The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth Volume Ii Part 51

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And brought it forth into the light: 90 The Shepherds met him with his charge, An unexpected sight!

Into their arms the lamb they took, Whose life and limbs the flood had spared; [11]

Then up the steep ascent they hied, 95 And placed him at his mother's side; And gently did the Bard Those idle Shepherd-boys upbraid, And bade them better mind their trade.

The "bridge of rock" across Dungeon-Ghyll "chasm," and the "lofty waterfall," with all its accessories of place as described in the poem, remain as they were in 1800.--Ed.


[Variant 1:


The valley rings with mirth and joy; And, pleased to welcome in the May, From hill to hill the echoes fling Their liveliest roundelay. 1836.

The text of 1845 returns to that of 1800.]

[Variant 2:


It seems they have no work to do Or that their work is done. 1800.

Boys that have had no work to do, Or work that now is done. 1827.]

[Variant 3:


I'll run with you a race."--No more--1800.

We'll for this Whistle run a race." ... 1802.]

[Variant 4:


Said Walter then, "Your task is here, 'Twill keep you working half a year. 1800.

'Twill baffle you for half a year. 1827.]

[Variant 5:


Till you have cross'd where I shall cross, Say that you'll neither sleep nor eat." 1800.

"Now cross where I shall cross,--come on And follow me where I shall lead--" 1802.

"Cross, if you dare, where I shall cross-- Come on, and in my footsteps tread!" 1827.]

[Variant 6:


James proudly took him at his word, But did not like the feat. 1800.

... the deed. 1802.

The other took him at his word, 1805.]

[Variant 7:


... began ... 1800.]

[Variant 8:


... pale as any ghost, 1800.]

[Variant 9:


... he spies 1800.]

[Variant 10:


He drew it gently from the pool, 1800.]

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The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth Volume Ii Part 51 summary

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