Harper's Round Table, October 8, 1895 Part 10

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Hopkinsons 17 .. 7 .. 130 4 4 0 Manual Training 9 1 5 .. 79 56 2 2 English High 2 .. 12 .. 60 48 2 2 Boston Latin 4 .. 2 .. 32 58 2 2 Cambridge H. and L. .. .. .. .. .. 135 0 4


Hopkinsons 12 .. 4 .. 88 8 4 0 Manual Training 2 .. 3 .. 24 34 1 1[3]

English High 5 .. 4 .. 46 52 2 1[4]

Cambridge H. and L. 1 .. 1 .. 10 34 1 2[5]

Boston Latin 2 .. 1 .. 16 56 0 4


English High 11 .. 3 .. 78 56 4[6]0[7]

Manual Training 19 .. 5 .. 134 28 4[8]1 Boston Latin 3 .. 3 .. 30 68 2 3 Newton High 10 .. 3 .. 72 88 2 3 Cambridge H. and L. 5 .. 1 .. 34 78 1 2[9]

Hopkinsons 5 .. 6 .. 54 54 0 4[10]


Manual Training 9 .. 5 .. 74 .. 4 0 English High 11 .. 2 .. 68 26 3 2 Cambridge H. and L. 2 .. 1 .. 16 98 2 3 Hopkinsons 5 .. 3 .. 42 16 2 3 Boston Latin 3 .. 1 .. 22 32 2 3 Newton High 1 .. 2 .. 14 58 1 3

St. Mark's has six of last year's men back in school, and a number of promising candidates. Several minor games have been played, but the chief matches will be with Andover next week, and with Groton, November 9th. At the present writing Groton has the better eleven, but the St.

Mark's players are working hard under good coaching and will improve.



[1] One tied.

[2] One tied.

[3] Two tied.

[4] One tied.

[5] One tied.

[6] Forfeited.

[7] Two tied.

[8] Forfeited.

[9] Two tied.

[10] Two tied.


An old but a true story goes the rounds in the navy concerning an unintentional slur that was made upon a body of sea-soldiers known as the marines, by a venerable chaplain attached to the frigate _Hartford_, at the time that vessel was Admiral Farragut's flag-s.h.i.+p. It was the Sunday just after the terrible pa.s.sage of the Mississippi River forts, and in his sermon the chaplain sought to impress his large congregation gathered on the gun-deck of the vessel the fact of each one being responsible for his own salvation. In concluding his appeal, and with his face flushed from the warmth of his argument, he turned to the gallant old Admiral, and exclaimed,

"Yes, Admiral, you as well as the lowliest of the seamen who are listening to me this morning, cannot escape that individual responsibility; and you, my dear a.s.sociates of the ward-room, and other officers, you also must take this lesson to yourselves." Then addressing the sailors, he said, "There is no man among you who can s.h.i.+ft this question to another's shoulders. Admiral, Captain, officers, and seamen, you all have souls to save." Remembering that in his summing up he had omitted all references to the soldiers of the s.h.i.+p, he hastened to include them also by adding, "Yes, even a marine has a soul to save."

The joke, although perfectly innocent, was too rich not to tickle the congregation, and a t.i.tter followed the chaplain's closing sentence.

From that day the poor marines have been the b.u.t.t of the sailors, who occasionally find the greatest satisfaction in reminding them that "Even a marine has a soul to save."


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Harper's Round Table, October 8, 1895 Part 10 summary

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