Bakemono Yashiki (The Haunted House) Part 16

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[Footnote 16: There was great opposition to the introduction of _Kuge_ (court n.o.ble) influence into the Sho[u]gun's household at this time. The same reasons of course did not apply to marriage of Tokugawa women into the Kyo[u]to circle. The Sho[u]gunal Court was to be ruled by _samurai_ code and influence.]

[Footnote 17: Marriages at that date were performed in daytime. Note in the original.]

[Footnote 18: _Ume ka ka wo sakura no hana ni motase tsutsu; Yanagi no eda ni sakas.h.i.+te zo min._]

[Footnote 19: Momogawa Jo[u]en: _ko[u]dans.h.i.+_ differ in their treatment of such detail. Some emphasize it, after the manner of the chronicle; others do not.]

[Footnote 20: The _Daikwan_ was the chief representative of the feudal lord in the particular circ.u.mscribed district. His authority rarely pa.s.sed beyond a few miles. Note the Daikwanzaka and the site of his _yas.h.i.+ki_ in Yokohama (_Motomachi_).]

[Footnote 21: Momokawa Jo[u]en.]

[Footnote 22: Shukke, one who has left the world--turned priest--"Honoured Mr. Recluse."]

[Footnote 23: The Nipponese "watches" covered two hours. Hence he had been aroused between 3-5 A.M., not 5-7 A.M. as expected.]

[Footnote 24: _Dentatsu_--"Jimbei, mata 'f.u.keru' to itta na. Nan no kotta (kotoba) sono 'f.u.keru' to iu no wa." _Jimbei_--"Yai! Yai! Bo[u]zu"

etc. To the erudite is left closer approximation to _f.u.keru_ (in _kana_). This story is told, following the details of Koganei Koshu[u]

("Yui Sho[u]setsu"). Gion, equally known for its _hetairai_.]

[Footnote 25: In the vernacular.]

[Footnote 26: The first--Yamaguchi etc.--are place names, from Kyu[u]shu[u] to O[u]shu[u]; widely scattered. Otherwise--"b.l.o.o.d.y Spear"

(Chiyari), "Iron Chin," "Wolf," "Fox-heart," "Iron head," "Monkey hand."]

[Footnote 27: He has played on the ideographs--[kyoku-sui no en] and [kyoku-sui no en], _kyoku-sui no en_; the last meaning--"Winding water entertainment," cf. "Benkei" Vol. II. p. 195.]

[Footnote 28: The _yoriki_ is hard to place--"commanding officer." He was not of the office, yet as of rank was chosen to lead these more dangerous and trying expeditions, or to act in more important arrests.]

[Footnote 29: In the conspiracy of Sho[u]setsu such did exist, directed to the house of one of his followers, placed not far off in another street. [But recently such a tunnel was discovered under the garden of Baron Sakatani at Haramachi, Kois.h.i.+kawa, To[u]kyo[u]; believed to belong to the Hakusan Goten, and dating 250 years back. 20th May, 1917].]

[Footnote 30: Brinkley's Dictionary gives it--_Ichiju no kage ni yadori, ichiga no nagare wo mo, mina kore tasho[u] no en narubes.h.i.+_.]

[Footnote 31: Sho[u]ho[u] 3rd year the New Year fell on 16th February (1646) of the modern calendar.]

[Footnote 32: _Rangiku ya: kitsune ni no se yo[u] kono sugata. Rangiku_ = Caryopteris mastachantus.]

[Footnote 33: In Buddhist theology the seventh day is one of the important dates of the _hotokes_ (deceased spirit) sojourn upon Earth.]

[Footnote 34: Pradjna--"highest of the six paramita, means of attaining Nirvana, knowledge of the illusory character of all existence." Eitel--p. 119.]

[Footnote 35: The quotation and what follows is from Ho[u]gyu[u]sha To[u]ko[u]--"Bancho[u] Sarayas.h.i.+ki." The exactness of these old temple registers in essential dates is worth noting.]

[Footnote 36: Tsunayos.h.i.+ 1646-1709. A va.s.sal of Akita Danjo[u] killed a swallow. He was executed; his children were executed; and he and his are but one case out of many.]

[Footnote 37: Or son, by the more respectful account. Yanagizawa Yos.h.i.+yasu took the name of Matsudaira. His son Yos.h.i.+s.h.i.+ge, said really to be the son of Tsunayos.h.i.+ by the wife of Yos.h.i.+yasu, was to be adopted by Echizen no Kami Tadanao, brother and heir to the Sho[u]gun. Tadanao "removed," left the field open to the success (and succession) of the powerful premier. Yanagizawa as _tairo[u]_ (premier) was an irregularity in itself.]

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Bakemono Yashiki (The Haunted House) Part 16 summary

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