Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 50

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"Think about it, Brackett," Anderson replied.

She shook off her question and continued her search. Alex kept her gaze locked on Brackett and attempted to scan ahead for a secure pathway to follow. She heard Krause's question. "What in the h.e.l.l?"

"What?" Alex asked in a whisper. "Krause, what do you see?"

"Brady," was his response.

"You see Brady?"

"Yeah, he's next to me."

"What in the h.e.l.l?" Alex now repeated.

"What are you doing here?" Krause asked the NSA agent.

"Listen to me, Krause, we don't have much time," Brady answered.

"What are you talking about?" Krause asked.

Alex tried to discern the conversation in the car while keeping tabs on Brackett. "She's moving, I gotta find an avenue."

"Get her out of there now," Brady demanded.

"What?" Krause shook his head. "Why would I do that?"

"It's not biological, Krause. Get her out of there. It's Cesium-137."

"What are you talking about, where did you..."

"Doesn't matter now. Later...she's not prepared. Get her out of there."

Krause recognized the tension on Brady's face. "Toles, leave it. Get out of there now."

"Are you insane?" Alex responded. "I am not letting Claire Brackett get her hands on any kind of weapon."

"Toles!" he shouted. She did not respond. "s.h.i.+t!" He reached in a bag behind his seat and handed Brady an ear piece. "You watch her and tell me where she goes."

"Where are you going?" Brady asked.

"To get her," Krause responded.

"What the h.e.l.l are you doing, Brackett?" Alex asked herself.

"Toles!" Krause's voice bellowed through the earpiece. "Stay where you are." The decibel of the agent's voice in her ear was maddening and she loosened the device slightly. "Do you hear me?"

"s.h.i.+t. She's grabbing something." Alex moved carefully around the corner of a large crate. "No way, Brackett. Not this time." Alex moved closer, swiftly and silently until she was directly behind her former lover. "Didn't your daddy ever tell you it's not nice to take other people's things," Alex breathed in the redhead's ear.

"Miss me?" Brackett fluttered her eyelashes as she turned.

Alex scoffed at the notion. "Sorry."

"Oh, now Alex, did you want something?" Brackett smiled seductively.

"From you?" Alex asked. Brackett smiled and placed both of her hands on Alex's chest. "No," Alex said pointedly. "Just for you to leave."

"Oh, come on, Agent; before we even dance? I mean shouldn't I get at least one before you are off the market."

Alex arched her brow and rebuked the woman's suggestive offer with a smile of disdain. Brackett shrugged and turned back toward the container. "Step away from the container Brackett, or we will dance."

"Promise?" the redhead dripped with excitement. Alex watched as Brackett reached forward. She grabbed the redhead's fore arm and spun her around swiftly. "OOO....Alex, I forgot how forceful you can be," she growled as she began to raise her hand toward Alex's neck.

"Too bad I didn't forget how overanxious you are," Alex shot and swiftly caught Brackett's hand, pulling it behind her back.

"Like the rough stuff, huh?" Brackett winced. "That teacher must have some talent. Never would have guessed that from her ex-husband." Brackett moved her left leg sideways and swiped Alex off balance. Each now stood staring at each other, warring with their eyes and words and seeking to antic.i.p.ate the next move.

"Leave Ca.s.sidy out of it," Alex hissed. She saw Brackett's kick in motion and caught it in the air. "That all you got?" Alex asked. Brackett chuckled but her anger was growing hotter. She swung at Alex with her right hand. Alex avoided the contact and placed a kick to the younger woman's thigh. She continued forward and placed another kick against Brackett's opposite hip, knocking her backward. "Don't test me, Claire," Alex warned. She moved toward the container as Krause reached the door.

"Brady, I need a code," Krause said. Brady shook his head. "Brady!"

"I don't know. Can you pry off the panel?" Brady suggested.

Krause looked at it closely. "Yeah, I think so." He heard the sound of cras.h.i.+ng behind the door. "s.h.i.+t. TOLES!!" he screamed in the earpiece.

"Kinda busy right now, Pip," she answered accepting a kick to her ribs.

"What the h.e.l.l is going on?" Anderson yelled into Brackett's ear. "Just get the d.a.m.ned package!"

"Working on it," Brackett answered just as Alex managed to land a punch to her left cheek.

"Pull your sidearm, Brackett!" Anderson demanded.

"No, no," she soothed. "This is my show."

"Show, huh?" Alex licked her lips. "You are a piece of work, Claire." Alex moved closer and tipped her head. "Just curious; what is it you see in that a.s.shole anyway?"

"Jealous?" Brackett a.s.serted as she threw a punch at Alex.

"Did you get it off yet?" Brady asked Krause.

"Yeah, s.h.i.+t....does Brackett know what is in there?" Krause asked.

"No idea," Brady answered.

Alex gave Brackett a smile. "Why do you want that case so badly?" she asked in the hopes Claire Brackett would give up the contents.

"You don't even know what you are after," Claire cooed.

Krause pushed the door open and Alex turned slightly to see him approaching when she felt a hard kick to her abdomen. Brackett flew toward the small container and grabbed it. Alex reached her feet. She grabbed another box and slid it across the floor, sending Brackett and the case cras.h.i.+ng to the ground. Immediately she was in motion toward them both. "NO!" Krause's voice bellowed. Suddenly, two strong arms had hold of Alex as Brackett made it to her feet. Brackett fumbled with the container in her hands and then sprinted away. Alex struggled to free herself from Krause's grasp. "Let her go, Alex."

"What the h.e.l.l are you doing Krause?"

"Did it open?" Brady asked with urgency.

"What?" Alex asked, hearing his question in her ear.

Krause loosened his grip and put his hands on his knees to catch his breath. "Did the container open?" Brady asked from his location.

"Why?" Alex questioned. "What the h.e.l.l is going on?"

"Cesium, Toles." Krause regained his footing. "Cesium-137."

"You let Claire Brackett leave here with nuclear material? Are you insane?" she asked. "What the h.e.l.l were you thinking?"

"You asked me something the other day," Krause answered.

"What the h.e.l.l does that have to do with this?" Alex demanded.

"Everything," he said calmly. Alex looked at him and shook her head.

"Krause, you and Brady just let Claire Brackett leave here with the key ingredient for a dirty bomb."

"Yeah, I know. But we know what it is and we know who took it. We'll find its destination, Alex," Krause said calmly. "And you'll live to do that."

Alex pinched the bridge of her nose. "Jesus."

"We need to make sure we weren't exposed," Krause said.

"The case wasn't open," Alex said definitively. "Looks like I'll be home late again," Alex shook her head.

"At least you'll be home. Thanks for that, by the way," Krause said.

"What?" Alex asked as they walked toward the exit.

"I really would hate to tell Ca.s.sidy why you were glowing in the dark at her wedding. Much less why you failed to show up." Alex laughed. "Next time just listen to me," he suggested.

"Don't count on it, Pip," she answered.

"I'm not," he admitted a.s.suredly. "I'm not."

Alex stretched out on the bed and closed her eyes. "You okay?" Ca.s.sidy asked.

"Hum? Yeah, just tired," Alex answered.

Ca.s.sidy sighed and sat down on the bed. "Alex, I need to talk to you about something before tomorrow. You'll be at Nick's and I'll be at the hotel..."

Alex opened her eyes at the seriousness in Ca.s.sidy's voice. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Ca.s.sidy answered. "Nothing is wrong. I just." She took a deep breath. "Alex, can I ask you something?'

"You can ask me anything."

Ca.s.sidy was suddenly very nervous. "I met with my lawyer on Monday." Alex was puzzled. "About custody of Dylan."

Alex sat up. They had discussed this, but she did not want to press Ca.s.sidy on the issue. "You did?" Ca.s.sidy nodded. "And?"

"We both know that Chris is likely to make it, well...messy." Alex chuckled. "I started the process. Whatever happens, I want him with us, where I know he is safe and where I know he is happy." Alex nodded. "There is something else though." Alex looked at Ca.s.sidy curiously. "Well, we will likely have to establish that Dylan is not Christopher's biological son. He won't relinquish rights; you know that. Even if he doesn't exercise them."

"I know. Are you okay with that, Ca.s.s?"

"Yeah, I am." She moved closer to the agent. "Alex, once that happens. I...well..."

"What is it?"

"I want to know if you would want to adopt Dylan." Alex lost her breath. "You don't have to answer now. It will take months before..."

"He would be my son," Alex said quietly.

"Legally, yes."

Alex looked up. "What if he doesn't want that?"

"Well, I don't think that is a concern, Alex. I truly don't."

"You would really want that?" Alex asked.

"Of course," Ca.s.sidy said.

"Thanks, Ca.s.s."


"For being you." Ca.s.sidy smiled and kissed Alex's forehead. "My last chance you know," Alex said.

"Last chance for what?" Ca.s.sidy asked.

Alex smirked. "Last chance to make love to Ca.s.sidy O'Brien."

"Oh, I guess it is, isn't it?" Alex raised her brow suggestively. Ca.s.sidy kissed the agent's neck and began caressing her sides. Alex winced and jumped. "Alex?" The agent smiled sheepishly. Ca.s.sidy lifted Alex's T-s.h.i.+rt and her mouth flew open at the sight of the black and green bruise that adorned Alex's ribcage. "What the h.e.l.l happened?" Ca.s.sidy asked.

"It's nothing," Alex said. "I've had worse. I'm fine."

"I call bull s.h.i.+t," Ca.s.sidy said somewhat harshly.

"Honest, I am okay."

"'re not shot. I wouldn't call this okay," Ca.s.sidy a.s.serted. "Just tell me that the other guy is worse off."

"Oh, I am sure she is," Alex said with some satisfaction.

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Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 50 summary

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