Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 51

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Alex sighed. "Umm...Brackett."

"You fought with Agent Brackett? When? Why?" Alex pinched the bridge of her nose and Ca.s.sidy took a deep breath. "You know what...I don't want to know."

"No, you don't," Alex said. "Now, come on; where were we?"

"Ohhhh no....that is nasty. Your ribs aren't even fully healed from France. No way."


"Uh-uh. Sorry, will just have to wait for Ca.s.sidy Toles."

"You are not serious?" Alex complained. Ca.s.sidy fluffed her pillow and laid down on her side.

"Ca.s.s? Come on, you are not really mad; are you?"

Ca.s.sidy turned over and looked at Alex. "No, Alex. I'm not mad." She caressed the agent's cheek. "It scares me sometimes. Seeing you hurt..."

"Ca.s.s, it's just a bruise."

"This time," Ca.s.sidy's voice dropped.

"Hey," Alex lifted Ca.s.sidy's eyes to her own. "I'm not going anywhere." Ca.s.sidy sighed and Alex could feel her tension. "Ca.s.sidy, listen to me. Sometimes, yes...I might get a bit banged up. It happens. Trust me when I tell you I have people watching my back. I've got way too much to live for."

"Good," Ca.s.sidy said as she planted a light kiss on Alex's lips. Alex tried to pull her closer but Ca.s.sidy pulled away. "Before you say, I am not angry. But I fully intend to have you one hundred percent No arguments."

Alex conceded her defeat. "At least, just let me make love to you," she practically begged.

"Nice try, Agent." Ca.s.sidy gently patted Alex's stomach. "You have the rest of what had better be a very long life to make love to me. Tonight, just hold me. Okay?"

Alex immediately heard the fear break through Ca.s.sidy's voice. She wrapped her arms protectively around her lover and mentally slapped herself for not just listening to Krause. It was selfish. She couldn't deny that she had taken some pleasure in her altercation with Claire Brackett. Whatever momentary satisfaction she felt earlier had evaporated the moment she saw the fear in Ca.s.sidy's eyes. "Ca.s.s?"


"Still want to marry me?"

Ca.s.sidy pulled the agent's arms around her firmly. "Yes, Alex. The answer will always be yes."

Alex took a deep breath. "Je t'aime, Ca.s.s."

"Je t'adore. Go to sleep."

Friday, May 30th "Hey," Krause greeted Alex. "How are you feeling?"

"I'd feel better if Brackett didn't have her hands on Cesium."

He acknowledged her feeling with a smile. "We'll find it, Alex."

"How do you think she knew? My father?" Alex asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. She could have gotten the same info as Brady."

"Except I think she knew what it was," Alex explained. Krause shook his head. "I swear to G.o.d..."

"How are the ribs?" he inquired.

Alex rolled her eyes. "Sore. Not as sore as Ca.s.s was when she saw the bruise last night."

"Ouch," he chuckled. "What did you tell her?"

"The truth, just a really slimmed down version."

"I'm headed back to D.C. tonight," he said. Alex looked at him as he stared out the front window of his sedan. "Callier made contact with Ian. Something is going down. I need to meet with the admiral."

Alex nodded. "Are you going to see Ca.s.s before you leave?"

"I don't think so."

"Why not?" she asked.

"Not my place, Toles."

Alex sighed. "I disagree." He looked at her. "Look, I'm not going to lie to you. I still don't know what to make of all of this. And, truth be told I am still not convinced you are being totally honest with me. But," she looked at him and smiled. "You compromised a mission for my safety yesterday. It's not the first time you have compromised yourself. You love her. I get it."


"Krause, you mean something to Ca.s.s. Maybe it isn't what you wanted, but you do. I'll never understand how she ended up with O'Brien."

"Neither will I," he conceded.

"Point is, she is the best judge of character I know. Save that jerk. And frankly, I think she figured him out long ago and just couldn't admit it to herself. At least call her."

Krause was surprised. "You are lucky."

"I know," Alex said.

"Listen, Toles...when that disk we switched gets to....when they realize...they are going to think it was Matthews who made the switch."

"I know," she admitted.

"Then you also know what might happen." She nodded. "If the admiral is expecting me, it's likely they suspect something already." Alex closed her eyes and sighed. Russ Mathews was a friend. "What they'll do..."

"I know. For whatever it is worth I think he expects it," she said.

"You'd better go, Toles. You have a big day tomorrow," he grinned.

"Yeah, I do," she laughed.

"What?" he asked.

"The last few weeks I seem to be saying 'I do' all the time. Like it's rehearsal or something." Krause laughed. "Call Ca.s.s, wish her luck."

"Why? Think she needs it?" he joked.

"Developing a sense of humor?" Alex snapped back.

"Don't tell anyone."

"Your secret is safe with me, Pip."

"Take care of her," he said as Alex exited the car. Alex just smiled. Krause gripped the wheel and started the ignition. "Now Admiral, let's see what you are planning," he mused.

The black phone that sat on the corner of the large wooden desk rang. A hand reached slowly over and lifted the receiver. Landline; that was not a good sign. A steady man's voice came through immediately. "There's been a fracture. Time to call in The Broker."

A forceful sigh escaped through a painful silence. "I understand," was the only response.

"Sphinx must be ready," the voice demanded.

The hand holding the black receiver tightened its grip. "I'll take care of it."

"Quickly," the voice responded.

Slowly the receiver fell back to its home leaving only the hollow echo of a dial tone to linger. "I'll take care of it.", May 31st y G.o.d, Ca.s.sidy," a voice called softly. "You look gorgeous."

Ca.s.sidy turned and offered a slightly embarra.s.sed smile. "Let's hope your sister feels that way," she said.

Nick shook his head. "I hope it's okay. Barb didn't want to let me in. I had to bribe her."

Ca.s.sidy laughed and motioned to her future brother-in-law to sit. "How is Alex?" she asked.


"I know this will sound crazy, but I miss her."

Nick reached for Ca.s.sidy's hand. "It's not crazy at all. Ca.s.sidy?" She smiled at him and raised her brow. "I want you to know how much you mean to this family." Ca.s.sidy tilted her head in confusion. "I'm sorry about my father. I tried."


"No, please. Let me say this. Growing up, Alex was my best friend. I got picked on a lot. I was small. Alex, well, she never let me feel small." Ca.s.sidy watched as Nick's emotions threatened to overtake him. She had noticed from the first time she had met Alex's brother how much Nick adored his older sister. Ca.s.sidy understood how the tension in the Toles family created a lingering sense of loss and sadness that plagued all of them over many years. She listened intently as Nick continued. "Having Alex in my life, in Cat's, everyone being together, my mother with Alex; I don't think that would have happened without you. You gave me my family back."

Ca.s.sidy took a deep breath. Nick was very much like his sister. Not everyone saw the side of Alex Toles that revealed her innocence and tenderness. Ca.s.sidy witnessed it in every moment, even when Alex seemed to exude strength and purpose. With Ca.s.sidy, Alex's deepest fears and desires were always exposed. Family meant the world to the man before her, just as it did to her lover. "Nick," he looked at the sparkling green eyes that held his. "I didn't give you your family back." He started to protest and Ca.s.sidy placed her hand on his cheek. "You and Barb, Cat, and now Helen; you complete what Alex brought to both Dylan and I. Alex gave me the family I didn't even realize I was missing. For whatever it is worth we have fallen in love with all of you."

"You know, I knew she was in love with you the first time you came here," Nick confessed. "I even told her so. She denied it. Too soon. You were straight. I was crazy." Ca.s.sidy laughed. "I had walked out to check on you. You had your eyes closed. Alex was just watching you." Ca.s.sidy pushed back her tears. "I'd never seen that expression on her face before. She was smiling, just watching you. I just wanted you to know. Barb and I...we love you. You are my sister. I would do anything for you and Dylan."

"I know that," she said. "I feel the same way." Sensing a need to s.h.i.+ft the conversation, Ca.s.sidy stood. "Speaking of my son," she said. "Where is he?" Nick tried to hide an impish grin. "I know that look," Ca.s.sidy chastised him. "What are you and Alex up to?"

"Nothing," he feigned innocence. Ca.s.sidy narrowed her gaze. "Honest, nothing. Last I knew Dylan was with The Rev."

"You'd better save the good reverend. You know Dylan," she suggested.

"Right," he agreed. "He's probably with Alex by now. I'll make sure he makes his way here."

Ca.s.sidy watched as he scampered out the door, pa.s.sing her mother and Barb with a toothy grin. "Okay, you two," Ca.s.sidy warned. "What is going on?"

Rose beamed with pride as she looked at her daughter. "Ca.s.sie, Alex might just pa.s.s out when she sees you."

"Nice try, Mom. Alex has been in far more stressful situations."

Barb shook her head. "I wouldn't be so sure about that," she remarked.

"Someone please tell me what is going on," Ca.s.sidy looked at Barb. "Neither your husband or my future wife are very good at hiding things." Ca.s.sidy rolled her eyes. Alex might be completely in command professionally, but at home she was constantly caught with her hand in the proverbial cookie jar. "I've seen that grin plenty. What is Alex up to?"

Rose walked to her daughter and took Ca.s.sidy's face in her hands. She could sense just a hint of actual fear in her daughter. "I can't tell you that and neither can Barb," she said plainly. "I will tell you that she loves you...And that she is downstairs fiddling and fussing with anything she can get her hands on."

Ca.s.sidy tried to remain stoic but failed. "Just tell me this; am I going to cry and ruin all this mascara?" Both women shrugged. "Great," Ca.s.sidy sighed.

"There is no way you are making it through that ceremony, no matter how short without crying and we all know it, so just forget about the mascara," Rose counseled her daughter. "And I will tell you this..." Ca.s.sidy perked up in curiosity. "I wouldn't be surprised if you fall over when you see her either. She is beautiful."

Ca.s.sidy's expression softened. "Yes, she is."

"Alexis, stop fidgeting," Helen giggled.

Alex rubbed her temple with her thumb. "I don't want to screw anything up."

"Are we talking about the vows or the marriage?" Helen asked with a smile.


"Want to back out?" Helen asked with as much seriousness as she could muster.

"What? No!"

"Alexis, relax. Ca.s.sidy is head over heels in love with you."

Alex smiled and shook her head. "I know. I still can't believe it though."

"She is a remarkable woman," Helen complimented.

"Yeah, she is."

"But then, so are you." Alex was stunned. Her mother continued without missing a beat. "You are Alexis. You always have been. Beautiful, smart...sensitive." Alex bit her lower lip. "Oh you might think you hide that well and you probably do from most people. You've always been sensitive, Alexis. You used to bring home every injured animal you found and try to nurse them back to health. Cats, birds, squirrels; I swear your father and I thought we were raising a future zookeeper." Helen watched as the pained expression fell across her daughter's face. "He does love you, Alexis. I know you don't think so. I understand why you would think that, but today of all days; don't you doubt that. Today is about love. Today is the day to be that sensitive little girl."

Alex took a deep breath and stilled herself. "Thanks, Mom." Helen just smiled.

"Alex!" an exited seven year old bounced into the room. "Whoa!" he said as he caught sight of her.

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Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 51 summary

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