Desperate Debutantes - The Hazards Of Hunting A Duke Part 26

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She slept for most of the journey until he woke her when they were nearing Harrison's estate. She came up with a start, wide-eyed and absolutely beautiful. She leaned forward to see out the window, then reared back, pinched her cheeks, smoothed her hair, and turned toward the window to watch the scenery. Jared didn't press her-he looked out the opposite window.

There were carriages everywhere, footmen running back and forth, gentlemen and ladies standing in the drive and walking up the entry steps.

His coachman barreled around the circle, coming to an abrupt halt before the doors as two liveried footmen raced down the steps of the house to a.s.sist in helping them down.

Jared descended first, and turned, one hand behind his back, one hand held up to Ava. As he helped her out, Harrison appeared at the top of the steps and hurried down, his smile big and warm. Behind him, Stanhope chose to make a more subdued appearance by merely walking down the steps.

Harrison grabbed Jared in a big hug, squeezing tightly and clapping him soundly on the back, and remarked that marriage suited him very well.

Jared didn't bother to respond to Harrison, for his friend had already turned to Ava, grabbing her up in a bear hug, too, squeezing the breath from her by the look of it.

"Harrison, old chap," Jared said, putting a hand to his shoulder. "Please don't smother my wife."

With a laugh, Harrison let her go. "Lady Middleton, you are indeed looking quite healthy and happy in spite of the nuptials," he said with a playful wink.

Unfortunately, Harrison had no idea how true that was.

"And how do you find Broderick Abbey?" he asked.

"Too large," Jared said.

"And drafty," she added, her smile seeming forced.

Harrison howled.

Stanhope put his arm around Ava and ushered her away. "Allow me to rescue you from an ardent admirer," he said. "Harrison has reserved a special room for Lord and Lady Middleton, on the west side, so you'll be warm, and painted a bright yellow, so you will be gay. Francis will show you up," he added, motioning for Harrison's butler to see them up.

"Have a bit of a rest, why don't you?" Harrison suggested behind her. "We'll all gather for wine at eight, supper at ten, and the hunt will begin at daybreak on the morrow. Middleton," he said, turning from Ava and winking slyly at Jared, "I've a horse the likes of which you've not seen. She stands fourteen hands high, is as broad as a river. Would you like to see her?"

Jared glanced at Ava, who shrugged. "I will be quite all right."

"You're certain?"

"Of course," she said, already climbing the stairs, Sally close behind her. Harrison's butler hurried to catch up to them, and Ava disappeared inside without looking back.

Harrison waited until she'd stepped inside before he turned, withdrew three cheroots from his pocket,and handed one to Jared, another to Stanhope. "I bought her in Madrid, just last year. Had a Spaniardtrain her for the hunt. She's unbeatable," he said, and gestured for them to walk to the stables.

Harrison had always been something of a horseman-racing ponies, big grays to pull his carriages, steeds for battle in the event he was ever called to war-and he was no less enthusiastic about this hunter. Jared pocketed the cheroot and listened to Harrison talk about his new horse.

He wasn't exaggerating-the hunter was a beauty, and Harrison was positively giddy with glee as he stroked her nose. Jared appreciated horses-and especially good horses-but not as much as Harrison. He bored of the fawning after a few minutes of it and stepped back, admiring the other horses stabled there as Harrison captured Stanhope and continued his intricate review of the new horse.

As Jared looked down the stalls, his eye caught sight of a familiar shape, and he turned fully.

Miranda was watching him, smiling softly. She was wearing a riding habit, her long dark red hair braided down her back, her hat tipped at a jaunty angle. She was holding a crop in her hand, and tapped it against her leg as the corners of her lips curled up into a sultry smile.

He started to move-to where, he didn't really know-but Harrison's hand to his arm stopped him.Startled, Jared looked at Harrison and was surprised at the look on his face. "I didn't know she washere," he said. "I asked you here but to see my horse."

"I know-"

"No," Harrison said, shaking his head as he glanced down the stables at Miranda. "We've known each other since we were lads, eh?" he asked, s.h.i.+fting his gaze to Jared. "I wasn't aware she'd come with Westfall, or I certainly would have stopped her-"

"What?" Jared asked, having to force himself to focus on what Harrison was saying. "There is nothing more between us."

Harrison colored slightly. "It's none of my affair, Middleton-but I'm not party to it."

Jared was shocked. He and Harrison had been friends for years and never once, not once in all those years, had Harrison ever voiced his disagreement with something Jared did. For him to do so now pushed Jared under the surface.

Harrison obviously saw his surprise-he glanced sheepishly at his feet, then at Miranda from the corner of his eye. "I happen to believe a vow taken before G.o.d should not be broken. Say what you will, but I believe it." And with that he turned away from Jared and began to walk toward the stable doors, where Stanhope had already escaped. "Wine at eight!" he said over his shoulder.

Jared didn't respond-he was stung by Harrison's admonishment that he be faithful to his wife. He had been faithful, hadn't even thought of Miranda since he'd decided to wed Ava. Yet his very best friend thought very little of his integrity. But why shouldn't he? More than once, Jared had bemoaned the fact that marriage would limit his ability to bed whomever he pleased.

He glanced again at Miranda, a woman who, he'd come to realize, thought more of his t.i.tle and money than she did of him. She was walking toward him, her hips moving seductively, her smile sultry, and all he could think was, what had he ever seen in her?

She stopped just inches from him and sank into a deep curtsy, her eyes never leaving his. She rose up, gave him a knowing smile, and s.h.i.+fted almost imperceptibly closer to him. "You look very well."

She looked older than he remembered, her skin a bit sallow. Not fresh. Not Ava.

"How are you faring?" she asked, her smile fading, her eyes searching his face.

How was he faring? He was miserable. He didn't really know who he was any longer. "I'm fine."

"I miss you terribly. I can't bear to be apart from you, Jared."

He recoiled at the sound of his name on her breath. She used it easily, as easily as he used hers-and yet he could scarcely bring himself to say Ava's name aloud.

Ava was right.

That simple act, that intimate knowledge should be reserved for those he loved, and he hadn't had the courage to admit that perhaps he truly loved Ava.

Miranda was smiling up at him now, her eyes full of hope. She glanced around the stables, as did Jared, and saw only a stableboy, brus.h.i.+ng down a horse. "Perhaps we could walk," she said, moving closer. " Someplace we might be alone and talk?"

"There is nothing to say." He couldn't stop looking at her, trying to imagine himself with her. He couldn't understand why, since he'd been gone from London, he'd felt sheer joy some days and sheer despair other days. He couldn't understand how a few short months could change everything and feel like a lifetime.

"Have you received my letters? I wonder what you are doing every moment of every day...and night," she added, letting her gaze drift down his body.

Where he once might have enjoyed illicit banter, now he found it obscenely faithless to his wife.

"You remember our nights, don't you, my love? Or has she captured your nocturnal imagination?"

His blood began to rise with anger. "You have no right," he said low, "to inquire about the private affairs of my marriage."

Miranda gasped. And then she laughed, the sound bursting forth from her lips. "Oh my!" she cried, laughing. "Your marriage? She's a poppet, darling, a girl with a womb. She's not a marriage."

His blood began to pound at his temples, and he took hold of her arm, wrapping his fingers tightly around it. "Heed me, Miranda, have a care what you say."

"Darling, what has come over you? Have you developed tender sentiments for her? I couldn't blame you if you had, for she is very endearing. But she's not me, Jared."

"No, thank G.o.d," he agreed. "She is not you." He pushed her away and strode from the stable, his heart pounding with fury, his head aching.

Ava sent Sally away when Middleton made his way to their rooms, looking uncharacteristically grim and fatigued. She sat on the settee and watched him walk restlessly from the armoire to the basin and back again. Clearly, he was not in a jovial mood, nor did he feel like talking, for when she asked about Harrison's horse, the only thing he said was "Splendid." That was all. "Splendid."

After a half hour of watching him stalk about, Ava rose. "I shall go and have a look about," she announced.

He barely spared her a glance. "As you wish."

She wished-she definitely wished-and left him, walking down to the main floor where guests were still arriving and servants were hurrying about, carrying fresh linens and lugging portmanteaus.

Ava wandered into the main corridor, pausing as she went to admire the artwork to pa.s.s the time. When she came to the grand salon, she noticed three men standing about at the hearth drinking whiskey. When one of them happened to see her there in the door, he called out to her, "Lady Middleton! Come and join us, will you? Tell us how it is to be married to the Marquis of Middleton."

His two companions snickered unpleasantly.

"Thank you, but no," Ava said, and quickly walked on.

She was drawn by the sound of ladies' voices and came upon an inviting sitting room. Four women were seated before a crackling fire having tea. As she knew two of the women, if only casually, she felt that she'd at last stumbled into a bit of refuge, and entered the room smiling.

Lady Blanton, the first to see her, smiled when Ava asked if she might join them. "Of course, dear. Do be seated."

"Tea, madam?" a footman asked.

"Please," Ava said, and sat next to Lady Blanton on the settee.

"May I introduce you, Lady Ava? Oh! I do beg your pardon, I meant to say Lady Middleton," Lady Blanton said, nodding at the other women. "She's only recently married-aren't you, dear?" she asked, s.h.i.+fting her gaze back to Ava, her lips pursed in something of an odd smile. "I've not had the pleasure of wis.h.i.+ng you happy tidings on the occasion of your nuptials."

"Thank you."

"It happened rather quickly, didn't it?" Lady Blanton continued. "I think the whole of London was caught unawares."

The other women perked up and looked curiously at Ava, obviously smelling a piece of scandal. Lady Blanton smiled sweetly, and Ava couldn't determine if she meant to make her uncomfortable or if she was merely, and rudely, curious.

Either way, Ava's skin began to crawl. "We did not see the point in a long engagement," she said.

Lady Blanton nodded. A woman across from her-one who looked vaguely familiar- c.o.c.ked her head to one side and peered closely at her. "Are you not the daughter of the late Lady Downey?" she asked.

"I am indeed," Ava said, now wis.h.i.+ng that she'd stayed in her room. Or Broderick Abbey, if not London altogether. Downey House-yes, yes, if she could only turn back time and never have married him! Downey House had an entirely different set of problems, but they hadn't seemed so heart-wrenching as did her worries now.

"Oh dear, how tragic was your loss! I was quite sorry to hear of her pa.s.sing, for she was always quite cheerful."

"Thank you."

"How long has it been now? Scarcely a year, has it?" she asked, glancing at Ava's creme-colored silk gown.

"Ahem..." Ava paused to accept the tea the footman offered her. "It has been more than a year," she said. The other women glanced at one another, then their teacups, as they clearly put together the fact that she'd married almost as soon as her period of mourning had ended. It was little wonder what they must be thinking.

If only she could tell them that she'd done it to survive, that she'd done it to make sure her sister and cousin wouldn't be married off to the first men to offer a home without regard for their character. But of course she couldn't explain any of that and had to endure their quiet disdain.

The women avoided her gaze.

Miserable, Ava sipped her tea. It had been a mistake to come here, a mistake to think she could step into society and pretend all was right. Her mother would have known what to do. Her mother would have laughed at these women, offered some pithy retort, and flitted off to regale another group. Ava possessed neither her mother's wit nor confidence nor fort.i.tude, and she would have been better off to have crawled in a hole.

The conversation fell silent; there was nothing but the clink of china and the occasional indelicate slurp. After several moments of that, Lady Blanton put aside her teacup, folded her hands in her lap and smiled at Ava. "And where shall you and Lord Middleton make your home? In the country? Or in London, do you suppose?"

"London," she answered, grateful for the change in conversation.

"Oh how lovely for you. You may see your family as often as you like. I find it is quite important to have such diversions as family close by. Then your husband may carry on with his business and you may carry on with yours."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," one of the women said, and the others t.i.ttered politely.

"As long as he has his club and his hunts and his other amus.e.m.e.nts, he is perfectly happy," Lady Preston said with a subtle wink.

The women t.i.ttered again. Ava tried to t.i.tter, but she felt nothing but weariness. Did no one marry for love? She put aside her tea, stood and walked to the tea cart to help herself to the finger sandwiches there, and noticed, with her back to the room, that the conversation had fallen silent again. She had the distinct impression there was a bit of whispering, but when she turned around, the women were sipping tea and looking at their laps.

This would be an intolerable weekend.

It wasn't until the evening hours, when Ava and Middleton-whose mood had improved slightly-descended to the grand salon for wine and supper, that Ava realized the true h.e.l.l she'd stepped into.

It didn't help that two gentlemen instantly closed in on them the moment they appeared, pulling Middleton to the side to discuss something "terribly" important with him and unwittingly leaving Ava to stand awkwardly aside, a gla.s.s of wine in her hand. When she'd once pictured herself married, she'd imagined her life would be much the same as it had been up until now-she would attend social gatherings and flirt with handsome young men. And while she was attending a social gathering, and there were several handsome young men in attendance, she didn't have the heart for any of it.

The only thing she wanted was for her husband to love her. What made that wish so heartbreaking was that she was now convinced he was incapable of it. Were he capable of love, he would not have treated Edmond so abominably.

In an attempt to avoid meaningless conversation, she wandered across the room to admire a beautiful jade sculpture of a woman, and she was joined by another.

"Lady Middleton?"

Lady Waterstone's voice startled her so badly that Ava spilled a bit of wine on the carpet. She knew who it was before she even turned, but she hadn't known until this moment that she would be here, hadn' t even thought of her being here, and felt horribly betrayed by her unexpected presence. "Lady Waterstone," she managed.

Lady Waterstone smiled and dipped a curtsy, acknowledging Ava's superior rank to her now. The woman was, Ava realized for the first time, cla.s.sically beautiful, with dark red tresses and dark eyes and lips the color of strawberries. Standing beside her, Ava felt plain and nondescript and even a bit fat.

"Marriage agrees with you," Lady Waterstone said cheerfully. "You look lovely."

Ava glanced down at her old creme silk and thought she must look rather drab compared to the vibrantgreen that Lady Waterstone was wearing. "Thank you," she said softly."How delightful you have come!" she exclaimed. "I hadn't thought you would."Why hadn't Lady Waterstone thought it, Ava wondered, instantly suspicious. Had they planned to meet here? Was she in the way of two lovers?"Are you a hunt enthusiast?" Lady Waterstone asked, breezing past her last remark."No. I've never hunted.""Oh? That's good," Lady Waterstone said with a sympathetic smile. "Blood sports can be quite disconcerting."She imagined Lady Waterstone knew that better than anyone."It's just not a sport suited to the tender sensibilities of women," she added."Lady Middleton?" It was Harrison, coming around the jade sculpture to join them. "If I may, you should join your husband. We will be going into supper soon."

"Oh, Harrison," Lady Waterstone said with a flick of her wrist. "You do know how to snuff out a bit ofgood conversation. We were just chatting about hunting.""Perhaps you might chat with me, Lady Waterstone, for I am desperate to hear your tales," said Lord Stanhope, appearing suddenly on the other side of Lady Waterstone. "You know I find your conversation utterly fascinating."

Lady Waterstone laughed. "My, my, I do believe I am being sequestered."Stanhope gave her a cold smile and put his hand on her elbow. She turned to go, but hesitated, and puther hand to Ava's arm. "We'll have an opportunity to continue our conversation, won't we?"

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Desperate Debutantes - The Hazards Of Hunting A Duke Part 26 summary

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