Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 41

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"I think so, yes. Though it is obvious he was working things for some time."

"So you want the disk..."

"I want to swap the disk."

"And Matthews?" Alex asked.

"I don't know what he knows. Whatever you can surmise will be a bonus. It doesn't change the objective." He pulled a small disk from his s.h.i.+rt pocket. "This is convincing. Trust me. It will take them some time to realize it's a fake. Daniels will have the disk on him. At least that's what I am given to understand. So, we either switch it on Daniels or we switch it on Matthews. That means we need to get close. Very close."

"Okay. I have some ideas on that front. It is a party after all," Alex smiled. Krause raised an eyebrow. "Daniels is an old friend. I'm discovering a lot about my friends these days it seems."

"Well, there's more."

"What?" she asked pointedly.

He handed her a piece of paper and watched her study it without notable expression. "Matt sent that. He has reason to believe there are accounting files here on Daniels' computer."

Alex pressed on her right temple with her thumb. "Do you know where it is? This computer."

Krause got a slight gleam in his eye. "I do."

"And, if one of us were to find this computer; how would we access these files?" He handed her a hotel key card. Alex looked up at him in moderate disbelief. "And this is?"

"Magnetic strip side down on the computer. It will decode the pa.s.swords and give access."

"And then?" He handed her a small travel drive and shrugged. Alex couldn't help but chuckle. "You're not kidding." He offered her a sideways glance. "Ideas?"

Krause smiled. "A few."

"Care to compare?" she asked, surprised to find the intrigue of the situation almost as alluring as she found the realities of failure incomprehensible.

Krause smiled. "You are going to have to trust me, Agent."

"You're going to have to earn that, Pip."

Alex headed straight for the shower when she returned from her meeting with Jon Krause. She'd seen many things in her years of investigative work from the carnage inflicted by terrorists to the s.a.d.i.s.tic gore of more than a couple of serial killers' handiwork. This was an entirely new world and yet one that felt oddly familiar. She let the water flow over her, attempting to somehow wash away her doubt, and even dampen the tinge of excitement that seemed to be pulsing within her. For many years she had been bound to policy and procedure that she so often found was prohibitive in achieving results. She turned her face upward to the water and stretched. As much as it frustrated her, she understood that there was a need for policy and procedure, checks and balances. She suspected many of the people she was about to encounter had somehow lost sight of that. That was something she never intended to do. She laughed softly as a sudden memory of Dylan pa.s.sed through her mind. She had something men like Jon Krause did not. She had a reason for her endeavors beyond curiosity, adventure or even duty. She had a family.

The agent continued her routine, drying her hair roughly with the towel before deciding that this might be an occasion to take some time on her appearance. She smirked realizing that Ca.s.sidy had never seen her quite as she would this evening. She hadn't shown Ca.s.sidy her gown and she wondered what her lover might think. Her cheeks flushed slightly, partly from embarra.s.sment and partly from antic.i.p.ation of the entire evening.

Ca.s.sidy heard the blow drier and turned curiously toward the bathroom door. It was a rarity to say the least. Not that Alex was carefree about her appearance. She normally pulled her hair back and out of the way. It was something she had to do as a runner and in the military and she told Ca.s.sidy it just stuck. Ca.s.sidy asked her once why she didn't just cut it shorter and Alex just shrugged. "I like it long." The teacher turned back to her own task with a smile.

Alex stepped out of the bathroom and caught sight of her lover across the room. The agent had seen plenty of pictures of Ca.s.sidy at events like this evening's, but none did the sight before her justice. Ca.s.sidy turned and immediately captured the agent's stare. Alex was certain the lump in her throat would choke her. Ca.s.sidy was in a fitted, deep red evening gown. Her hair was lifted in a swirl and soft tendrils hung to each side. She stood at least an inch and a half taller than usual and the simple pearl necklace she wore highlighted the top of her cleavage. "My G.o.d," was all Alex managed.

Ca.s.sidy smiled softly. Then she allowed her own eyes to fall over the agent. Alex was, as Ca.s.sidy often mused, riveting. That was the only word she could find to describe Alex Toles. The agent could be wearing her uniform, a suit, or a pair of sweat pants and Ca.s.sidy found herself riveted. Each represented a different side of the complex woman she loved and Ca.s.sidy cherished every part of Alex. Slowly, she crossed the room and lifted her hand to Alex's cheek. "You are beautiful, Alex."

The agent could feel the heat rising between them. Alex's hair cascaded over her bare shoulders freely. Her black gown nearly touched the floor, but the long, narrow slits that ran up each side gave an enticing view of the agent's long legs. Ca.s.sidy caressed the agent's shoulder and she felt her hands unconsciously begin to glide along Alex's long frame. The agent closed her eyes and tugged at her bottom lip. She sensed, more than felt Ca.s.sidy reaching for her and slowly responded with a soft kiss that quickly deepened. Ca.s.sidy broke away and caught her breath with a desperate giggle. "I am going to go get those earrings on now."

"Uh huh," Alex choked slightly.

"Did you see Jane?" Ca.s.sidy asked, her back turned again in an attempt to regain control.

Alex came up behind her and nuzzled her neck. "Ca.s.s?"


"Do you know how beautiful you are?"

Ca.s.sidy moaned softly, "Alex...."

"I know," Alex sighed. "But this is to be continued."

The teacher turned and smiled. "You like this better than that denim s.h.i.+rt, huh?" she raised her eyebrow playfully, knowing that a s.h.i.+ft in their mood was needed. Ca.s.sidy had no real desire for anything but Alex at the moment and she suspected her fiance felt the same way.

Alex shook her head. "No."


"But, I would love to see you in that little ap.r.o.n you have that..."

"Alex Toles!" Ca.s.sidy scolded with a beaming smile. "What has gotten into you?"

"Nothing," Alex said innocently. "But, I was thinking..."

Ca.s.sidy burst out laughing. "You are impossible."

"Yeah, well. I would really rather just stay here." It was true. Alex had to admit, nothing in her world could ever fill her the way the woman who now stepped into her arms could.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"You should," Alex said offering her lover another kiss. "You just remember when those drunken diplomats start trying to woo you away...."

"Woo me away?" Ca.s.sidy bit back a laugh, realizing that there was actually a tinge of apprehension in the agent's voice.

"What's so funny?"

"Alex, you are so silly sometimes. Only one person has ever wooed me at all."

"Yeah, who is he so I can set him straight?"

"Just some crusty old butler."

"Hmmm....can he cook?" Ca.s.sidy shook her head. "Is he a rich butler?" Ca.s.sidy shook her head again. "So my compet.i.tion is a...."

The agent was hushed immediately with a kiss. "I love you, Alfred."

Alex smiled. "You ready?" Ca.s.sidy nodded.



"Remember, to be continued."

Alex shut the door behind them and tried unsuccessfully to hide her grin. She had several missions to complete and she was suddenly extremely eager to move the evening along so she could get to the most important one of all. The one that she expected would take much longer and offer far greater reward than any file retrieval or diplomatic ball ever had.

mba.s.sador," Alex greeted her old friend.

Amba.s.sador Paul Daniels stood a solid 6'3. He possessed a charming smile and piercing blue eyes that immediately engaged even his greatest critics. Alex often likened him to a storybook knight in s.h.i.+ning armor. He was as charismatic as he was good-looking. She pondered the notion that she might be standing in front of a real life James Bond. He narrowed his gaze playfully at the agent before quickly relaxing his expression and taking her into a hug. "Captain Alexis Toles, quit the formalities," he laughed.

"It's good to see you Paul," she smiled. Inside her stomach was in knots. She had always regarded Paul Daniels as a friend. He was a man she had known for years, but now she found herself wondering; had she really known anyone? She clasped Ca.s.sidy's hand a bit tighter as reality pa.s.sed through her thoughts. "Paul, this is..."

"Ca.s.sidy. So nice to meet you," he took her hand and kissed it.

"They certainly have taught you manners here," Alex chided.

The amba.s.sador laughed. "You'd better keep an eye on this one, Ca.s.sidy. She is quite the handful."

"Yes, she is," Ca.s.sidy smiled.

Alex shook her head. "Alright, I see where this is going. Has Jane arrived yet?"

"Just before you actually," he responded. "I was surprised to see her escort."

"Well, they have known each other for years, Paul."

"Yes, so I have heard. You don't..."

"No business tonight, Amba.s.sador," Alex winked.

"I can't say I blame you," he answered, gazing a little too long at Ca.s.sidy for Alex's liking. Just as Alex was about to rea.s.sert her presence Jane turned the corner beside Krause.

"Alex," Jane hugged the agent and then followed the same action with Ca.s.sidy. "I am so happy you decided to make the trip."

"How could I turn this down?" Alex raised an eyebrow, soliciting a hearty laugh from both the amba.s.sador and the former first lady.

"Paul," an attractive brunette grasped the amba.s.sador's arm.

"Ahh...Alex you remember Karen?"

"Certainly," Alex accepted the woman's hand.

"Lovely to see you again, Captain. I almost didn't recognize you out of your uniform."

"Karen Daniels, this is my," Alex paused and looked at Ca.s.sidy for a moment who tugged at her bottom lip to suppress her growing smile. "This is my fiance, Ca.s.sidy O'Brien."

The amba.s.sador tipped his head as his wife took Ca.s.sidy's hand. "Well, I guess we have plenty to celebrate then. Nice to meet you, Ca.s.sidy," she winked.

"Well, what do you say we get these ladies something to drink to celebrate?" Daniels suggested. Krause nodded and began to follow. The amba.s.sador turned when he noticed Alex was not accompanying them. "Captain Toles?"

"What?" Alex shrugged. "I heard you say you were going to get the ladies drinks." Alex looked at herself as if giving an inspection. "Are you saying I don't qualify?" Ca.s.sidy shook her head slightly. Alex most certainly did qualify, more than qualify in Ca.s.sidy's mind.

"I plead the fifth," the amba.s.sador joked.

Alex gave Ca.s.sidy a light peck on the cheek and turned to follow the amba.s.sador and Krause. "Russ here yet?" Alex inquired.

"No, I expect him soon though," Daniels responded.

"So, how are the boys, Paul?" Alex asked as they made their way to the bar.

"Excellent! Jake is playing lacrosse. You wouldn't believe him." Alex smiled and allowed her gaze to drift slightly to their other companion.

"You have two sons, I understand?" Krause joined the conversation.

"Yes, Daniel and Jake. Jake is sixteen this year. Hard to believe. Umm Alex, wine or..."

"White, both Ca.s.sidy and I."

Daniels turned to Krause. "Jane will take white as well."

"And you? What is your poison Mr. Krause?" the amba.s.sador inquired.


"I figured as much," he replied handing each their "Shall we?"

"The boys are not into these functions I take it?" Alex asked as they rounded the corner. "No, know how kids are."

Alex laughed. "I am learning, yes. Dylan just turned seven. Seeing Alexandra and Stephanie, I can't imagine Dylan when..."

"I understand. It goes so quickly," the amba.s.sador paused for a moment. "I am sorry about the president, Alex. I know you were very close."

"We were," she said softly. Alex scanned the room casually and caught sight of a man approaching. He was precariously juggling several drinks and she smiled inwardly at the opportunity. So far, her plan was lining up just as she had hoped. She looked to Krause briefly as they approached their awaiting group, hoping he would read her signal clearly. In less than an instant Krause had repositioned himself behind the amba.s.sador, pretending to notice someone in the crowd. Alex stepped forward and allowed her heel to extend slightly. With a thud the man flew into Alex, sending both their drinks flying and dousing the amba.s.sador thoroughly in white wine. Alex winced slightly at the contact but then immediately recovered.

The commotion caught the attention of their waiting party. Within seconds Ca.s.sidy was at Alex's side having noticed her grimace of pain in the distance. "Are you all right?" Ca.s.sidy asked.

"I'm fine, though Paul here seems to be doubling as a wine cask."

"Funny, Captain," he looked at her in mock annoyance. "I need to change this jacket." Alex promptly grabbed the back of it and slipped it from his shoulders. "Thanks," he said.

"Least I can do" she said as she folded it over her arm.

"You want to see the pictures of the boys?" he asked. Alex smiled. "Follow me."

Krause struggled to contain his momentary pride in Alex's flawless execution. He too was slightly wet from the gin and tonic the man had been carrying. "If you'll excuse me, I think I need to clean this up just a bit," he explained.

Alex followed Amba.s.sador Daniels up a winding stair case and into his office. The amba.s.sador made his way to the bathroom at the far left of the room and pointed to his desk. "That's Jake there on the right," he pointed. "I'll be right back."

Alex quickly retrieved the small hotel key card and laid it on the computer as Krause had instructed. "G.o.d, Paul, he has to be almost your height already," she said, keeping the conversation normal and light. Krause appeared in the doorway just as Alex was reaching into Daniel's jacket pocket. She nodded affirmatively in his direction and met him at the door, quickly handing him the disk in exchange for the fake.

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Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 41 summary

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