Friars and Filipinos Part 32

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"But, Dona Victorina! Dona Victorina!" interrupted Linares, pale and going closer to her. "You keep quiet. Don't make me call to mind"----and he added in a low voice--"Don't be imprudent, especially just now."

Just at that time, when this was going on, Captain Tiago arrived home from the c.o.c.k-pit. He was downhearted. He had lost his lasak.

But Dona Victorina did not give him much time to sigh. In a few words, and with many insults, she related to him what had pa.s.sed, she, of course, trying to put herself in a good light.

"Linares is going to challenge him. Do you hear? If he don't, I won't let him marry your daughter. Don't you permit it. If he has no courage, he does not merit Clarita."

"Then you are going to marry this gentleman?" asked Sinang, with her jolly eyes full of tears. "I knew that you were discreet, but I did not think you so fickle."

Maria Clara, pale as wax, raising herself half up, looked at her father with frightened eyes, and then at Dona Victorina and Linares. The latter turned red in the face, Captain Tiago looked down, and the senora added:

"Clarita, bear it in mind, and never marry a man who does not wear trousers. You expose yourself to insults like a dog, if you do."

But the young maiden did not reply and said to her friends:

"Take me to my room, for I cannot go alone."

They helped her to her feet, and, leaning her marble-like head on pretty Sinang's shoulder, and, with the arms of her friend around her waist, she went to her bedroom.

That night the doctor and his wife collected their things together, submitted their account to Captain Tiago--which amounted to several thousand pesos--and very early on the following day, left for Manila in the Captain's carriage. To timid Linares they intrusted the role of the avenger.



As Lucas had announced, Ibarra arrived the next day. His first visit was to the family of Captain Tiago, with the object of seeing Maria Clara and telling her that His Most Ill.u.s.trious Greatness had already reconciled him with the Church. He brought a letter of recommendation to the curate, written by the hand of the Archbishop himself. Aunt Isabel was not a little delighted over it, for she liked the young man and did not look favorably upon the marriage of her niece with Linares. Captain Tiago was not at home.

"Come in," said the aunt in her half-Castellano language. "Maria, Don Crisostomo is again in the grace of G.o.d. The Archbishop has dis-excommunicated him."

But the young man could not advance. His smile froze on his lips, and words fled from his mind. Linares was standing next to Maria Clara on the balcony, interweaving nosegays with the flowers and leaves on the climbing plants. On the floor, were scattered roses and sampagas. Maria Clara was leaning back on a sofa, pale, pensive, her look sad, playing with her ivory fan. But the fan was not as white as her poor fingers.

At the presence of Ibarra, Linares turned pale and Maria Clara's cheeks were tinged with carmine. She tried to rise, but her strength failing her, she cast her eyes upon the floor, and let fall her fan.

An embarra.s.sing silence reigned for several seconds. Finally, Ibarra was able to advance, and tremblingly murmured:

"I have just arrived and have hastened to see you.... I find that you are better than I thought."

Maria Clara seemed to have turned dumb. She could not p.r.o.nounce a single word, and continued to keep her eyes on the floor.

Ibarra surveyed Linares with a look which the modest young man bore with considerable haughtiness.

"Well, I see that my arrival was not expected," he said slowly. "Maria, pardon me for not having announced my coming. Some other day I will be able to explain to you my conduct."

These words were accompanied with a look at Linares. The maiden raised her eyes to Ibarra, those beautiful eyes, full of purity and melancholy, so supplicating and sweet that Ibarra stopped confused.

"May I come to-morrow?"

"You know that on my part you are always welcome," replied she, scarcely able to p.r.o.nounce the words.

Ibarra walked away, apparently tranquil; but a tempest raged in his mind, and his heart was chilled. What he had just seen and felt was incomprehensible. What was it? Doubt, apathy or treason?

"Oh, woman!" he murmured.

He arrived, without noticing it, at the place where the school house was being constructed. The work was well along. nor Juan, with his yard stick and plumb-line, was going to and fro among the numerous workmen. On seeing the young man approach, he ran to meet him.

"Don Crisostomo," said he, "you have arrived at last. We were all expecting you. Just see how the walls are rising. They are already a meter and ten centimeters high. Within two days, they will be as high as a man. I have not allowed them to use anything but the best of wood. Do you want to look at the cellar?"

The workmen saluted him respectfully.

"Here is the system of drainage which I have taken the liberty to add," said nor Juan. "These underground lead to a cesspool about thirty feet off. It will serve to fertilize the garden. This was not in the plans. Do you object to it?"

"Quite on the contrary, I approve of it and I congratulate you on your idea. You are a true architect. From whom did you learn the profession?"

"From myself, senor," replied the modest old man.

"O, yes! Before I forget it: let the scrupulous people know (for some may fear to speak to me) that I am no longer excommunicated. The Archbishop invited me to dine with him."

"Pshaw! senor! We don't take any notice of excommunications. We are all excommunicated. Dather Damaso is himself; however, he goes on, as fat as ever."

"How's that?"

"I feel sure about it. A year ago he gave the coadjutor a blow with his cane, and the coadjutor is as much a priest as he. Who takes any notice of excommunications, senor?"

Ibarra caught sight of Elias among the workmen. He saluted him like the others, but with a look that gave Ibarra to understand that he wanted to speak with him.

"nor Juan," said Ibarra, "will you bring me a list of the workmen?"

nor Juan disappeared and Ibarra approached Elias, who was alone, raising a large stone and loading it in a cart.

"If you are able, senor, to grant me some hours of conversation, come this afternoon to the sh.o.r.e of the lake and embark in my banca, for I want to talk with you about some serious matters," said Elias. Ibarra gave a nod of a.s.sent and went away.

nor Juan brought the list, but Ibarra read it in vain. The name of Elias was not on it.



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Friars and Filipinos Part 32 summary

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