Doublecrossed Part 30

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"It seemed wrong somehow to start thinking about another woman when I wasn't over Angela."

"Oh, Regan." Callie lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling. "You're so precious."

"Is that a compliment?"

"Yeah. Of course it is. I just think it's precious that you're so monogamous that you think it's wrong to fantasize about other women after you've broken up. That's intense!"

"I'm really, really monogamous, but I know that's not the norm."

"I will never, ever complain about you being too monogamous. That's one of your most endearing qualities."

"Monogamy is the only way for me. But I let that get out of hand with Angela. Once we were together I honestly thought I had to just live with our s.h.i.+tty s.e.x life. That was dumb. Really dumb. Thinking that way got my heart broken."

"What would you do differently?"

"I should have paid attention to the way we related s.e.xually. It wasn't great even before we moved in together." She slapped herself in the forehead with the flat of her hand. "So dumb. I kept telling myself that she had ninety percent of what I wanted in a partner."

"That last ten percent is pretty important."

"Yeah, tell me about it. That last ten percent made Angela cheat."

"No, I don't think so. She cheated because she was afraid to be honest. She knew she wanted someone she could top in and out of bed, but she's obviously attracted to a.s.sertive women. She never would have been interested in Marina if that wasn't so."

"Yeah, you're probably right. But she's the last person I want to talk about today." She smiled impishly. "No, as usual, Marina's the last. But Angela's second to last."

"It's a deal. No more of either of those knuckleheads."

"I only brought it up because I want you to know I'll never let something like that happen again." She took Callie's hand and stared deep into her eyes. "I'll do anything I can to make sure you're s.e.xually satisfied. s.e.x is too important to be an afterthought."

"It is. But the other things are too important to ignore. Trust and honesty are requirements, not options. I learned that from my eighteen months with she who will not be named."

"Sounds like we both learned something important. It sucks to learn things, doesn't it?" She laughed and rolled onto her back. "I'd much rather read things like that in a book."

"Me too." Callie put her hand on Regan's s.h.i.+rt and tugged on it. "Books can't replace some experiences though." She pulled the s.h.i.+rt up a few inches and tickled along the edge of Regan's panties. "Some things have to be experienced in the flesh."

Regan turned her head and looked into Callie's eyes for a few seconds. Then she s.h.i.+fted onto her side and took over. With the first possessive kiss, Callie knew she'd found a home. Regan kissed like she knew exactly what she wanted, and that she knew exactly how to get it. Her body hovered over Callie for a moment, then she settled her full weight onto her, making her feel wonderfully trapped. Their b.r.e.a.s.t.s compressed against each other, softness upon softness. Then Regan's knee slid between her thighs and settled boldly against her. It was divine.

After a few long minutes of intensifying kisses, Callie looked deep into Regan's eyes. The love she saw there filled her with emotion. She'd been waiting for this woman all of her life.

As they gazed at each other longingly, Regan rolled off and decisively said, "I'm going to undress you."

Callie blinked at her while a thrill raced down her spine as she waited for instructions.

"Let me take off your s.h.i.+rt." She grasped the hem, then smoothly pulled it off. Callie looked down at herself as Regan did. Suddenly, she felt a little shy, being so intimately revealed. But Regan looked positively joyous and that made the little bout of shyness disappear. "I'll never get tired of looking at you," Regan whispered. She gently kissed one hard nipple. "You're more beautiful than I'd dreamt." She placed her hands on the swell of Callie's hips, letting her hands rest there for a moment. Her thumbs chafed the waistband of her pajamas, then she slid them down, smiling. The desire burning in Regan's eyes made Callie's heart beat hard in her chest. Regan needed her, wanted her, l.u.s.ted for her, and nothing had ever made her happier.

Regan hugged her, squeezing almost to the point of pain. "I love you with all my heart." She slid her hands around Callie's back and let them roam all over her skin. "You're so warm and soft." She sniffed delicately along her neck. "And you smell fantastic. So clean and fresh. It used to drive me crazy when we stayed at each other's houses. I wanted to put my face on every sweet smelling spot. You're such a beautiful woman," she whispered. Her hands started at Callie's shoulders and slipped down her body, making a small turn at her hips before coming to rest on her a.s.s. "I can't believe how lucky I am. You're almost too beautiful to touch." Those beautiful blue eyes twinkled when she grinned rakishly. "Almost."

Callie grabbed and held her tightly, nuzzling her face into Regan's shoulder. Once again, Regan's decisiveness made her feel a little shy. It was like there was a finite amount of confidence they shared and the more Regan showed, the less she felt.

"Let me see you," Regan whispered. "Come on. Let me see how beautiful you are."

That was it. Regan sensed the key to her s.e.xual desire. Having a woman she l.u.s.ted for tell her exactly what to do. Callie slowly pulled the covers away, revealing her nakedness. Her arm started to rise to cover her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but Regan grasped her hand and held it. Then she dipped her head and kissed a warm path up her breastbone, ending at her lips.

Regan's body s.h.i.+fted onto Callie's again, possessing her delightfully. Callie took in a deep breath at the glorious feeling of having Regan's luscious body atop her. It was heady in a way that almost made her weak. Her desire was at such a fever pitch she couldn't stop her hands from roaming, touching Regan's back and her muscular a.s.s. "You're amazing," she murmured.

"No, you are." Regan slid back onto her side and gazed at Callie's body, whispering exclamations of pleasure so soft that no one could have heard them. Then with a gentle hand on her shoulder she turned Callie onto her belly. She sat up, as though she needed to see more, and ran her hand all over her back, then down to her a.s.s, her thighs. Her fingers gently followed the curve of Callie's spine, then returned once more to settle on her a.s.s. Then she turned her again and slid onto her, enveloping her in an incendiary kiss-one Callie felt in her core. Callie's need, her desire, her pa.s.sion were all wrapped up in one wet kiss that seemed to go on and on.

Lying on their sides, legs entwined, Regan murmured. "I knew you were beautiful, but I had no idea you were as beautiful as you are." When she pulled away her grin showed her playful side. "How do you ever walk away from a full length mirror? I know you must spend a lot of time touching yourself. n.o.body could ignore a body like this for long. Show me how you do it."

Now that Regan was nearly daring her, she felt bolder. Slowly, she began to trail her hand down her arm, then caressed her breast, a bolt of sensation hitting her when Regan's eyes went big and she bit her lower lip.

"That feels good, doesn't it?" Regan asked, thickly. "It's making me crazy and I'm not even getting to touch you. Just watching you is about all I can take."

"You look like you know just what you're doing."

"Are you comfortable?"

"Yeah, I am."

"You look it. You look like you like doing this. Actually," she said slowly, "you look like you're about to burst. Do you know your hips are pus.h.i.+ng into me?" She looked down at Callie's hips, which were, in fact, circling and pressing in time to some silent beat.


"I like that," Regan purred. "I like having you grind against me. I want you to get what you want, whenever you want it."

"All I want is to love you."

"I want that more than I'll ever be able to say. Will you undress me?"

Callie dove for her, nearly tearing her s.h.i.+rt as she wrestled it off her. "Easy," Regan whispered. "We've got the rest of our lives together. I'm not going anywhere."

It took just seconds to pull the s.h.i.+rt from her body and slide her panties down her long legs. "You look just like I'd imagined," Callie murmured, looking at her with ill-disguised longing. "Your skin is flawless. And your b.r.e.a.s.t.s..." She took one in her hand and gazed at it for a few seconds before she sucked it into her mouth, laving the hardening nipple against her teeth.

"Touch me," Regan said. "Touch me all over. Get to know my body any way you want."

That was the most welcome invitation she'd ever received. She sucked a breast into her mouth while her hands roamed everywhere. Regan's body was the most wondrous thing she'd ever touched in her life. Every part of it made her throb, and she didn't have enough hands to satiate herself. Regan arched her back, pressing her breast harder against Callie's mouth. "That's so nice. Do whatever you want. Anything you want."

All of a sudden there was too much to do. Too much Regan to caress, to explore. Instinctively, Regan stepped in and took over again. "Lie down and let me show you something."

Letting go, Callie placed one last kiss on the pink nipple and rolled onto her side. Regan sat up and started to touch herself just as Callie had. "My b.r.e.a.s.t.s are very sensitive," she said, casually stroking them while staring into Callie's laser-like gaze. "But you can play with them any way you want. Soft, hard, any way at all. If you like it, I'll like it."

Nodding intently like an A plus student, Callie continued to stare at Regan's hands as they slid down her body. "And my a.s.s is very sensitive too." She was lying on her side now, stroking her skin until she looked like she'd combust. "I'd love it if you'd grab it and squeeze it when you go down on me." She rolled up against Callie and kissed her hotly. "I can't wait until you do that. I've been thinking of how your tongue will feel when it touches every part of my p.u.s.s.y." She s.h.i.+vered roughly. "It makes me come every time."

"I..." Callie cleared her throat, trying to form words. "I want to do that."

"Do you?" The deep timbre of Regan's voice was hardly recognizable. It was a sultry, s.e.xy purr Callie never would have expected to come out of her. A s.e.xy, welcome surprise.

"Yes. So much. Now?"

"Do you want to do it now?"

"Yeah...Yeah." She knew she sounded like she'd lost her mind, but it didn't matter.

"Would you like it," Regan said, "if I put myself over your mouth and touched my b.r.e.a.s.t.s while I told you how I felt?"

"G.o.d, yes!"

Regan slung one leg across Callie's shoulder and sat lightly upon her chest. She looked down at her, eyes filled with love. "Am I too heavy?"

"You're perfect. Come closer." As Regan hovered over her she wanted to leap up and bury her face. But her patience was rewarded when Regan very slowly moved forward and Callie's tongue pressed against gossamer soft skin.

Regan hissed out a stream of air as she started to move. "Your tongue is so fantastic. Watch me," And Callie followed her hands as she squeezed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s hard. "Ooo," she murmured. "I love to squeeze them hard," she got out through gritted teeth. "Your tongue's...perfect. Just perfect. Right there." She thrust her hips gently. "Stay right there and let me move." She reached down and held onto Callie's hands, then moved against her tongue, her eyes shut tightly, her breathing elevated. Then she shuddered and flexed her legs just enough to lift herself a few inches. "I almost went over the edge," she said, s.h.i.+vering. "But I'm not ready. I need more."

"Let me, let me," Callie begged. "Come back." Her arms wrapped around Regan's thighs, halting her.

Regan caressed her hair, murmuring, "I will. Just let me move away from the edge of that cliff."

"Touch your b.r.e.a.s.t.s again. Let me watch you do that."

Staying well away from Callie's mouth, Regan rose to put all of her weight on her knees, then she started to play with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s again. She pinched her nipples until they grew dark pink, then shook her shoulders, making them move. Cupping and squeezing them again and again, she finally said, "I can't wait. All I can think of is your tongue." She lowered herself onto Callie's eagerly awaiting mouth. In just a few seconds she snapped her hips then held herself still, while Callie let her tongue glide all over the firming flesh. "That's it. That's it. Just that way. Oh, so good!" Then she shook and twitched, letting out bursts of air before falling like a tree, landing on her side. Surprised by her tumble, Callie scooted over to be able to lie face to face with her. Then they kissed, leisurely, until she could feel Regan's racing heart slow. Her skin was moist and very warm and she shook just a little, but her smile was angelic. Callie held her and kissed her hungrily, desperate for kisses, even though they'd shared hundreds.

They lay still for a few moments, then Regan stretched her body out and squirmed around on the big bed. "This is fun," she said, grinning euphorically. "Isn't it?'

Callie grabbed her and kissed her. "G.o.d, yes! I don't think I've ever had this much fun in my whole life!" She was still a little giddy, but she didn't care that she didn't sound cool and collected. She didn't have to project an image with Regan.

"It's been so-o-o long since I could be myself."

Callie's hand rested on her belly and she stroked her gently. "Poor thing."

She closed her eyes and s.h.i.+vered. "G.o.d, it's been four, four and a half years since I really clicked s.e.xually with someone. I've had an awfully long dry spell." Then her smile flashed and she added, "That's over."

"You bet it is." Callie moved to straddle her. "We really click. Isn't that a relief?"

"It'd be a d.a.m.n shame if I had to pack up and head home by myself, but I swear I would have if we didn't have some spark. I will never be in another relations.h.i.+p where my partner isn't into s.e.x."

"Not a problem. Your partner's very into s.e.x. You just have to keep up with me."

She shrugged, still grinning. "I'm good."

Regan was so ridiculously charming. It was amazing she wasn't completely full of herself. But she wasn't. "You know, it usually takes a while to really sync with someone. It's gonna be cool when we're really rockin' this, isn't it?"

"That might have been my best work. Don't expect a lot more."

"Ha! If you believed that you wouldn't be grinning like you are. Admit it. You're a natural."

"I don't want to brag..."

"You're ent.i.tled to. I love being guided exactly like you did it. I don't want to think one single thought when we make love."

"You think," Regan said, chuckling. "Maybe you think with your body because you give off plenty of cues."

"If I give off cues, you read them." She rolled her head around like she was woozy. "n.o.body's ever talked to me quite like that. It was divine." She collapsed onto her chest, her new favorite place. "Just divine."

"I thought about your voyeuristic streak and I thought it might turn you on to watch me touch myself and talk about it." She wrapped her arms around Callie and hugged her. "I guess it turned me on, too."

"You did that for me? I kinda thought you were...funny when I told you about that. Like you thought it was perverted."

"No way. If something turns you on, I'm into it."

"Really? I...I wasn't sure you'd be...adventurous."

"I'm open to just about anything. When you promise that you'll never be with anyone else, I've got to make sure you never need to go elsewhere."

"I never will. I'd die before I'd betray you."

"I know." Regan closed her eyes and rested her forehead against Callie's. "I know that's true. But you're giving up a lot to be with me. I have to make it worth it for you."

"I'm not giving up a thing. I'm getting the world."

"I feel the same. But I'm gonna take this responsibility very seriously. I'm going to do whatever I can to make you never want another woman. So let me know whatever turns you on. I'm game."

"I will if you'll do the same."

"You've done well so far," she teased.

"Yeah. About that," Callie said, taking Regan's hand and sliding it along the back of her thigh. "Weren't you trying to turn me on?"

"Yeah, but you begged to be able to taste me. I was just following orders." She laughed and rolled Callie onto her back. "Now it's my turn to beg."

"Yeah. That's right. I'm gonna make you grovel." She looked into Regan's bright eyes and said, drolly, "I could take it or leave it, but I'll do it for you."

"Let's see." Regan clambered down the bed, keeping their eyes locked together. When she got to Callie's pelvis, she gently spread her legs and settled down on her forearms, her face just inches away from her s.e.x. Delicately, she opened Callie with her thumbs and smiled, an incredibly satisfied look on her face. "You're beautiful. Really beautiful. Like a gorgeous flower." Without warning, she pressed her lips against Callie's s.e.x and stayed right there, nuzzling her lips and her tongue into every fold.

"Fantastic," Callie murmured. "Do that...forever."

Eyes s.h.i.+ning, Regan lifted her head. "I could. I really could." She turned her attention back to Callie's body, exploring like a scientist, while Callie tried to just breathe and feel. Regan kept her hands atop her hips, and she started to press them into the bed, trapping her. That was exactly what Callie craved. The more helpless she felt the more her body cried for release. But Regan didn't let her move. The more she mewed and squirmed, the tighter Regan held her.

Her desire built and waned, with Regan repositioning her to drive her just a little more crazy. Finally, her legs were draped over Regan's shoulders with those strong, gentle hands holding them in place. As Regan greedily lapped her, she knew she'd lost all control. She writhed and tossed around on the bed, wanting more. Then her v.u.l.v.a started to pulse against Regan's mouth. Waves of pleasure hit her hard, but Regan stayed right with her, hanging on to wrest the last bit of sensation from her.

"My G.o.d," Callie murmured after she caught her breath. "Get up here and kiss me."

Grinning, Regan climbed up and flopped down next to her then placed a gentle kiss on her lips. "I'm gonna have to stay on top of you," she said, looking very self-satisfied. "You're hard to hold onto."

"You've got my number, Regan Manning. You've got it good." She wrapped her arms around her and they wrestled for a few moments, with Regan winding up on top.

"You've got mine, too. I think this is gonna work out pretty well. How about you?"

"This is icing on the cake." Callie's expression turned serious as she said, "I mean that. You're the cake. I bet we don't spend more than...oh, three or four hours a day having otherworldly s.e.x. The other twenty hours a day is the good part."

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Doublecrossed Part 30 summary

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