The Henchmen MC: Renny Part 18

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This time, though, they weren't hard and hungry and desperate.

The kiss was slow, deep, sweet.

She whimpered as my tongue moved forward to claim hers, her legs going up and folding across my lower back, pulling me fully down on her. My c.o.c.k pressed against her cleft and she ground up against me, her wetness coating my d.i.c.k and making me need to take a slow breath and fight the urge to slam inside her.

It felt like hours and could have gone on for hours still before my lips pulled from hers and drifted down the column of her neck, between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, toying gently over her hardened nipples with my tongue.

I was starting a path lower again when her hands grabbed me and pulled me upward over her again. When my eyes found hers, I found something there I never expected to see- utter openness. Her hands slipped around my back and held me as her hips started thrusting gently against me, sharing her hot wetness with me and I had to grit my teeth and bury my face in her neck to keep control as she took what she needed from me.

But I pushed back up when her hand slid between us and I felt her hand close around my c.o.c.k and move it downward until the head pressed against her tight opening.

"Mina, it's okay," I said, shaking my head, knowing she was the one who insisted condoms were an absolute hard-limit for her.

She tensed beneath me. "You said you were clea..."

"I am," I agreed, leaning down to kiss her lips softly. "I have the papers to prove it, but you didn't want..."

"I changed my mind," she said, her hand releasing my c.o.c.k and her legs putting pressure on my lower back until I could do nothing but slowly slip inside her hot, wet, tight p.u.s.s.y.

"f.u.c.k," I groaned when I was buried deep, pressing my forehead to hers, taking a minute to hold myself together.

I had maybe f.u.c.ked without a condom twice in my life and it was back when I was too young and stupid to consider consequences. Since then, condoms were always a thing and twice-yearly checkups were done regardless of that. In my humble opinion, s.e.x was only fun if the s.e.x was consequence-free.

I knew Lo ran a tight s.h.i.+p and everyone was subject to in-depth physicals several times a year. That and Mina's reluctance to not use condoms for her own reasons were all the proof I really needed that she was clean. And with her implant, we were about as safe as we could get.

That being said, it had been so f.u.c.king long since I felt a woman wrapped around me- raw and hot and wet and tight, that I had all but forgotten how f.u.c.king good it felt.

Control, I f.u.c.king needed to find some.

"Renny, please," she whimpered, her hips thrusting up against mine, trying to get relief from her need.

I lifted up, looking down at her as I slowly slid out almost completely then pressed back in- slow, sweet, unhurried. We had all the f.u.c.king time in the world. And there was nowhere else I'd rather be than buried inside her.

So I kept that pace as she writhed under me, as her hands clawed into my back, as her moans became almost pained whimpers and her walls got impossibly tight around me.

"Faster, please," she begged, desperate for release.

But she was just going to have to wait. Because she was giving something to me right then, something I knew meant a lot from her, something I knew she could refuse to give me again at any time- her vulnerability. So I was f.u.c.king milking it for all it was worth, even if my own need for release was begging me to start slamming into her hard and deep.

"Shh," I whispered when she begged again, her walls so tight that it was hard to move at all and I knew she was going to come. "Right there baby, let go..."

Her body was shaking slightly with the intensity of feelings coursing through her and just as the first spasming started around my c.o.c.k, a single tear slid out the side of one of her perfect hazel eyes. I leaned forward, kissing it away as she cried out, holding me so tight it was hard to take a breath as the pulsations kept coming in a seemingly endless wave for a long minute.

Then and only then, on the tail-end of her o.r.g.a.s.m, I pressed deep and came with her name on my lips, taking perhaps way too much pleasure in the idea of my c.u.m inside her, in knowing it was a privilege she never afforded another man before.

Afterward, her body started trembling with aftershocks, overwhelmed. I rolled to my side, pulling her with me, tucking her head under my chin, my fingers trailing down her back, through her hair, as they rolled through her, lessening slowly over time.

She took a slow, deep breath when her body finally settled down, pulling slightly against my hold so she could look at me, her eyes a little heavy-lidded still, but knowing.

I knew it too.

Things had just changed.

Things had just gotten a f.u.c.k of a lot more serious.

Then her lips parted and when she spoke, her voice was a little small, a little shy. "You're still inside me."

"Mhmm," I said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I like that," she admitted, and I knew how much that meant. It didn't scare her like she expected it to- to take away the last literal boundary between us. She didn't regret it. She liked it.

"I like it too," I agreed, giving her a small smile. "And you can have that literally anytime you want from here on out. Bed, shower, car, in the gla.s.s f.u.c.king room on the roof- whatever gets your gears turning," I smirked, running my fingers down her arm.

"We should be getting back," she said, sounding unhappy at the prospect which made me feel f.u.c.king good about myself in turn.

"Yeah," I agreed though, because it was true. We might have been building something between us, but we still had lives and a job to do. So as much as I wanted to take to bed with her for a G.o.dd.a.m.n month, I recognized that that was not a possibility. "Alright," I said, slowly pulling out of her. "You get cleaned up. I will save you some pancakes."

She sat up, smiling. "You're going to eat without me?" she objected, snagging her s.h.i.+rt when I tossed it to her.

I pulled up my pants and zipped them. "If you hustle, I won't have to," I told her, pulling on my s.h.i.+rt as she jumped up and scurried to the bathroom, legs pressed tightly together and I couldn't help but smile at that as I sat to put my shoes back on.

By the time I was laced back up, she was walking out, dressed. But no amount of primping was going to take that post-f.u.c.k glow off her face.

And I wouldn't want it any other f.u.c.king way.


Mina Two days.

We had gotten two full, amazing days.

After we left the bed where I had done something I hadn't known I was capable of. I had given him something. And, judging by the way he looked at me while he accepted it, he knew just how huge that was. That meant something. Maybe for most women, it was no big deal to take off the condom when you knew both parties were safe and pregnancy wasn't an issue. But for me, it was a huge deal.

He simply got that.

Like he seemed to just get a lot about me.

The day afterward was a fury of activities. We ate. Lo came back, beaming ear-to-ear, picking up Malcolm and bringing him to see his father. From there, the kids were going stir crazy and Summer and Maze were clearly reaching their limit.

So me, Renny, and all the probates took turns trying to occupy them. Me and Cyrus occupied them for short bursts with video games.

Laz managed to get a very interested Ferryn involved in cooking lunch because unlike her mother and father, Lazarus let her work with the stove.

And Reeve, well, the d.a.m.nedest thing happened.

Having had shown absolutely no interest in the kids before, or any of us really, we hadn't expected him to really pitch in on the 'give the mommies a break' plan. But he had disappeared for a minute then he had walked over to Fallon who was clearly lost with his age-mate Malcolm gone and feeling Reign's absence pretty hard, sat down beside him, pulled out a children's book, and started reading to him.

I elbowed Renny hard at the sight, making him make a grumbling sound before I jerked my chin over toward the pair and his gaze followed. He turned back to me, brows low, and I shook my head. I had no idea what it was about either. Or where he had gotten the book.

Granted, it wasn't exactly age appropriate.

It was Gary Paulsen's "Hatchet" that I myself had read when I was closer to the protagonist's age, at ten. It was the story of a boy who survives a plane crash in the wild and is alone and needs to learn to survive. Some of the subject matter was a bit out there for a six-year old. But, then again, I imagined Reeve figured that a kid growing up in an MC compound surrounded by arms dealers and their lawless counterparts, he could handle a little literary violence.

And, judging by the way Fallon moved closer and seemed completely apt, it had been the right choice.

"I hope he knows what he's getting into," I mused aloud, but mostly to myself. "Fallon is going to be on his case to finish that book every day now."

Cyrus looked over at his brother for a second, face much more guarded than I had seen it so far, then back at me and declared, "Reeve is good with kids. He wouldn't start the story if he didn't plan on finis.h.i.+ng it."

Again, my gaze went to Renny and, again, neither of us had a clue.

Reeve, the anomaly.

Reeve, the loose end that needed some serious tying up.

But not right then.

There would be time for that later.

That night, Laz was called in to fight. Renny told me that he wanted to take me but that it would have to wait until the next one because we couldn't leave the compound. And, as excited as I was about the prospect of going out somewhere with him, I was equally happy to be locked in with him. So Laz was walked out and Cyrus and Reeve were locked into their room.

And we went to bed.

He gave me hot and fast and sweaty, but only after he had "dessert".

The next morning, I got up before him and showered then was, yet again, had for another meal. Really, his appet.i.te for oral s.e.x was genuinely impressive. I was definitely not complaining.

I walked outside with my coffee to find Laz at the gates, waiting to be allowed reentry. He was a little beaten up- his left eye swollen half shut, his lip cut, and cuts broken open on his knuckles. But overall, seemed like he was likely the victor.

"Hey Mina, how'd breakfast go without me?"

I laughed at that. "Penny was in charge of it this morning."

"Aw, come on, honey, you could have handled it. I have faith in you," he told me as I nodded at the guys at the gate to let him in.

"No one wants pancakes two mornings in a row. Besides, Penny is stressing out about Duke. I don't think anyone thought this trip would take as long as it is apparently taking."

We had heard from them. Reign called Renny; Cash called Lo; Repo called Maze; and Duke called Penny. But all the conversations were short and sweet. So we knew that everyone was still alive, but they didn't give anyone much more than that and we all knew that they were likely outnumbered and in danger until they were home.

And being that Penny was the newest girlfriend of The Henchmen MC, if I was not being counted, she was the least used to the aspects of danger, to her man being away from her.

"She kind of needed the distraction," I told him as we walked back to the compound. "She's worried about Duke."

"Lucky man to have a good woman worrying about him."

"Do you have a woman worrying about you?" I asked, surprise that hadn't been something I had asked him before.

"Nah, honey, no woman," he said, and if I wasn't completely mistaken, he didn't sound happy about that fact.

Which was interesting for a probate.

Usually they were all ga.s.sed up about the idea of and sowing their oats.

Laz was a pleasant surprise.

After that, we ate; the kids got occupied; Renny and I hung out with the probates, mostly asking Laz about his fight which he had, indeed won.

A while after that, I found one of the bedroom doors open in the hall, one of the ones that didn't belong to one of the core members, catching my attention. I moved toward it, brows drawn together, to find Renny standing at the foot of the bed, staring at the bathroom, in the middle of a room that was in a suspended form of chaos. Clothes were tossed everywhere. Three beer bottles sat on the nightstand. A pair of boots were on their side in front of the closet. The garbage bin was overflowing with paper and, unfortunately, condom foils.

The room of a fallen brother.

"Renny?" I called, my voice tentative, knowing he had been the one to find all his brothers. And, judging by the hollow look to his eyes as he stared into s.p.a.ce, he was running over the memory, likely of a brother dead in the bathroom he couldn't stop looking at. "Hey, Renny?" I called, a little softer as I moved closer, putting my hand on the inside of his elbow, making him jerk hard, almost elbowing me in the face as he turned quickly.

"f.u.c.k, Mina, sorry," he said, shaking his head as I flinched back. I knew he would never purposely hit me, but if he was dealing with some kind of post-traumatic thing, he could do things without really realizing he was doing them, without knowing it was me he was hurting.

"It's okay," I said, moving closer, putting my hand on his stomach. "Are you alright?"

He looked over my shoulder, past me, thinking it over for a genuine moment. Then he exhaled hard as his arm slid around my shoulders and his head ducked to look at me. "Not right now, no," he admitted, surprising us both, I think.

I moved even closer, resting my head under his chin and putting my arms around him, letting him squeeze me tight without any objection even though it was borderline painful. "Tell me about him," I prompted.

"Jazz," he supplied, resting the side of his face to the top of my head. "He joined around the time Repo did. He was a f.u.c.king slob and he was constantly purposely trying to make the jealous of each other by being nice to one one day then another the next day. Just a s.h.i.+t-starter really. But he was loyal. He never b.i.t.c.hed about walking the grounds or being left behind when the others went on a drop and he had to stay and watch the clubhouse. Found him in that bathroom," he went on, voice going low so that I had to strain to hear. His hands had started rubbing up and down my back absentmindedly, like I was an anchor for him and he needed to keep touching me to remind himself he was here, in the present, and not back in that G.o.d-awful night.

"He must have been getting ready to shower. The place was steamed and the water was running still when I came in. He was facing it too, shot in the back of the head three times. There were pieces of brain matter f.u.c.king everywhere," he added and I could feel him swallow hard at that.

I wanted to tell him it was okay. I wanted to offer hollow comforts. But Renny wasn't the type of man to accept them. He knew it wasn't alright, that he wasn't alright about it and that he likely wouldn't be for a good, long time. People didn't just get over things like that. It was a mark on the soul. It was a source of nightmares for years to come, no matter how hardened a criminal you were.

So I gave him what I felt. "I'm sorry, Renny," I offered, tilting my head up slightly, planting a kiss under his jaw. His arms squeezed me even tighter for a second. "Why are you in here?" I added a minute of silence later.

From what I understood, since the cleaning had been conducted, a large part of that done by Renny himself, the poor soul, the doors had been closed and the rooms had become somewhat of a memorial to the fallen brothers.

He took a long minute to answer and when he did, his tone was resigned. "Got three potential new members. Eventually, they are going to need rooms."

"But they're usually probates for..."

"A year, give or take," he answered for me. "But there's a lot to f.u.c.king do. Figured I would start packing up, get the clothes and s.h.i.+t to Goodwill at least."

Really, it made more sense to get the rooms taken care of. If, for no other reason, to have more places for the kids to hang out. But, on top of that, keeping the rooms like shrines kept things in suspension. If they wanted closure, they needed to get things taken care of.

But it was unfair for Renny to take that all on by himself.

"Want some help?" I asked, pulling back slightly to look up at him, wanting to gauge his non-verbal reaction.

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The Henchmen MC: Renny Part 18 summary

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