Hindu Law and Judicature Part 16

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8. A captive in war.

9. One whose freedom has been lost by wager.

10. A volunteer slave.

11. An apostate from the condition of a _pravajita_ or religious mendicant.

12. A slave for a prescribed term.

13. A slave for subsistence sake.

14. One enslaved by espousing a woman who is a slave.

15. One who has sold himself.]

[Footnote 282: _scil._ duties prescribed by the Sruti and Smriti, according to their cast and grade. (_M._)]

[Footnote 283: such as, tending cattle, conservation of water, care of temples, &c. (_M._)]

[Footnote 284: _scil._ to entertain travellers, or injunction to see that horses or other provision be not furnished to the enemies of the State. (_M._)]

[Footnote 285: _i. e._ for a heinous offence: for minor offences, fines, as declared by Manu, shall be imposed. (_M._) Manu, ch. 8, sl.

220, is probably here referred to.]

[Footnote 286: The term used _hitavadi_ signifies, who speak for the welfare of; which we a.s.sume to have the sense we have given to it.]

[Footnote 287: Supra bk. 1, sl. 365.]

[Footnote 288: Supra note[282].]

[Footnote 289: La.s.sen, in his _Indische Alterthumskunde_ (vol. 2, p.

238), speaking of the edicts of king Asoca (B. C. 250), which refer to _pasha??as_, describes these as a sect who disbelieved alike in the brahmi?ical and buddhist tenets. We have, in sloka 70, rendered the word 'infidels.']

[Footnote 290: Manu, ch. 8, sl. 41, 219, 21, 410, 18.]

[Footnote 291: ibid. sl. 215--218.]

[Footnote 292: The expression is 'servant,' as opposed to, master, or employer.]

[Footnote 293: _scil._ a merchant, owner of cattle, or landed proprietor. (_M._)]

[Footnote 294: As, by improvident expenditure. (_M._)]

[Footnote 295: Signifying plurality generally. (_M._)]

[Footnote 296: Colebrooke renders this sloka differently; Dig. B. 3, ch. 1, sec. 1, --65. We have adhered closely to the text.]

[Footnote 297: _scil._ the keeper.]

[Footnote 298: Infra sl. 267.]

[Footnote 299: But one word is used in the original, which the Commentator thus explains. The foregoing rules for gamblers and gaming must be taken to have superseded the rigid prohibition in the Dharma Sastra of Manu, ch. 9, sl. 220--228.]

[Footnote 300: Manu ch. 8, sl. 274, where the offence is much more leniently dealt with.]

[Footnote 301: The intent of these insulting allusions is obvious.]

[Footnote 302: What we have rendered 'cast' is expressed by two words in the original, _var?a_ and _jati._ The first is defined by the Commentator--the four casts; the second--the mixed or casts.]

[Footnote 303: Manu, ch. 8, sl. 267, 8, 9, 70, 276, 7.]

[Footnote 304: The Commentator instances the b.u.t.tocks.]

[Footnote 305: such as tears, nails, hair, wax of the ear, &c. (_M._)]

[Footnote 306: So explained by the Commentator.]

[Footnote 307: Manu, ch. 8, sl. 279, 80.]

[Footnote 308: Manu, ch. 8, sl. 284.]

[Footnote 309: The Commentator instances the tongue.]

[Footnote 310: Manu ch. 8, sl. 284, 286-7.]

[Footnote 311: _i. e._ each wrong doer pays the double fine. (_M._)]

[Footnote 312: Manu ch. 8, sl. 287.]

[Footnote 313: or any other insensitive part, _sakha._]

[Footnote 314: Manu ch. 8, sl. 297-8.]

[Footnote 315: root as well as trunk. (_M._)]

[Footnote 316: _scil._ the mango. (_M._)]

[Footnote 317: _scil._ 20, 40, 80. (_M._)]

[Footnote 318: Manu, ch. 8, sl. 285.]

[Footnote 319: This word is commonly used to signify any violent aggression upon person or property, and is defined here by the Commentator to be, the forcibly taking away of properly either public or private. Manu, ch. 8, sl. 332.]

[Footnote 320: _e.g._ an _acharya_. (_M._) Supra note[155] in fin. The injunction evidently has reference to one whose office or character ent.i.tles him to the respect and obedience of those about him, pupils or disciples.]

[Footnote 321: This may be 'his brother or his wife.']

[Footnote 322: The Commentator does not explain this description.]

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Hindu Law and Judicature Part 16 summary

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