Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts Chapter 5275 Divine Throne

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Chapter 5275 Divine Throne

Saber Qi exploded from Evilmoon, tearing through the void with a sound like the roar of ten thousand beasts and the wail of ten thousand Daos. It slashed toward the Silver Hair Void Crusher’s head like a devil wanting to reap souls.

This was Long Chen’s trump card, and he was gambling his life on this attack.

Upon seeing that Long Chen didn’t even attempt to block his sword, the Silver Hair Void Crusher sneered. As a veteran of countless battles, he knew his attack speed surpa.s.sed Long Chen’s. Although Long Chen’s saber was terrifying, his sword would slash Long Chen first, obliterating him before his saber could strike.

“Die, you foolish brat,” spat out the Silver Hair Void Crusher.

“No!” Bai s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ cried out, charging toward Long Chen regardless of the danger. Everyone else also roared and charged at the Silver Hair Void Crusher in desperation.

Just as the Silver Hair Void Crusher had predicted, his sword reached Long Chen first, and there was no way Long Chen could dodge it. However, just as it was about to slice through Long Chen’s waist, a small bronze cauldron appeared.

The cauldron was no larger than a fist and its appearance was plain—until divine power exploded from it.

In an instant, the Silver Hair Void Crusher’s pupils shrank in shock. He recognized the origin of this cauldron.

However, it was too late. His silver sword had struck the bronze cauldron, and with a loud crack, his hand was torn open, and his sword flew out of his grasp.

“No!” the Silver Hair Void Crusher gasped in horror.

At this moment, Evilmoon descended, and the Silver Hair Void Crusher twisted his body in a desperate attempt to evade the fatal strike. While Evilmoon’s edge narrowly missed his head, it bit deep into his right shoulder.

Countless runes erupted from his body, forming his core runes—his last line of defense. But one by one, they shattered under Evilmoon’s force. It cleaved through his body from his right shoulder down to his left waist, splitting him in two. His severed body then fell to the ground.

Roaring, Long Chen summoned a violet lightning sphere in his left hand. Lei Linger’s figure materialized within the sphere, and it contained her full, unrestrained power.

With a final burst of strength, Long Chen hurled the lightning sphere at the fallen halves of the Silver Hair Void Crusher. The sphere expanded rapidly, growing into a blazing star of destruction.

This was the final bit of Long Chen’s power. The previous Waning Moon Heaven Shaking Slash had drained him completely.

In truth, Evilmoon had wanted to use Lei Linger’s power as well, but Long Chen felt that mixing too many energies could have unpredictable results. Hence, he didn’t allow it. After all, Lei Linger had only ever merged her thunderforce with Huo Linger’s flame energy.

Long Chen also didn’t dare to merge her thunderforce with his bloodline or astral energy. It was too dangerous, so he had to set aside Lei Linger’s thunderforce.

With the Silver Hair Void Crusher in his weakest possible state, Lei Linger became the last push.

At the same time, Yue Zifeng’s sword flashed, Bai s.h.i.+s.h.i.+’s metal energy roared, and Xia Chen’s talismans rained down in a torrent. Everyone was unleas.h.i.+ng their full power, knowing that if they didn’t finish the Silver Hair Void Crusher now, they would all die.

The Dragonblood Legion and the dragon race experts combined their divine abilities, filling the air with beams of destructive light aimed at the Silver Hair Void Crusher.


Countless explosions rang out. The loudest one came from Long Chen’s thunderforce, which quickly outshone all other attacks, overwhelming the battlefield with blinding light.

Seeing that, everyone felt that the Silver Hair Void Crusher had been blown to bits. However, their attacks continued for a couple of minutes more—until a large hole was blasted into the void.

“He’s definitely dead!” Gu Yang shouted.

The combined might of their a.s.sault was terrifying. In his weakened state, the Silver Hair Void Crusher had no chance.


But suddenly, from within the black hole created by the attack, a golden ripple spread out. A divine aura surged from the depths of the void.

“What?!” Everyone froze in shock.

Long Chen instinctively raised the Earth Cauldron to block the golden ripple.


The ripple smashed into the Earth Cauldron, and Long Chen spat out blood as he was blasted backward. The ripple continued, sweeping Gu Yang and the others away like ants caught in a tsunami. They had no way to resist its power.

Thankfully, the Earth Cauldron had absorbed the brunt of the attack, sparing them from certain death. But the impact had shattered the Ten Thousand Dragon Nests. Cracks spread across them before they finally exploded from the force.

“How can this be?!” Gu Yang’s voice trembled in disbelief.

The Silver Hair Void Crusher still wasn’t dead after all the attacks. Moreover, his aura was even more terrifying than before. Could he really possess an undying body?

As they struggled to comprehend what was happening, a golden throne materialized in the void. It radiated multicolored light, so bright it hurt their eyes. Primal chaos energy swirled around it.

Despair filled their hearts as they watched the Silver Hair Void Crusher’s severed body on the ground. Primal chaos energy from the throne surged into him, and before their eyes, his two halves fused back together, his wounds healing in an instant.

Suddenly, he rose to his feet, silver hair cascading down his back. His face was twisted in a cruel sneer.

“You pathetic fools... Did you really think you could kill one of the Eight Great Divine Commanders?”

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Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts Chapter 5275 Divine Throne summary

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