The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth Volume I Part 34

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[Variant 131: The following lines were erased in 1836, and in all subsequent editions:

"Here," cried a swain, whose venerable head Bloom'd with the snow-drops of Man's narrow bed, Last night, while by his dying fire, as clos'd The day, in luxury my limbs repos'd, Here Penury oft from misery's mount will guide Ev'n to the summer door his icy tide, And here the avalanche of Death destroy The little cottage of domestic Joy. 1793.]

... a Swain, upon whose h.o.a.ry head The "blossoms of the grave" were thinly spread, 1820.

... a thoughtful Swain, upon whose head 1827.]

[Variant 132:


But, ah! the unwilling mind ... 1820.]

[Variant 133:


The churlish gales, that unremitting blow Cold from necessity's continual snow, 1820.]

[Variant 134:


To us ... 1820.]

[Variant 135:


... a never-ceasing ... 1820.]

[Variant 136:


The father, as his sons of strength become To pay the filial debt, for food to roam, 1820.]

[Variant 137:


From his bare nest ... 1820.]

[Variant 138:


His last dread pleasure! watches ... 1820.]

[Variant 139:


When the poor heart has all its joys resigned, Why does their sad remembrance cleave behind? 1820.]

[Variant 140:


Soft o'er the waters mournful measures swell, Unlocking tender thought's "memorial cell"; Past pleasures are transformed to mortal pains And poison spreads along the listener's veins. 1820.

While poison ... 1827.]

[Variant 141:


Fair smiling lights the purpled hills illume! 1815.]

[Variant 142:


Soft ... 1815.]

[Variant 143:


Soon flies the little joy to man allowed, And grief before him travels like a cloud: 1815.]

[Variant 144:

1836. (Expanding four lines into six.)

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The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth Volume I Part 34 summary

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