Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts Chapter 5238 Foolish Pride

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Chapter 5238 Foolish Pride

The Dragonblood Legion directly pounced on the Netherdragon race, stunning the latter. The Netherdragon race’s experts and their henchmen were completely enraged by the audacity of this group of youngsters.

“To dare act so wantonly in the Dragon Domain—is this a provocation toward the entire dragon race?!” roared the leader of the Netherdragon race.

He signaled his forces to raise their weapons, and millions of experts from the Netherdragon race, along with their henchmen, readied for battle. They boasted dozens of Human Emperors, thousands of half-step Human Emperors, and countless Heaven Saints.

With this enormous force, the traitorous Netherdragon race could shake the entire Dragon Domain, forcing the opposing faction to temporarily tolerate their existence in the Dragon Domain.

On the other hand, the Dragonblood Legion merely had seven thousand warriors in the Eternal realm. For them to dare attack the Netherdragon race experts was the greatest show of contempt ever.

The Netherdragon race was not afraid of Long Chen, the war chariot, or the Dragonblood Legion—what they truly feared was Gold Rhino. However, Gold Rhino seemed to have no intention of interfering.

With blazing killing intent, the Netherdragon race’s leader sneered, “Do you know, at this very moment, your High Firmament Academy has already been destroyed? Hahaha!”

Just as he was laughing, the Dragonblood warriors dove into their army of millions, and their unified roar shook the heavens.


This one roar made everyone jump. Following that, waves of Sword Qi sliced through the Netherdragon race’s army. As usual, the Dragonblood warriors clashed in the most direct and violent way.

“What fools! Kill them all!” shouted the Netherdragon race’s leader. He raised his hand, commanding his army to crush the Dragonblood warriors.

At this distance, even if Gold Rhino tried to interfere, it wouldn’t be able to save the Dragonblood warriors. At best, it would end up killing them along with the Dragonblood warriors.

Just as the Netherdragon race’s army thought they could simply crush the Dragonblood Legion, flesh and blood flew through the air. Some Heaven Saints were directly hacked apart along with their weapons.


The Netherdragon race’s experts were stunned to see this scene. The Human Emperors and half-step Human Emperors had initially refused to dirty their hands against juniors. But now, they realized they had made a grave miscalculation—these Dragonblood warriors were far stronger than they had antic.i.p.ated.

“Everyone, go all out!” bellowed the Netherdragon leader, his confidence wavering.

Gold Rhino remained in its spot, while Long Chen stood with his hands clasped behind his back, showing no interest in joining the battle. This sight only deepened the Netherdragon leader’s unease.

At this moment, all the Human Emperors and half-step Human Emperors stopped caring about face and attacked as well. Bai Yingxue couldn’t help but feel nervous upon seeing that. Although she knew the strength of the Dragonblood warriors, they now had to face a ma.s.sive force of traitorous dragons, who had long since been a threat to the entire Dragon Domain.

Bai Yingxue turned to the leader of the white dragon race, pleading, “Race leader!”

Their leader hesitated. Glancing at the powerful expert of the red dragon race, he said, “It is the optimal time to eliminate these traitors.”

The red dragon race expert frostily replied, “Since when did we require outsiders to help us clean up our trash? Hmph, this Long Chen thinks he can take charge of the entire dragon race. He doesn’t know how high the heavens are.”

“Long Chen never said that!” retorted Bai Yingxue.

“Even if he didn’t say it, just look at his actions. He clearly thinks so!”

“How can you judge others’ intentions so subjectively?” Bai Yingxue’s voice trembled with frustration. She understood Long Chen all too well. If she hadn’t lowered herself to ask for his help, he wouldn’t even have bothered coming here. Now that he had, he was directly attacking the traitors of the dragon race, yet these leaders still harbored such resentment.

Refusing to give up, Bai Yingxue turned to the elder covered in black scales who stood beside this red dragon expert. “Race leader Hei Yan...”

Hei Yan was the leader of the black dragon race, and he was also a powerful existence, not much weaker than this red dragon expert.

However, he shook his head. With a cold tone, he said, “The dragon race’s conflicts need to be resolved by the dragon race. Outsiders shouldn’t interfere.”

His words made Bai Yingxue’s heart sink. Even Hei Yan, a figure of great authority, held such a bias against Long Chen. Shaking with rage, she could hardly believe their cowardice.

“Are you all from the dragon race or the tortoise race? Before Long Chen came, you cowered. Now that he’s here, you’re still cowering! Can you not get out of this habit?!” shouted Bai Yingxue.

“You...!” Her outburst drew glares from the dragon race’s top experts.

“If you want to keep hiding in your, go ahead! The white dragon race won’t accompany you. Warriors of the white dragon race, follow me!” Bai Yingxue commanded. She unsheathed her sword, and her manifestation burst into existence behind her.

“Kill!” The white dragon disciples, who had fought alongside Long Chen in the Heavenly Flame Devil Domain, followed her lead. Their weapons flashed, and one of them shouted, “We will fight to the death with the Dragonblood Legion!”

This expert was one of Long Chen’s wors.h.i.+pers. Seeing the Dragonblood Legion starting to pull back, switching to defense, he thought that they were in danger. The higher-ups of the dragon race had disappointed him immensely with their pa.s.sivity.

“Fight to the death!” the white dragon race’s disciples roared in unison.

Long Chen had saved them, so their belief and wors.h.i.+p toward him far surpa.s.sed what they felt for their leaders. As a result, they were willing to fight to the death with him. Even if they had to die, they would die as heroes.

“You... What does the white dragon race think they’re doing?!” shouted the outraged leaders of the dragon race. The disciples’ contemptuous gazes toward them were particularly piercing.

The leader of the white dragon race sighed, “Yingxue is the future leader of the white dragon race. I’m old, and it’s time I step aside. Her will is now the will of the white dragon race.”

After the leader of the white dragon race said that, a silver staff appeared in his hand. Seeing this gesture, Bai Yingxue teared up.

When the red dragon race, the black dragon race, and the others chided Bai Yingxue, she was just disappointed in them. However, when the white dragon race’s leader took out his weapon, which represented his full support, she couldn’t help but tear up.

“White dragon race, hear my orders! Support the Dragonblood Legion! Fight to the last!” shouted Bai Yingxue.

All the experts of the white dragon race immediately flew out along with dozens of Ten Thousand Dragon Nests. But then, Long Chen replied, “Yingxue, there’s no need to join in. Let those blind old fools witness that we don’t need tortoises to back us up.”

Turning to the battlefield, Long Chen shouted, “Brothers, isn’t it time to show the Dragonblood Legion’s true power?!”

At his words, the Dragonblood warriors, who had been retreating in defense, suddenly surged forward. A crack appeared in their solid formation, and a Human Emperor charged in, thinking he had found a weakness. But in an instant, a ray of Sword Qi sliced through him, causing Emperor blood to splatter through the sky.

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Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts Chapter 5238 Foolish Pride summary

You're reading Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): 平凡魔术师, Ordinary Magician. Already has 145 views.

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