The Automobile Girls at Palm Beach Part 13

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accused the German. "I am here to take you back to France where you are wanted."

Madame de Villiers now arose. She lifted her great mahogany cane, her face dark with anger.

"You will regret this day's work," she announced. "Be gone!"

But she had hardly finished her speech, before Mr. Stuart was on his feet. He seized the intruder by the collar, and before the man could more than raise his hand from the Countess Sophia's arm, he was hurled several feet away, landing in a heap on the ground.

"You foreign idiot," cried Mr. Stuart, forgetting his women guests in his anger. "How dare you come here and create a disturbance among my friends. You are without a warrant or a policeman. The Countess Sophia von s...o...b..rg is our friend. You shall pay dearly for your insolence.

Leave this place without a second's delay or I shall lay violent hands on you."

The two strangers did not dare defy Mr. Stuart. Mr. Warren had also risen and hurried to his friend's aid and the two Americans looked thoroughly capable of enforcing their commands.

The foreigners went back to their carriage. After a slight delay they drove off, still muttering veiled threats.

When they had disappeared down the avenue, Countess Sophia gave Mr.

Stuart her hand.

"I thank you, Monsieur," she said. "Madame de Villiers and I are alone.

It is good to have a protector. I do not know why those men attempted to arrest me without a warrant. I a.s.sure you they had not just cause. I believe they were sent by an enemy."

"Perhaps, Countess," replied Mr. Stuart, "those two men think you are some one else. I know there is a notorious swindler at large at Palm Beach. It is probably a case of mistaken ident.i.ty."

The Countess Sophia made no answer. Barbara, who was watching her closely, saw a look of unmistakable fear leap into her dark eyes at the mention of the word "swindler." Bab glanced quickly about her and encountered the eyes of Monsieur Duval. In them was an expression of cruel triumph that made Bab feel certain that he was in some way responsible for the late unpleasant scene.



Ruth was stretched out on a steamer rug on the warm sands, lazily looking out over the blue waters.

Barbara was disporting herself in the waves like a water sprite who had dared to show herself among mortals. Many of the bathers stopped to watch with admiration the figure of the young girl plunging gracefully through the waves.

But Ruth was not watching Barbara. She was thinking deeply.

Why had the Countess Sophia von s...o...b..rg refused to prosecute the two foreigners who had deliberately insulted her?

Immediately after their return from the picnic Mr. Stuart had written the young countess a note. He suggested that he have the two strangers put out of their hotel, even driven away from Palm Beach. But the countess's reply had been polite, but firm. No; she did not wish to prosecute her annoyers. The men had simply made a mistake. There would be less notoriety if she let the matter drop.

Mr. Stuart was not satisfied. He a.s.sured the countess that he and Mr.

Warren had sufficient influence to have the two men sent away without the least publicity attending their dismissal. Still the decision of the countess remained unchanged. She graciously thanked Mr. Stuart for his kindness, but she really preferred to let the whole matter drop.

There was nothing more to be said.

Ruth now observed these same two men. They were seated not far from her, watching Barbara with stolid admiration. So far as Ruth knew they had not repeated their attempt to arrest the countess. But they had not confessed their error, nor offered to apologize either to Mr. Stuart or to the countess.

The story that there was a notorious woman swindler at large at Palm Beach was now common gossip.

"It is absurd to suspect the countess," Ruth thought as she reviewed the recent disagreeable incident. "If the scandal goes any further I shall side with her, no matter what may be the consequences." Ruth ended her reverie by making this last statement aloud. But she was sorry a second later.

A voice spoke at her elbow. "Do you think, Mademoiselle Ruth," it inquired, "that suspicion of a certain person will reach a point where you will be required to take sides?"

Ruth started. She had been in a brown study, and was embarra.s.sed and annoyed at having been caught speaking aloud.

The voice belonged to Monsieur Duval. He had come dripping from his swim in the ocean, and had laid himself in the sand directly behind Ruth without her noticing him.

"To what suspicion do you refer, Mr. Duval?" Ruth asked haughtily. She knew this clever Frenchman could read her mind like an open book. But she did not intend to confess that her remark had referred to the young countess.

Monsieur Duval smiled. "I am afraid I listened at the door of your thoughts," he said. "I think I can guess with whom you intend to take sides. But I promise not to betray your secret. I am sorry I overheard your last remark. Yet I do not see why you think the Countess Sophia may be accused of being this notorious woman criminal. It is true she allows herself to be persecuted without reason. She will not appear at this, or any other hotel, and keeps herself as much in seclusion as possible.

Also she will not tell us the country of her birth, nor does she refer to any friends, but----" Monsieur Duval stopped.

Ruth was indignant at the array of evidence that this Monsieur Duval was able to present against the young countess. She flushed guiltily, but wisely refrained from answering the Frenchman.

Mr. Duval was obliged to continue the conversation.

"Do you wish to help your friend?" he asked Ruth quietly.

"Of course," Ruth replied warmly.

The Frenchman leaned over. "Then watch everything, but say nothing. And, above all things, do not have a too accurate memory."

Ruth was about to make an angry retort, when Mr. Duval skilfully changed the subject of their conversation. He praised Bab's wonderful diving. It reminded him of Neapolitan boys he had seen diving for pennies. Mr.

Duval next told Ruth of a walking trip he had once made through southern Italy. She listened very much against her will to the entertaining Frenchman and it was with distinct relief that she saw Miss Sallie approaching them, dressed in an imported lavender linen and carrying a parasol and a book.

Maud and her count appeared from the opposite direction. They also came forward to join Ruth and Monsieur Duval. Bab ran up the beach, shaking the drops of water from her blue bathing suit, her wet curls sparkling in the sun.

Mr. Duval did not wish to remain with so large a party. His words had been for Ruth's ears alone. As Miss Stuart approached he bowed ironically to Ruth and strolled away.

"How glad I am that we are not in the cold, sleet and blizzards of Chicago, child," Miss Stuart remarked, bringing Ruth back to earth again. "The Countess Sophia was right in saying our American climate in the north is unbearable in the winter time. I never felt so well in my life as I do in this delightful place."

"Aunt Sallie," asked Ruth thoughtfully, ignoring the weather, and going back to the idea that was uppermost in her mind. "Do you think the Countess Sophia could be in need of money?"

"How can I tell, child?" replied Miss Sallie. "The countess dresses plainly, but her gowns are in excellent taste. They are made by a modiste in Vienna, who, I happen to know, is one of the most expensive in Europe. On the other hand Madame de Villiers and the countess live very quietly. They keep only two servants. But the countess has the air of a woman of wealth and culture."

"Are we going to dine with the countess to-morrow night?" asked Ruth impetuously.

"Certainly, child," Miss Sallie replied, her serenity undisturbed. "It is true your father may not have returned from his fis.h.i.+ng trip, but there is no reason why we should not go without him."

Ruth closed her eyes. Could it be possible that they might be invited to eat food paid for by money gained dishonestly? Surely Monsieur Duval could not have spoken the truth!

"Here comes that Mrs. De Lancey Smythe," remarked Miss Sallie with sudden energy. "I do wish that woman would keep away from us."

"Aunt Sallie," said Ruth, "what do you dislike most about Mrs. De Lancey Smythe?"

"Don't ask me, my dear," returned Miss Stuart rather impatiently.

"Everything I should say. I must confess that the very sight of her irritates me."

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The Automobile Girls at Palm Beach Part 13 summary

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