring. Chop separately the whites and yolks of two hard-boiled eggs, and place on top of the herring. Pour the following dressing over all: Put in a bowl two spoonfuls of fresh-grated horseradish, a little salt and fresh-ground black pepper, one spoonful of tarragon vinegar, two spoonfuls of olive oil, and a little chopped cloves and parsley. Mix well.

=Eggs, Germaine.= Broil four large heads of fresh mushrooms and place them on four small round pieces of toast. Put a poached egg on top of each mushroom; and cover with sauce Colbert, to which has been added a little chopped tarragon.

=Lamb chops saute, aux fines herbes.= Season eight lamb chops with salt and pepper, and fry in melted b.u.t.ter. Then place the chops on a platter.

Put two ounces of b.u.t.ter in the frying pan, cook until the b.u.t.ter is brown, and pour over the chops. Sprinkle with chopped parsley, chervil, tarragon, and the juice of a lemon.

=Peas and shallots in cream.= Put in a saute pan one dozen peeled shallots and simmer in two ounces of b.u.t.ter until golden yellow. Then add one quart of sh.e.l.led peas, one cup of water, a little salt and a pinch of sugar. Then put on the cover and boil until soft. Drain off half of the broth and add one pint of rich cream sauce. Boil again for a few minutes.

=German carrot soup.= Grate the red parts of six carrots and put in a ca.s.serole with two ounces of b.u.t.ter and one chopped onion. Simmer for twenty minutes. Then add one pint of chicken broth, or veal broth, or any kind of stock; and one bouquet garni. Boil for twenty minutes, then remove the bouquet, and pa.s.s the rest through a fine sieve. Put back in ca.s.serole, add one pint of cream sauce, bring to a boil, and bind with the yolks of two eggs mixed with one cup of cream. Strain again; and before serving add a quarter of a pound of boiled noodles. Season with salt and a little Cayenne pepper.

=Sand dabs, Gaillard.= Season four sand dabs with salt and pepper, put in a b.u.t.tered pan, lay four raw oysters on top of each fish, add one-half gla.s.s of white wine, cover with b.u.t.tered paper, and cook in oven for ten minutes. Then remove the paper and pour one pint of cream sauce over the fish. Sprinkle with two chopped hard-boiled eggs, put a few bits of b.u.t.ter on top, and bake in oven until brown.

=Braised beef, comfortable.= Braise the beef, as described elsewhere.

Add to the sauce one can of sliced mushrooms. Garnish the beef with a timbale of spinach for each person.


BREAKFAST Sliced peaches with cream Picked-up codfish in cream Rolls Coffee

LUNCHEON Cold consomme, in cups Cold braised beef, meat jelly Cole slaw Omelette Celestine Demi

DINNER Mutton broth, Kitchener Radishes Oysters, Newburg Fried chicken, Savoy Canned corn fritters Egg plant in ca.s.serole Lettuce salad French pastry Coffee

=Omelette Celestine.= Prepare an omelet, and before turning on platter fill with a little currant jelly. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, and burn with a hot iron. Cut some lady fingers in two, mix with a little sweetened whipped cream, and place at one end of the omelet. At the other end place some macaroons mixed with sweetened whipped cream.

=Mutton soup, Kitchener.= Put in a ca.s.serole three pounds of s.h.i.+n of beef, and a rack of lamb consisting of about six chops. Cover with about a gallon of water, add a little salt, bring to a boil, and skim. Then add two carrots, two turnips, one stalk of celery, two stalks of leeks, a bouquet garni, a spoonful of whole black peppers tied in cheese cloth, and one-half pound of large barley. Boil slowly. When the lamb is done remove, cut the chops apart and lay in soup tureen. When the vegetables are done remove the bouquet and the pepper bag; and cut the leeks, celery, carrots and turnips in small squares. Continue boiling the beef and barley until soft. Then remove the beef, which may be used the following day for an entree dish if desired. Add to the soup two ounces of sweet b.u.t.ter, a gla.s.s of dry sherry wine, and the cut vegetables.

Test for seasoning; and pour over the chops in the tureen. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.

=Oysters, Newburg.= Put two dozen oysters, with their juice, in a pan.

Bring to a boil, drain off the broth, add one cup of cream sauce, boil once, then bind with the yolks of four eggs mixed with one-half cup of cream. Season with a little salt and Cayenne pepper, let come nearly to a boil, and add one-half gla.s.s of sherry wine. Serve in a chafing dish.

=Fried chicken, Savoy.= Joint two small frying chickens, season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, then in beaten eggs, and finally in bread crumbs. Fry in swimming hot melted b.u.t.ter. When done pour a cupful of tomato sauce on a platter, lay the chicken on it, and garnish with asparagus tips a la Hollandaise.

=Canned corn fritters.= One tablespoonful of melted b.u.t.ter, one can of crushed corn, one cupful of flour, one teaspoonful of baking powder, three tablespoonfuls of milk, and salt and white pepper to taste. Put all in a bowl and mix well. Drop on a hot b.u.t.tered griddle in spoonfuls, and brown on both sides. Can be made with fresh corn if desired. Serve with roast or fried chicken.

=Egg plant in ca.s.serole.= Slice very thin, one large, or two small, egg plants, three small onions, one clove of garlic, three tomatoes, and one green pepper. Arrange alternately in a b.u.t.tered ca.s.serole, season with salt and pepper, pour four tablespoonfuls of melted b.u.t.ter over all, cover, and cook with a slow fire. Serve hot or cold.


BREAKFAST Fresh strawberries with cream Boiled eggs b.u.t.tered toast Oolong tea

LUNCHEON Poached eggs, Florentine Tripe etuve, bonne femme Bischwiller potatoes Alligator pear salad Roquefort cheese with crackers Coffee

DINNER Oysters on half sh.e.l.l Consomme Portugaise California ripe olives Salmon steak, Colbert Noisettes of lamb, Ducale Asparagus Hollandaise York potatoes Dandelion salad, egg dressing Wine jelly with apricots Silver cake Coffee

=Poached eggs, Florentine.= Cut a can of pimentos in strips their full length and about one-quarter inch wide. Heat in a saute pan with a little b.u.t.ter, and seasoned with salt and pepper. Lay them on a platter, crosswise, and place six poached eggs on top. Pour Madeira sauce around them.

=Tripe etuve, bonne femme.= Cut two pounds of cooked tripe in strips about one-half inch wide and three inches long. Put two ounces of b.u.t.ter and two chopped onions in a ca.s.serole, and simmer until done. Then add spoonful of flour, and heat through. Then one gla.s.s of white wine, one pint of stock, and the tripe. Season with salt and fresh-ground pepper, add a bouquet garni, cover the ca.s.serole, and cook in oven for one hour. When the tripe is done remove the bouquet, and add some fresh-chopped parsley.

=Bischwiller potatoes.= Cut two pounds of peeled potatoes lengthwise, in eight pieces each. Put in ca.s.serole and cover with cold water, add a little salt, and boil. When done drain off the water and put the potatoes on a long platter. Fry until crisp two sliced onions in two ounces of b.u.t.ter. Pour the b.u.t.ter and onions over the potatoes. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.

=Consomme Portugaise.= Peel four tomatoes, cut in two, squeeze out the water, and cut in small dices. Bring three pints of consomme to a boil, add the tomatoes and one cup of boiled rice. Canned tomatoes may be used if desired.

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The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book Part 56 summary

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