Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts Chapter 5240 In Troubled Times, Good People Die First

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Chapter 5240 In Troubled Times, Good People Die First

“Impossible!” The Netherdragon race’s Human Emperor roared, but his cry was cut short as Bai s.h.i.+s.h.i.+’s sword sliced through his arm.

“Mobilize the Ten Thousand Dragon Nests!” he bellowed in desperation.

That command threw the Dragon Domain into chaos. This was precisely the situation everyone had been trying to avoid. If the Ten Thousand Dragon Nests were activated, the Dragon Domain would be destroyed.

Ten Thousand Dragon Nests were the dragon race’s war weapons, as well as their strongest battle fortresses. Once deployed, they could wipe out heaven and earth. Due to how strong they were, they mostly served as a deterrent, but now they were being fully activated.

This place was the heart of the Dragon Domain. If they went off here, the first casualty would be the Dragon Domain itself.

“Stop!” shouted the other dragon races as they quickly activated their own Ten Thousand Dragon Nests Ultimately, the power of their own Ten Thousand Dragon Nests would still destroy the Dragon Domain. Things quickly progressed to their worst-case scenario.

Just as panic reached its peak, a loud rumble resounded across the battlefield. A three-meter black arrow pierced through one of the Ten Thousand Dragon Nests, immediately shutting down its glowing runes.

Wielding his ma.s.sive golden crossbow, Guo Ran fired arrow after arrow that gave off the aura of Purgatory. In front of these mighty arrows, the incredibly tough Ten Thousand Dragon Nests might as well be made out of paper mache.

The once-impenetrable fortresses fell from the sky one by one, their power vanquished. They then plummeted from the sky just like that.

Within moments, over a hundred Ten Thousand Dragon Nests had plummeted to the ground. Both sides of the battlefield stood stunned. These mighty fortresses, thought to be indestructible, were being taken down with ease.

Ten Thousand Dragon Nests were the ultimate combat weapons of the dragon race. They were almost indestructible. Yet, Guo Ran’s arrows completely toppled this fact.

“Come on, keep going! I still have 570 Purgatory Arrows! Once I’m out, maybe then you’ll have a chance!” Guo Ran shouted as he waved a handful of enormous arrows.

The arrows were crafted from the remains of the Purgatory Fiend Spears. However, the material was so heavy that if Guo Ran were to only use that, he wouldn’t be able to lift the arrows. Thus, he only used the material to make the tip of the arrows. The rest of the arrows were made with special metals to enhance their speed and impact.

The Purgatory Fiend Spear had a destructive effect on all laws, especially defensive laws and barriers. It could cut through them like tofu. Hence, while the Purgatory Arrows that Guo Ran crafted were still imperfect, they could still pierce the defenses of the Ten Thousand Dragon Nests.

Though Guo Ran merely bluffed about the number of arrows he had, no one dared to test him. The other side was terrified by his arrows, knowing that if their Ten Thousand Dragon Nests were destroyed, they wouldn’t even have a chance to run.

As Guo Ran showed his might, the Dragonblood Legion surged forward, sweeping through the battlefield. What was once an encirclement of the Dragonblood Legion had now become a ma.s.sacre land, with dragon corpses littering the ground.

Suddenly, a powerful explosion drew everyone’s attention. The Netherdragon race’s Human Emperor was coughing up blood, a gaping hole in his chest. After that, a golden light flashed and severed his head from his neck.

Bai s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ slowly emerged from the golden light, leaving even Long Chen in awe. It was most likely a new technique she had just comprehended.

With the death of the Netherdragon race’s Human Emperor, their entire army became an unruly mob. They no longer had the will to keep fighting and started to charge out, trying in vain to flee from the Dragonblood Legion’s encirclement.

Unfortunately for them, the Dragonblood Legion was more than prepared for them, their swords dancing.

The battle quickly turned into a slaughter. The disheartened enemies, once fierce dragons, had become sheep for the slaughter, their lives easily reaped by the Dragonblood warriors.

When the first wave of escapees was cut down, the rest despaired. Realizing there was no way out, many dropped their weapons and knelt, begging for mercy.

“Don’t kill us! We were only listening to orders!”

“The Netherdragon race threatened us! We had no choice!”

“We’re all on the same side. Why kill your own race? Give us a chance to show we can change!”

Seeing that there was no escape from the executioner’s ax, some half-step Human Emperors also pleaded for mercy.

“Dean Long Chen, they were only following orders...” an elder from the dragon race stepped forward, pleading for leniency.

Long Chen responded by slapping him across the face, sending the elder flying and knocking him unconscious.

The dragon experts were incensed by this slap. This elder was highly respected in the Dragon Domain and was even a Human Emperor. For Long Chen to strike him was an offense to the entire Dragon Domain.

Long Chen met their angry stares with cold indifference. “When someone stabs you with a sword, it doesn’t matter if they were manipulated or not—the result is the same. In troubled times, good people die first. It’s soft-hearted fools like you who weakened the dragon race’s iron will. If you’re so compa.s.sionate, stand with them in life and death. If you have the courage, I’ll be happy to oblige. Want to try?”

No one dared to challenge Long Chen’s resolve. His eyes told them he would truly kill them all if they pressed him further.

The black dragon, red dragon, and other races now viewed Long Chen with a newfound respect. When they wanted to fight to the death against the Netherdragon race, it was precisely these “peacemakers” who stood up and created differing opinions amongst the dragon race, resulting in things progressing to this awkward point.

Long Chen’s decisive nature was exactly what they admired. They had long since grown tired of these soft-hearted, indecisive fools.


The encircled enemies screamed in terror as they realized no one would save them. The Dragonblood warriors’ hearts were steeled, and they showed no mercy. In less than the time it took for incense to burn, all were slain, and silence fell over the battlefield once again.

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Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts Chapter 5240 In Troubled Times, Good People Die First summary

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