The Henchmen MC: Renny Part 17

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I liked Laz for a new addition. He was young enough to be capable but old and experienced enough to bring his particular knowledge to the club. Repo would likely pick him too seeing as Laz would give him a break from doing all the f.u.c.king cooking.

The fact that Mina took to him, my initial jealousy aside, was also another thing working for him. She wasn't exactly the type of woman who willingly set herself up for failure. She was too tight, too controlled for that. But she had signed up to cook with Lazarus twice, an act that pretty much guaranteed some screw ups as she learned what she was doing. And had it been just about anyone else teaching her, she probably would have concluded that it wasn't her thing and that she would leave it up to people who knew what they were doing. But because it was Laz and because he seemed as perpetually laid back as a mother f.u.c.king sloth but also the ability to encourage you without being condescending, had her reaching for the batter again, dropping a couple dollops down, and trusting in his words.

I wondered right about then how the ever loving h.e.l.l he worked as a fighter. Even if the fighting was just on occasion, when it was needed. Maybe, if Ross wasn't in a snit about Laz joining our team and fired him, I would show up and see him in action- just to better understand him.

I'd bring Mina along too.

Because, quite frankly, now that I had her, I had no f.u.c.king plans on letting her go. Maybe that made me sound like a neanderthal, but the fact of the matter was, when a man who had been so committed to non-commitment found a woman who made him want to lock her down, well, he f.u.c.king locked her down.

So we were going to have a date at a G.o.dd.a.m.n underground fight club because that was about as romantic as a guy from an arms-dealing MC and a girl from a lawless army got.

"Hey Lo, what's up?" Mina asked, b.u.mping Laz's shoulder and pointing to her pancakes. He nodded his head at her as she moved away, stopping short a foot to my side. "What?" she asked, her mouth falling open. "Really?"

Then she looked at me and her face split into the biggest smile I had ever seen her have.

She reached out, grabbing my bicep. "Wolf is awake," she told me and there was really no good way to describe what that kind of relief felt like.

Where Reign was the spine of the club and Cash was the heart, Wolf, yeah, Wolf was the f.u.c.king soul.

We had been walking around missing a chunk of ourselves for months, no one willing to admit it, but every one of us terrified we would have to learn to live with that absence in our lives forever.

"Yeah. Thanks. Of course. Tell Janie how happy I am for her," she said, ending the call and pus.h.i.+ng it into her back pocket.

And her first instinct right then?

It was to wrap her arms around me and squeeze me tight.

She didn't really even know Wolf, couldn't have shared more than a few words with him ever, so her gesture was entirely for me, not herself.

That, well, it was f.u.c.king telling.

She was thawing.

And my theory on her was right. She was every bit as warm as I suspected.

"How is he doing?" I asked, only loosening my arms enough to let her pull back to look up at me.

"Lo said he's p.i.s.sed and wants out of the bed and doesn't want to hear s.h.i.+t about needing more time to heal, that he has spent 'enough f.u.c.king time healing' and that he wants to sign out and come back here."

"Of course he does," I said, smiling at the image.

While Reign, Cash, and Repo were known to drop in and visit, try to console Janie, I hadn't been able to get to the hospital much. The last time I had seen him had been two weeks before and he had lost a lot of weight and, to me, just seemed like he was fading.

I had almost resigned myself to the seeming inevitable.

I was never more happy to be wrong in my life.

"He's not leaving yet, obviously," Mina added. "Janie won't hear of it until the st.i.tches are all out and they are sure the swelling in the brain is better. So he has at least a week or two more there unless he gets stubborn and signs himself out when Janie isn't paying attention. Which, well, sounds like him."

"Yeah it does," I agreed, giving her a squeeze. "Does Janie want to tell Malc herself or one of us to do it?"

"Tell Malc what?" Maze asked, walking in, purple hair tied in a careless knot on top of her head, her belly hinting that she wasn't too far from delivery.

"Wolf woke up," Mina told her, making Maze stop halfway inside the kitchen, frozen in shock for a long second before letting out a sob loud enough to startle both Laz and Reeve who looked over at her like they were terrified she had gone into labor and they might have to a.s.sist in delivery.

"Get over here, Violet," I said, tucking Mina to one side and holding the other arm open for her.

And Maze, harda.s.s, bada.s.s, ex-probate she was, was a complete emotional mess when she was pregnant. And, given that she and I had prospected together, we had a bond and she didn't even pause before she flew at me, burying her face in my neck, and started crying almost uncontrollably.

When I chanced a look over at Mina, she quickly jerked her head away, but not before I saw the unmistakable glimmer in her eyes.

Oh yeah, big warm, softy alright.

"Lo said to tell him, that he has been as worried as she has and that she doesn't want him to have to wait another minute."

"Think you should do it, sweetheart," I told her, making her jerk back, brows drawing together.

"I think I'm the last person who should tell him."

"It's gotta be one of you women. He's been raised in an MC. He does the stiff-upper lip thing really well and if I tell him, he's going to hold it all in which isn't good. He's gotta cry it out and..."

"I can..." Maze started to offer, but stopped immediately when I gave her a hard squeeze. "Yeah, you know what," she said, sniffling once and wiping her eyes, "Renny is right. You should tell him."

"I know him the least," she objected. "I work with Janie and I see Malc all the time around Hailstorm, but I haven't really bonded with him."

"Well, nothing like telling him the dad he's been worried is going to die...isn't, to bond you guys. Come on, you got this."

She opened her mouth to object again, but must have picked up on the united front of me and Maze and known that Summer would easily jump on our side and that Penny wouldn't pick a side because she was too new, too unsure of her place still. "Alright," she said, nodding and pulling away from me. "I'll go tell him," she added as she turned and went out of the room.

"Is this some kind of test?" Maze asked once she was gone.


"Yeah, a test. You know... you being an a.s.shole and poking at people. What are you trying to prove here?"

"I'm not..." I started to object, but Maze maybe knew me a little better than that. "She avoids the kids as much as possible," I said with a shrug.

"You know how they say that a maternal instinct is ingrained?" Maze asked. "Well, it's not. Some women have to work at it and some women won't show any signs of it until they have a kid of their own. We don't all want to pick up a crying baby or make funny faces at them for hours. And many of us don't have a ticking clock or that uterus-squeeze thing when we see a cute kid. We have s.h.i.+t to do and a life to live. Until one bursts its way into that life, sometimes they just aren't something we are drawn to."

"I get that, Violet, but I also think that Mina steers clear because she doesn't understand kids. And for someone like her, that is unsettling."

"So what? You're going to force exposure therapy on her every time you think she needs to get over something? Hate to tell you this, Renny, but she's going to catch on and she's going to get p.i.s.sed about it." She wasn't wrong. It hadn't even occurred to me that what I was doing was pushy until she brought it up. That was something I had to work on obviously. "For a smart, observant guy, you can be a little dense and clueless. Hone your conversation skills, Renny. You're going to scare her away if you don't."

And with that sage little bit of advice, she moved away from me and over toward Laz who she promised to name her baby after if he gave her the first couple pancakes.

I didn't bother to mention that the baby was a girl and they already had a name picked out.

I heard Mina walk back down the hall toward our room a couple minutes later and gave her a few minutes alone before I called one of the Hailstorm guys in to watch the probates as I went to see why she was hiding.

I barely got the door closed before she was charging at me, jamming her finger into my chest hard enough to make me slam back against the door.

"That was bulls.h.i.+t, Renny. I didn't want to make a scene in front of Maze and the new guys, but don't you ever f.u.c.king try to test me like that again. I get it. I'm not all suns.h.i.+ne and roses and I don't sit for hours and play Barbie with Ferryn or watch cartoons with Malcolm, Seth, and Fallon. I get that I am not Susie freaking Homemaker. But that doesn't mean something is wrong with me and it doesn't mean you get to try to push me into being something I am not."

"Mina, I didn't realize I was testing you until Maze called me on it," I said, shaking my head. "Hand to f.u.c.king G.o.d. I didn't even think it was f.u.c.ked up. I'm not saying that it's okay that I didn't see that it was wrong, but I'm asking if maybe you can understand that I didn't know."

Her finger stopped bruising into my chest as she took a deep breath. "I like kids."

"Okay," I said, shrugging. "And if you didn't, okay too."

"I like them," she said again, almost a little desperately. "They just..."

"They scare the s.h.i.+t out of you," I supplied, smiling a little.

Her shoulders dropped at that, exhaling. "Yeah," she said, nodding, looking relieved that she didn't have to say it.

"Because they don't have hidden agendas and they don't have motivators you can pick apart and use to predict their behavior."

"It must be terrifying to be a parent," she said, shaking her head. "You get this thing that you made or you adopted or whatever and it's... blank. It has nothing but basic human urges and only the two innate fears of falling and loud noises. That's it. That's all they are. You turn them into who they become. Every word you say, every word you don't say, every look you give and every touch you offer them and everything you do as a person... it shapes them. That is... that is so crazy that anyone takes that on. I mean you are genuinely to blame if they come out to be little psychopathic narcissists or well-rounded individuals. And no one really has all the answers to tell you how to mold them right. You can screw it up so easily. Don't smile at me like I'm being silly," she said, crossing her arms over her chest and small-eyeing me.

"It's not silly. Actually, it's a f.u.c.king shame that people don't consider those things."

"Then why are you smiling like that?" she asked, still wary.

"Because, I gotta be honest here, pumpkin, you're the cutest f.u.c.king thing when you're having a near panic attack over something that isn't even a factor in your life."

"Well," she said, clearly thrown off, "you brought it up."

"And you gave me a little piece of yourself without me having to pry it out of you," I said, pus.h.i.+ng off the door and moving toward her.

"What are you doing?" she asked, brows drawing together, backing up as I advanced.

"Know what's a good meal?" I asked as she hit the bed and couldn't retreat any farther. "Brunch. And I am f.u.c.king famished."

"Renny," she tried to object, "we are supposed to be watching the..."

"Lo's guys are keeping an eye and making sure the puppies don't chew the furniture."

"Well, we should really be..."

The rest of her sentence got cut off when I reached down and pressed my hand between her thighs, making her breath whoosh out of her.

"What should we really be doing?" I asked, smirking slightly as my finger pressed against her c.l.i.t and her head tilted back slightly.

"I, ah," she started, shaking her head. "I don't remember."

"Well then, it can't be all that important, right?" I asked, my hand sliding up to undo her b.u.t.ton and zip then shoving my hand down them and inside her panties, stroking up her already slick slit and finding the small, swollen bud of her c.l.i.t and moving over it in circles.

"Right," she agreed, her hands going to my arms and digging in hard.

"And you wouldn't keep a man from a meal over some unimportant s.h.i.+t, would you?" I asked as my middle finger slid down her p.u.s.s.y and pressed inside as my thumb kept working her c.l.i.t. Her entire body jolted and she let out a low whimper that I swear I felt in my c.o.c.k.

She opened her mouth twice and closed it again before she finally got the words out. "No, I wouldn't do that."

"Didn't think so," I agreed, pulling my finger out of her then before she could even object, reached up and dragged the jeans and panties down her legs. Then, before she even pulled another breath in, my hands pressed into her shoulders and sent her flying backward onto the mattress, landing with a bounce as I grabbed her jeans and panties and ripped them free of her feet and lowered myself down by the edge of the bed.

My fingers slid up the soft skin of her calves, moved inward at her knees, and pressed her legs wide against the mattress, giving me a perfect view of her sweet, wet p.u.s.s.y.

I wasn't one of the guys who ate p.u.s.s.y because they wanted a girl to suck d.i.c.k. It wasn't an obligation or a exchange. It wasn't a thing I did to get something else I wanted more.


I was one of those guys who just genuinely liked eating p.u.s.s.y.

Especially when said p.u.s.s.y tasted sweeter than any f.u.c.king fruit I had ever had in my life. Mina, yeah, she tasted like a f.u.c.king treat. And I wanted to feast on her, to gorge myself and, in the process, feel her writhe beneath me, whimper, moan, and scream, have her fingers pull my hair or scratch b.l.o.o.d.y marks across my back.

So I kissed my way up her inner thigh and sucked her sweet little c.l.i.t into my mouth, sucking it in pulses until her breathing went erratic, until her hips started rising and begging for fulfillment, until she couldn't hold back the sounds anymore and started moaning helplessly, knowing every drop of her pleasure was at my G.o.dd.a.m.n mercy.

If a man had his priorities straight, that was the only kind a power he needed to get drunk off of.

As such, when her thighs started shaking and her body went taut and her moans went silent because her air got caught in her throat, I licked her faster, with a little more pressure, until she cried out, her palm slamming down on my shoulder, her leg kicking out straight, a rush of her sweet wetness coating my tongue.

Then I licked her some more, just for good measure. Until her body was spent and her fingers started sifting gently through my hair. Then and only then did I lift up and look down at her.

I had to say, I really liked the look of her spread f.u.c.king eagle on my bed. I got a distinct, strong feeling that that was exactly where she belonged, whether she realized it yet or not.

She didn't move, but watched me for a long moment as I planted my knees at the edge of the bed. Then, her hands slowly raised, sliding up my thighs toward the fly of my pants.

"Nuh-uh," I said, shaking my head at her, not wanting her to think it was anything other than it was- me wanting to get her off.

But then she smiled- slow, a little wicked. "But I'm hungry too," she said and I swear to f.u.c.k I almost came right then and there.

"Well, we can't have that, can we?" I asked as she pushed the b.u.t.ton and moved the zip, her body slowly folding up toward me.

Her hands went inside and pulled my pants and boxer briefs down. Her head tilted up to look at me as her hand reached out and held my c.o.c.k at the base. And eyes still on me, she moved her tongue out and traced it across the head, licking off the pre-c.u.m and sending a bolt of desire through my system, making my c.o.c.k harder, my b.a.l.l.s painfully full.

Her free hand slid up my thigh and rested just under my hipbone as she ducked her head and let me slide in her velvety soft mouth. My hand landed on the crown of her head, slipping into her silky hair- just a pressure, not guiding her.

She didn't need any f.u.c.king guidance.

She knew exactly what she was doing.

She had perfect suction, perfect speed, perfect tongue, perfect f.u.c.king everything.

But long before I could come down her pretty throat, she slowly released me, putting her arms straight up in the air.

There wasn't even a second of disappointment. I would have her mouth again. But right then, she was offering me her body. There was no f.u.c.king way in h.e.l.l I was going to refuse that. I reached down and pulled the s.h.i.+rt up and off, reaching behind her back and unclasping her bra, leaving her gloriously naked before me.

She slowly started backing up on the bed toward the headboard and I kicked out of my pants and followed her up, covering her body with mine as my lips went down to hers.

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The Henchmen MC: Renny Part 17 summary

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