Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 52

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"What?" she asked him with concern.

"You are so pretty," he said innocently.

Alex tried to remain serious. "Does that surprise you, Speed?" she asked, forcing down her laughter.

"Nah. You're always pretty, just not as pretty as Mom."

His statement ended all hope of containing her amus.e.m.e.nt and she moved to envelop him in a bear hug. "That is the truth if ever I heard it," she conceded. "Your mom is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

"Yep," he said proudly.

Alex stepped back and regarded him. She hadn't seen him since Nick took him to get dressed. He was wearing a small black tuxedo, complete with a black vest to match. What captured her attention immediately was the bow tie around his neck. It too was black, but it sported a repeating pattern of a yellow Batman logo. She straightened it and looked at him with pride. "You look handsome, Batman," she complimented him.

"Mom picked it out for me and Cat."

Helen watched as Alex closed her eyes and intervened. "Speaking of your mom, Batman; we'd better get you to her. Alex needs to go."

He nodded his understanding, but stopped short before leaving. "Alex?" he whispered to her.

"What is it, Speed?"

"The Rev says I can say..."

"You say whatever is in your heart," Alex squatted to meet his eyes. "Mom and I will be right there with you the whole time."

"I won't tell her," he promised as he turned to follow Helen out the door. Alex just winked. She could not imagine a sweeter child.

"Okay sis," Nick called as he entered with Cat. "Any last words?"

Alex laughed. "You have the rings?"

"Everything is all set," he answered.

"Let me see them," she squinted in disbelief. He shook his head. "Aww, come on, Nicky."

"No way, I have my own wife to deal with. I'm not dealing with yours too. She already knows you are up to something."

"What does she know?" Alex asked.

"Nothing, but she knows you. No deal."

"Cat, help me out," Alex pleaded to her nephew. Cat looked at his father, turned back to Alex and shrugged.

"Come on Cat," Barb called. "You come wait with me. I have the rings anyway."

Alex grumbled. "It's time," Nick put out his hand.



"Did you see her?" Alex asked as they made their way toward the beach.


"How was she?" Nick looked at his older sister and smiled. "Well? Is she okay?"

"You are a lucky woman, Alex," was all he said as they reached their destination.

"I am; huh?"

Dylan burst into the room where Ca.s.sidy was. Ca.s.sidy wasn't certain she had ever seen him so excited. A wide smile graced his small face as he walked tall in his tuxedo. "Look at you," she said.

"Hi Mom," he greeted her. "I like your dress."

Ca.s.sidy didn't know how it was possible, but she was certain that the smile on her face had grown even wider. She motioned to her mother and Helen to give them a moment alone. "Thank you," she said to him, patting the seat beside her. "Come sit with me for a minute."

He complied happily and looked up to a pair of eyes quite similar to his own. "Alex looks pretty," he told her.

Ca.s.sidy nodded. "I heard."


"Yes?" she answered, taking a moment to straighten the small bow tie that seemed determined to remain slightly c.o.c.keyed. He smiled at his mother and reached in his pocket to retrieve a slightly crumpled blue ribbon. "What's this for?" she asked.

"It's my lucky ribbon," he said. "Grandma said you had to have something old, something new and something blue."

Ca.s.sidy bit her lower lip. She recognized the ribbon and she was astonished at her son's thoughtfulness. "This is your Field Day ribbon," she observed.

"Yep. Remember?" he asked.

"I do remember. Alex came to our house the day you won this." She felt a tear grace her cheek.

"Yep. It's good luck," he said. "Mom? Why are you crying?"

Ca.s.sidy wiped the tear from the corner of her eye with her thumb. Her mother was right. She hadn't even made it to Alex and she was already crying. A soft chuckle escaped her lips and she kissed her son's forehead. "Thank you, Dylan." Dylan smiled and hopped to his feet.

"Going somewhere?" she kidded with him as the door opened.

"You ready?" Rose prodded.

Dylan put out his small hand and Ca.s.sidy accepted it. He pulled on his mother's hand slightly. "What is it, sweetie?"

"You're the best mom, Mom," he whispered.

Ca.s.sidy could feel herself beginning to tremble from emotion. "And you are the best Speed Racer," she winked as they made their way down the stairs.

Ca.s.sidy reached the doorway and looked out at the scene before her. She could not see Alex immediately with everyone already standing. What she could see nearly left her breathless. There were square, white bricks embedded down the makes.h.i.+ft aisle, separated by a fine line of sand. The chairs were a simple white wood. Along the sides of the aisle were flower sprays of pink, white and green that matched Ca.s.sidy's bouquet, each with a starfish in front of them. A small arch stood at the front of the walkway with simple greenery adorning it. "She was out here most of the day yesterday with Nick, Brian and the boys," Barb whispered as Brian Fallon escorted Rose to her seat.

Ca.s.sidy took a deep breath and inhaled the ocean air. "It's exquisite," she said softly, scanning the faces that had turned in their direction.

"Wait til you see Alex," Barb whispered as she stepped off.

Ca.s.sidy waited a moment and patted Cat's back. "Go on, Cat," she said. He began his slow pace down the short aisle and Ca.s.sidy looked down to her son. "Shall we?" she asked, accepting his arm. He smiled up at her proudly and began to lead her the short distance ahead. She looked to her left and saw Jane with the girls and smiled. When she turned back, she could see only one face. Alex was standing next to Nick. Ca.s.sidy nearly stopped in her tracks. Alex's hair fell softly over her shoulders in loose curls. Her white dress dropped to a low 'V' where it was adorned by a simple beaded pattern. It fell perfectly over Alex's frame, accentuating her athletic curves. Ca.s.sidy swallowed hard as she struggled to keep moving.

Dylan looked up at his mother and smiled. "Pretty, huh?" he said as quietly as he could. Ca.s.sidy snapped out of her haze and looked down at him with a nod before returning her sight to the woman she loved.

A few paces away Alex was silently praying that her knees would not buckle. She felt her brother's hand press into her lower back as a means of support. "I told you," he whispered, "lucky." Alex watched as Ca.s.sidy and Dylan stepped forward. Ca.s.sidy's hair was swept up, much like it had been in London. She was breathtaking. Her dress was simple and elegant. The strapless top was form fitting and changed dramatically at the waistline where it fell in what looked like soft waves until it just brushed the sand. Alex smiled and let out a shaky breath as the pair approached. She took Ca.s.sidy's hand and looked deeply into the bright green eyes that held the secrets of her soul. She felt as if she should say something, but she was completely lost just drinking in the sight before her.

The reverend struggled not to laugh himself at the pair before him. He had known Alex since their days in Iraq. The healing and the love that he felt in the presence of the two women was not something he had encountered often. He looked briefly at the array of smiling faces behind the couple and then at Dylan. "Today," he began. "I have the pleasure of joining not two souls, but three." Alex broke out into the widest smile Ca.s.sidy had ever seen and Ca.s.sidy narrowed her gaze slightly in questioning. Alex just clasped her hand a bit tighter. "When any two people come together it is very special. It is the beginning of a family. Today, we have a family that seeks to come together before us all to pledge their love and devotion to one another. Dylan," he began. Ca.s.sidy looked down at her son curiously. "Your mother and Alex came here today to make a commitment to one another in front of their friends and family and G.o.d. You are part of your mother and Alex will now be a part of you both. Do you want to commit to this family that your mother and Alex are here to create?" Dylan nodded and The Rev opened his eyes a bit wider.

"Yes," Dylan answered. Ca.s.sidy and Alex both smiled.

"And what do you promise to bring to this family?" he asked.

Ca.s.sidy looked at Alex in amazement, knowing now that this was the secret she had been keeping and gaining a new understanding of how Dylan accepted his role so enthusiastically. She looked down at her son as he cleared his throat and tried not to giggle at the evident seriousness in his expression. He nodded to The Rev. "Go ahead," the reverend encouraged.

"I promise to love Mom and Alex," he said. "Mom is the best mom. She's the best at video games, she makes the best tacos, and she always makes me feel better," he paused. His declarations were so innocent and so honest it was difficult not to giggle, but his tone was thoughtful and it was obvious he had practiced his words. Rose felt Helen grab her hand as Dylan raised his eyes to his mother and then to Alex as he continued. "But Alex is the funniest. She knows how to make perfect cereal, and she keeps me and Mom safe. She's our protector." Alex and Ca.s.sidy exchanged a glance as both accepted there would be no holding back tears. "I promise to try and listen and to protect both my moms. Most kids only get one. I get two." A soft laughter erupted behind him, but Dylan was not fazed. He looked at Ca.s.sidy. "I love you Mom," he said and then he turned to Alex. "I love you too, Mom," he said plainly. A tear rolled over Alex's cheek and Ca.s.sidy wiped it away.

"We love you, Dylan," Ca.s.sidy said.

Dylan smiled and looked back at the reverend. "You had something you wanted to give your parents?" the reverend asked. Dylan nodded and Rose and Helen stepped forward with two small boxes.

Ca.s.sidy looked to Alex with her question. Alex shrugged. This was news to her. "Think you are the only one who can keep secrets, huh?" Helen whispered in Alex's ear as Rose raised an eyebrow.

Dylan opened the first box and turned to Ca.s.sidy. Rose helped him pull out a delicate necklace with half of a heart as a pendant. At the tip was a diamond and a ruby. Ca.s.sidy smiled, immediately understanding the significance. It was adorned with both Alex and Dylan's birthstones. Helen opened the second box and helped Dylan retrieve an identical necklace with one exception. At its tip lay a diamond and a sapphire. The reverend accepted this and nodded again to Dylan. Dylan looked at his mother first. "This is from me, Mom. It's half my heart. It's the part that I give to Alex, so that you can keep us close." Ca.s.sidy could not imagine how a seven year old had come up with that sentiment on his own, but the expression on her mother's face conveyed clearly that it was indeed her son's basic idea. She bent down and Rose removed her pearls so she could help Dylan fasten the necklace around his mother's neck.

Ca.s.sidy kissed his cheek. "I love you so much, Dylan," she whispered in his ear.

Dylan was elated as he turned to Alex. Alex was completely overcome by the turn of events. She looked at the boy before her and shook her head in awe. "This is for you, Alex. This is the half of my heart I give to Mom, so you can always keep us close." Alex bent over and Helen fastened it around her neck.

"I'm so proud of you," Alex whispered to him.

"Dylan has given you both something very special," the reverend began, "to remind you that you are all a part of one another. Do you accept his offering?" The Rev winked and both women understood their part.

"We do," they answered.

"Now...Dylan, your Mom and Alex have both accepted you as part of them. Now it's time for them to become your moms; officially," he winked.

Dylan nodded and accepted a kiss from each of the women beside him before accepting a hand from Helen and Rose. "I get an extra Grandma too," he said innocently. "Cept she's a Yaya." The comment received a burst of affectionate laughter from all who heard it as he moved to sit between his two grandmothers.

Ca.s.sidy squeezed Alex's hand. She silently wondered how she would get through her vows. Dylan's words were embedded in her heart. Having him stand with them and make his own commitment to their new family; knowing that he wanted to do that; it overwhelmed Ca.s.sidy with joy and with pride. Alex felt Ca.s.sidy stroke the back of her hand and sighed. She hadn't known what Dylan intended to say. She could never have imagined the way it would fill her heart.

The reverend began the formalities. Ca.s.sidy wasn't certain she had heard any of his words. The sound of his voice gently calling her name signaled her that it was time to speak her vows. She looked at Alex and took a deep breath. The warmth of Alex's hands in her own and the gentleness in the blue eyes that she adored calmed her. "Alex...I've tried to think of all of the right words to say to you today. Truthfully, I think that what we share exists beyond words. I remember the very first time you brought me here. When you came into my life, you changed everything. You opened my eyes to a world I had only dreamed could exist. You accepted me. You loved me without any questions or any expectations. That night, as we sat here, I lost myself in your eyes. I've lost myself there every day since and I don't ever want to return. I watch you with Dylan, how you playfully encourage him, how he looks to you to guide him and I am grateful for whatever conspired to send you to us. I cannot imagine our lives without you. When you hold me I feel safe and I know that I am home. When I look at you the past fades away and I find myself thinking of our future together. The family I know we will build. The love I know we will continue to share. I know all of our roads will not be easy. Some might feel like mountains, but I promise you that I will always be beside you. I will always be faithful to what we share and I willingly give you all that I am; my mind, heart, body and soul. I love you more than any vow could ever express and I thank you for sharing your life with me."

Alex searched Ca.s.sidy's eyes as her tears fell silently. She had expected Ca.s.sidy's words to amaze her. Now, it was her turn. She breathed out audibly and felt Ca.s.sidy's grip tighten in encouragement. "Ca.s.s...I am not a poet. I planned what I was going to say. I even practiced it. But then I listened to Dylan and I realized I could never really plan what to say to you. And those words, well," she took in as much air as her lungs could hold and closed her eyes to gather herself. She opened them and looked lovingly at the woman before her. "There isn't anything more important in my life than you and Dylan. Not one thing. A lot of people don't believe in love at first sight. I didn't. I'm not even sure I knew what love was. I remember when you opened your door that day in New York. I can't really explain it. I didn't think much about it then, but I have thought about that moment every single day since. If you hadn't opened that door. If I had never been sent there...You said everything changed when I came into your life. The truth is Ca.s.s, my life began the day we met. Everything before that is like a shadow. With you, well..."

Alex began to choke up and Ca.s.sidy smiled. "I know," she whispered.

"You are my life, Ca.s.sidy. I can't say I couldn't love you more because I seem to love you more every single day. I would do anything to keep our family safe and happy. I know sometimes I am not the easiest person and I know sometimes I might fall short. I promise you this, you have all of me. Every part. And, you make me better just by being in my life. I listened to Dylan today and I could hear you. It's no wonder he is so bright and so loving. That's you. I see you in him every day. I know I will see you in all of our children. And, I want you to know that I think about our life all of the time. I never thought I would need a family, but now, being with you, building a family with you and Dylan, it's all I want. I love you, Ca.s.sidy. I'll never be able to tell you how much, but I promise I will try to show you for the rest of our lives." Alex reached across and wiped away Ca.s.sidy's tears. She caught a glimpse of Barb who was smiling, but she could see the tear stains on her sister-in-law's cheeks.

"Do you have a symbol of your commitment that you would like to share with Alex?" the reverend asked Ca.s.sidy.

"I do." She accepted the ring from Barb and turned toward Alex. "Alex, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and fidelity. As a reminder of the laughter, the pain, the challenges and the joys we will share. It is a perfect circle. It is endless and unbroken. My love for you is endless and my commitment can never be broken." Alex swallowed hard as Ca.s.sidy slipped the simple, platinum ring on her finger.

"Alex? Do you have a symbol of your commitment you would like to share with Ca.s.sidy?"

"I do." Alex took the ring she had chosen with Dylan's help from Nick. She turned to Ca.s.sidy and paused. Ca.s.sidy's eyes seemed to dance in the sun. "G.o.d, you are beautiful," she said aloud, receiving a chuckle from all present. "Well, she is," Alex proclaimed. Ca.s.sidy bit her bottom lip gently, amused and touched by Alex's candor. Alex cleared her throat softly. "Ca.s.sidy, I spent a long time wondering what kind of ring I should get you. I walked back and forth and I couldn't decide. Dylan pointed to this ring and immediately I knew. It sparkled, just like you. I said you are beautiful; you are. I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and fidelity. It is a perfect circle. It is endless and unbroken. My love for you is endless and my commitment can never be broken." Alex slipped the ring on Ca.s.sidy's finger with shaky hands. "I love you, Ca.s.s," she said simply.

"I love you," Ca.s.sidy answered, forgetting that anyone else was present.

The reverend smiled and lifted his hands. "Alex and Ca.s.sidy have declared before you and before G.o.d their love, devotion and commitment. May they be blessed with the richness of family and friends to love and support them on their journey. Now, before you all and before G.o.d, by the powers vested in me by the State of Connecticut, I declare you legally wed spouses and partners for life....That means you should kiss your wife, Alex," he nudged.

Alex grinned and took Ca.s.sidy's face in her hands. They stood silently for a moment looking at one another, neither caring who was present or how long they waited. This was a moment for only them. It would pa.s.s quickly and both felt the need to commit it to memory. A smile overtook them both and Alex guided Ca.s.sidy's lips to her own. She closed her eyes and inhaled the emotions coursing between them. "How'd it feel to kiss Ca.s.sidy Toles?" Ca.s.sidy asked quietly.

Alex kissed Ca.s.sidy again. "Like coming home," Alex whispered.

lex pulled out Ca.s.sidy's chair and was ready to take her seat when she noticed a small bottle on her chair. "What's this?" she asked. Ca.s.sidy shrugged. Alex set it on the table and studied it for a second.

Ca.s.sidy giggled. "It is a beach wedding, Alex. It's a message in a bottle. Maybe you should open it," she suggested.

Alex raised her brow and pulled out the cork. She fished inside to pull out the rolled parchment. "Did you put this here?" she looked to Ca.s.sidy. Ca.s.sidy just shrugged again. Alex unrolled the parchment and read the inscription. She read it several times and then turned to her wife. "Ca.s.s?"

"Yes?" Ca.s.sidy smiled flirtatiously. She expected her note would get an interesting reaction from her new wife.

Alex leaned over for a searing kiss. "Get a room." Barb laughed as she pa.s.sed by. Alex ignored her and pulled away slightly only to kiss Ca.s.sidy again.

"Remind me to leave you notes more often," Ca.s.sidy laughed.

"You just make sure I am the only one you ever leave a note like that for," Alex said.

Ca.s.sidy spun the ring on Alex's finger. "I don't think you have anything to worry about." She kissed Alex on the cheek.


"Hey, sweetie." Dylan wiggled in between his parents. "Thank you for what you said today Dylan," Ca.s.sidy said. "What made you think of giving us necklaces?" she asked curiously.

He made his way onto Alex's lap. "I didn't. It was YaYa's idea. I was thinking of what to say. They let me practice...when she and Grandma took me to pick up my clothes. You know?" Ca.s.sidy nodded her encouragement. "Well, I don't have anything to give you or Alex. So, I said I would give you both my heart. Then I said you could have the part that takes care of me and Alex could have the part that protects me. YaYa said that was beautiful and it gave her the idea."

Ca.s.sidy saw the wave of emotion in Alex's eyes. "It is very beautiful, Dylan, and it was a wonderful idea."

"Yep," he said proudly. "Grandma and YaYa thought so too, so YaYa said she would talk to her friend. And you know what too?" Ca.s.sidy shook her head. "She got a really cool bracelet there. You should go see it!" he said excitedly.

Alex was curious. Her mother always wore jewelry and Alex never paid any of it much mind. "Why is it cool?" she asked him.

" has a stone for you and Uncle Nick, Aunt Barb, Mom, Cat, and me....and YaYa says she'll have one for Cat's brother or sister...and mine too someday."

Ca.s.sidy pulled Dylan onto her lap, kissed his forehead and looked at Alex. "Go see your mother." Alex nodded and started to leave. She stopped and rolled Ca.s.sidy's note back up, placing it back in the bottle and raised a brow at her new wife. "That's later. After the vanilla cake you promised," Ca.s.sidy winked.

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Alex And Cassidy: Betrayal Part 52 summary

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