Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 42

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"Yeah, he is huge, isn't he?" the amba.s.sador answered.

Alex quickly made her way back to the desk and lifted the picture studying it. She let her eyes momentarily drift to the computer that was rolling through a series of screen changes. Looking back at the picture she smiled wondering what Dylan might be like at that age. The last time she had seen Jake Daniels she figured he had been about eight. Just then the amba.s.sador appeared in a clean s.h.i.+rt, attaching his cufflinks. Alex set down the picture as he began to move closer. She grabbed the wet jacket and made her way toward him. The last thing she needed was for him to go anywhere near the computer screen. Now, she simply needed to get him out of the office. The rest would be up to Krause. "You probably should hang that up," she arched her eyebrow at him, handing him the jacket.

"You are learning, there, aren't you Captain?" Alex laughed and headed back toward the desk, hoping that her task had been successful. Seeing the pa.s.sword populate, she retrieved the card, placed it back in her dress and picked up the picture of Jake a final time. Daniels emerged from the bathroom again, placing something in the pocket of his new jacket and regarded his friend holding the picture. "Seems everything has changed for you," he observed.

Alex took a deep breath and set down the picture. "I guess it has. Maybe it's changed for all of us," she offered.

He nodded. "I knew John a long time. He was a good man."

Alex gave her friend a c.o.c.keyed smile. "The man I knew was a good man as well."

Daniels put his arm around Alex and led her out of the room. She followed, taking only a brief pause at the top of the stairs to signal Krause that he should proceed.

Alex looked across the large ballroom to see Ca.s.sidy engaged in a conversation with Amba.s.sador Matthews as her friend Paul Daniels headed straight for them. For a moment she wondered how they had reached this place, this moment. Ca.s.sidy was laughing and Alex felt the gravity of her mission momentarily replaced by a warmth that traveled through her entire body. Even in the distance she could feel Ca.s.sidy's presence as it filled the room. "She is very beautiful, Alex," a voice said softly.

Alex closed her eyes and nodded. "Yes, she is," she whispered as Ca.s.sidy turned slightly to offer her a loving glance. The agent sighed. "I have to keep her safe, Jane." Jane's only response was a firm but loving grip of Alex's shoulder. With an audible exhale Alex began to slowly and deliberately cross the large room. Now she would need to engage Russ Matthews. She hoped that he would somehow convince her that he was on the right side of things. She shook off the thought, asking herself if she even knew what the right side of things was anymore. Keeping her focus on Ca.s.sidy, she mused that if she ever needed a compa.s.s for what was right, it was standing just a few feet away.

"Well, well, if it isn't the sparrow." Ian Mitch.e.l.l watched as Claire Brackett entered the hotel. "Now what has Daddy charged you with?" He lifted his phone and placed the call.

"What is it?" Krause answered quietly as he placed the small travel drive into his pocket and turned off the computer. He kept his peripheral vision keenly attuned to his surroundings as he meticulously sifted and replaced papers on the top of Amba.s.sador Paul Daniels' desk.

"Guess who is in London?"

"Sparrow," Krause guessed. He carefully placed the amba.s.sador's chair back in its original position and headed for the door.

"You knew?"

"No, but I expected. Just watch her. This will not be her final destination," he replied. "Wherever she goes, Ian...follow. Just because he sent her doesn't mean she'll follow what he prescribed." Krause made his way to the staircase and scanned the scene unfolding below. Alex was leading Amba.s.sador Matthews toward the small foyer, engaged in conversation. She was a natural. Jane and Ca.s.sidy were standing near the middle of the room. Two magnificent women, he thought. He watched as Amba.s.sador Daniels leaned toward Ca.s.sidy as if to imbue her with some secret and struggled to contain his laugher. 'Not a chance in h.e.l.l,' he mused to himself. Deliberately, he made his way to the women. "Sorry about that," he offered as he slipped a hand around Jane's waist.

"So, Mr. Krause," Daniels began, keeping close proximity to Ca.s.sidy. "What brings you to London?"

Krause answered smoothly. "I had an invitation I couldn't pa.s.s up."

"Is that right?"

"Of course."

Daniels studied Krause. He had only crossed paths with the agent a few times in his career. Paul Daniels prided himself on being the consummate spy, the perfect agent, and a master at subterfuge. He could a.s.sess a person readily at a distance and within moments determine weakness, strength and concoct the perfect scenario to endear himself. Krause's cool exterior and natural composure matched the amba.s.sador's effortlessly. "I suppose this is boring for you, given your line of work," the amba.s.sador grinned. If he had hoped to provoke Jonathan Krause, he had seriously miscalculated.

"Oh, I don't know, Amba.s.sador. Business and diplomacy are not so different. I would say we share many things in common." Krause smiled and glanced at Ca.s.sidy.

"Perhaps," Daniels responded. "Why don't we head toward the dining room? See if we can't find that agent of yours?" he smirked flirtatiously to Ca.s.sidy who simply nodded politely.

"What do you think?" Jane whispered to Krause as they followed.

"Smug enough to make a mistake," he answered. Jane smiled. "We'll see what Alex gets from Matthews."

"Did you..."

"We got what we came for. Let's see if we make the bonus round. Sparrow is here," he said softly. Daniels turned to the pair following behind and Krause offered him a steely gaze. 'We'll see,' Krause mused as the amba.s.sador turned his attention back toward Ca.s.sidy, 'what you are hiding, Amba.s.sador.'

"I thought we were set to meet in Moscow."

"Plans change, Sparrow."

"What is you want Dimitri?"

Dimitri Kargen lifted his finger to his lips and pondered his response. "You will recall that we had an agreement."

"There is no need for pleasantries. What is it you desire?" she asked.

"What is it your father asked of you?"

"I think you know. Simply to deliver a package from the amba.s.sador to you."

"And, does that make sense to you, Claire? Why send Amba.s.sador Matthews here to retrieve the package at all? Why not simply send you in the first place?"

"I am sure he has his reasons."

"Mm. Yes, he does not trust our good amba.s.sador. Perhaps for good reason," Kargen said.

"So? What then?" she walked slowly toward her Russian compatriot.

"I want you to go home. Wait a day and return to the states. I will deal with the amba.s.sador."

Claire Brackett smirked. "My father will not like that."

"You will tell him that I already intervened. That Matthews had already pa.s.sed the goods to me."

"And what about what you are supposed to give to me?"

Kargen wet his lips. "There is nothing. Daniels has already received those files."

"All right," she answered as she moved closer to him. "Why do I have the feeling there is more that you want, Dimitri?" she asked as she allowed her hand to graze the opening of his s.h.i.+rt. He allowed her hands to roam but made no move to further engage her advances. "Your friend; it is time for him to deliver."

"You mean the congressman," she hummed in his ear as she circled him.

"I do. He will announce his intention to run for your senate."

"And why should you care about the good congressman's political future?"

"I don't. Our contact in the states will a.s.sist in the financing of his endeavor," he explained.

"Oh," she let out a seductive laugh. "You're using him as a funnel."

"It's time, Sparrow. Tell the admiral I had already secured the goods from Daniels, and deliver the message to Mr. O'Brien."

"Things for the congressman have been a bit strained. What if he refuses?" she asked.

"That would be unwise."

"And that is all you desire, Dimitri? Like my father, I am your errand girl?"

He snickered. "You are many things, Sparrow. This is not the small errand you suggest. You will have to decide who you wish to serve."

"That's easy," she whispered, moving close enough to his face that their breath began to mingle. "There is only one person worth serving, Dimitri and only one person worthy of trust." His eyes began to flicker with excitement as he allowed her to continue her seduction. "If you care to pay attention," she offered with a bite on his neck. "I will introduce you."

"I hope I am not intruding."

"Nonsense," Rose McCollum answered. "Ca.s.sidy will be glad to know you took her up on the offer."

"I am not certain how Alexis..."

Rose smiled at Alex's mother. "Alex will be relieved to know that you came." Helen smiled sadly.

"Grandma?" Dylan called as he entered the room.

"Yes, Dylan?"

As Dylan came closer and took notice of Alex's mother his pace quickened. "YaYa! You're here!"

"Well, h.e.l.lo, Dylan," she smiled sweetly.

He walked directly to her and studied her pensively for a moment. "Are you sad, YaYa?"

"Why would you ask that Dylan?" she smiled.

"You look like Alex when she's sad."

For the first time in several days Helen Toles felt genuinely happy. "I am all right. Thank you for worrying." He nodded. "How are you?"


"What is it that you wanted, honey?" Rose asked gently, noting a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Can we call Mom?"

"Honey, it's late where Mom and Alex are right now. They'll call you when they can. They had a dinner to go to tonight."

Dylan hung his head slightly. Helen watched him closely and her eyes narrowed but her smile grew. "You missing someone a little?" she asked him. He just shrugged. "I see. What if I let you in on a little secret even my daughter doesn't know?" Dylan brightened. She beckoned him closer and whispered in his ear. "I will bet you some chocolate ice cream that I can beat you on that pool table downstairs." His eyes widened in amazement and Helen winked at him, "but it has to be our secret." He nodded enthusiastically. "So, you want to go rack those b.a.l.l.s? I'll bet Alexis taught you that."

"Yep. I can do it. Alex usually breaks though."

"Does she? Well, all right then, you go set that table up and I will be down in a few minutes." Dylan nodded and started to run off and stopped suddenly. "What is it?" Helen asked.

"Are you gonna stay here tonight, YaYa?"

"Actually, Dylan I am going to stay the whole weekend if that is okay with you."

"Then I can show you the Batcave," he said excitedly.

"I'd like that," she winked. Dylan nodded and scurried off. "He is quite something," Helen laughed.

Rose beamed. "Yes, he sure is. And he loves Alex."

"I can see that," Helen sighed. "I wish I knew..."

A hand came to rest on Helen's shoulder and Rose gave her an understanding squeeze. "Far be it from me to advise you where Alex is concerned..."

"No...please. She adores you. It's..."

"Helen, the truth is I love Alex as if she were my own. I really do. It's funny. I could see it almost from the moment she arrived. The way she looked at Ca.s.sie. The way she could seem to calm Ca.s.sie. Dylan, well...they were inseparable almost immediately. I can't imagine this family without her. So much that they have been through in such a short time. I almost can't remember when Alex wasn't here." She chuckled affectionately. "And, I know...I know Alex loves me too, in her own way." Rose watched as Helen nodded knowingly and with evident sorrow. "But, I am not her mother. She only has one mother. Whatever has happened, Helen, well...I can tell you this; she loves you and she needs you. It's a lot of change for all of them."

Helen nodded. "I know."

"What do you say you go show Dylan a thing or two so we can get what I imagine will be an evening full of superheroes over with and move onto a nice gla.s.s of wine?"

"Sounds perfect. Rose, thank you for..."

"Don't thank me. Last time I watched Dylan I was plagued by nightmares of being Catwoman. I still haven't recovered."

Helen laughed. "Hence the wine?"

"Exactly," Rose winked. They started toward the stairs when Rose stopped momentarily and grasped Helen's hand. "Remember, this is your family too." Both women smiled. Helen Toles had much to learn about her daughter and her life. She was determined that she would have that chance.

"So, Alex, we both know you didn't come all the way to London for dinner."

"No, I didn't."

"Well, what's on your mind?" Amba.s.sador Matthews asked.

"You mentioned ASA at John's funeral."

He took a deep breath and let it our slowly. "Yes, I did."

"What could he be trying to stop, Russ?" she asked somewhat pointedly.

Russ Matthews considered the expression in Alex's eyes. She was guarded, but clearly concerned. He scratched his brow and leaned in closer. "You know. This is not the place, Alex. Not here."

"I don't know."

"Alex, these walls have ears. Do you understand me?"

Alex took a deep breath. "I think I do."

"John had access to a lot of things, Alex...and not just as the president." Alex's expression remained unchanged. "You are not surprised by that. You are here with Krause and Jane. So, there is little I can say that you haven't already surmised."

"There is a lot I don't know, Amba.s.sador," Alex said bluntly.

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Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 42 summary

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