Katherine Katt: Universal Alien Part 40

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"So, you're now accusing Walter of having killed those Secret Service agents? I'd love to hear what his motive could possibly be. Frankly, I'd like to have someone come up with a motive for any of us to kill any of those people."

"I as well," Singh said. "Because right now, all I can come up with is a hate crime, or an attempted of the Vice President and his wife that these brave agents managed to foil while losing their lives in the process."

He was good. Realized he'd already formulated our most likely response. It was both a good one and probably far more accurate than anything else we'd come up with.

"What do the Paris police say?" Martini asked. "Where do they think the agents were killed?"

"I'm in contact with them," James said. "And with Interpol. Both agencies feel the agents were murdered on French soil. Meaning no one who can be confirmed to have been inside the at the time of their murders can be considered a likely suspect."

"And now we have another international incident," Goodman pointed out.

"We do, but unless we want to get p.i.s.sed off at France, it was our people who were murdered, not theirs. We should be helping the police and Interpol with their investigation, but I don't see how locking down our personnel actually does that. If it were me, I'd be looking at our enemies, not our allies."

"Speaking of hate crimes, Club Fifty-One certainly has enough members that they could have done this," Amy pointed out.

"Same with the Al Dejahl Terrorists," Lorraine said. "And the Church of Intolerance, as Kitty calls it, can't be overlooked either."

"Bottom line, we have a lot of enemies," Claudia pointed out.

"And it's relatively easy to spot which bathrooms have a gate in them, after all," Amy added. "Once you know that little red mark at the very back of the stall indicates a gate, you can stake it out easily."

"How did they know you were in Paris?" Goodman asked.

"No idea. Maybe someone spotted us. We weren't trying to hide because we weren't doing anything illegal. The only people we were trying to avoid were those same people who were murdered, and we didn't want them with us only to prevent a media circus."

"Look, we're going to Australia," Martini said, voice filled with authority. "I want Len and Kyle with us, for their protection and ours. Alpha Team is coming to protect us, which is, newsflash, their job. You want to fight me on this one? I'll call the President. I guarantee Vince wants Australia handled far more than he wants to lock us down so you can create another problem for his office to have to solve."

Goodman sighed. "You're right, Jeff. I'm sorry. We're on the same side. I just don't want to do something that will cause even more problems down the road."

"Then help figure out who killed your men," I suggested. Should be easy, since I knew he'd either done it or a.s.signed someone to the task. "Head to Paris and help Interpol." Or, in other words, get the h.e.l.l out of my house. Hoped that didn't show on my face, but under the circ.u.mstances, it wouldn't matter-we were all mad at Goodman for an obvious reason.

He shook his head. "They don't want us doing that, I can guarantee it."

"True enough," James said. He'd been texting the entire time, and he waved his phone at Goodman. "They've asked us to stand by but to remain out of it until they ask for a.s.sistance. I agree with Kitty-let them do their jobs. Jeff, I think I want Christopher and Amy going along with you and Kitty."

"No," Christopher said. "Amy and I need to stay here. I want Raj with Kitty, not me."

Singh nodded and so did Martini. "I agree. We need our PR Minister with us, for obvious reasons, and we want someone who's handled our military actions here in charge. That's Christopher, helped by Kevin Lewis." He looked at me. Had no idea why. "Baby, as the Amba.s.sador you're going to have to make that official."

"Oh, right. Make it so. Raj is with us, and while we're gone, Christopher's in charge and Kevin's his right hand and you're all to keep us posted at all times."

"Good enough." Martini looked pointedly at Goodman. "Cliff, I'm sorry, but under the circ.u.mstances, you've just accused every one of us of murder. Take off and handle things from your offices. We'll get over it, but right now, no one here likes you much. Trust me."

Goodman gave us all a rueful smile. "I understand. Part of my job, the cruddy part, but a part nonetheless. And it's not meant personally toward any of you, believe me. I'll go, but you have to take your Secret Service detail with you. Period."

"No problem," I said quickly. "Glad to have them along, in part because hopefully we can ensure no one murders the rest of them."

"Escort him out," Martini said to Len and Kyle. "And make sure he's not hurt or attacked while you're doing it."

They nodded and flanked Goodman, who grinned. "Thanks. I appreciate the care and protection."

"Oh, believe me," Martini said with a smile, "we don't want some crazed stranger or anti-alien lunatic killing you, Cliff."

"I'll go, too," Singh said, presumably to ensure that there was an A-C with Len and Kyle. I wholeheartedly agreed with this plan.

"Thanks, Jeff. Kitty, everyone. Watch your backs." With that, Goodman left, Singh leading the way, Len and Kyle bringing up the rear.

"Walter, make sure that they're all okay. I realize they're just going downstairs, but it's been a creepy day."

"Yes, ma'am, Missus Vice President Chief. I've called his office for a car to pick up Mister Goodman. It's outside. Pierre has already verified that it's the right person driving."

"Good man."

"Let us know when Goodman's not on the premises anymore," Christopher said.

"Yes, sir."

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because I know who the A-C is who murdered all those agents."


WE WERE ALL QUIET for a few long moments. "Mister Goodman is in his car and gone."

"Thanks, Walter. Wait for the others to get back," Martini added quietly. Christopher nodded.

The three were back quickly-a.s.sumed Singh had used hyperspeed. " is secure, Mister Vice President."

"Thanks, Walter."

Singh put up his hand, pulled out some small blinking object, and disappeared. He was back momentarily. "We swept for bugs on the way back," Singh said. "Found none. And I just checked everywhere here, we're clean. Nice change on Jamie's room," he said to me. "It's about time."

"Whatever, as long as she likes it. I want to know who the traitor is."

"Me too," Martini said. "Only, Christopher, I a.s.sume you think it's who I think it is, right?"

Christopher nodded. "Stephanie."

Looked around the room. Okay, no one here who didn't know that I didn't know. "Who's Stephanie?"

"Our niece," Martini said sadly. "She turned traitor a while ago."

"Long story we need to fill Kitty in on immediately," Serene said, and I noted that she had an In Charge voice, too. I hadn't heard it before. "Leave that to me and Raj. The rest of you, get us prepped and get the Secret Service prepped. I want Richard and the others back here before we go to Australia, because I don't trust that they're not targets, too."

Crawford sent a text. "Sending agents from Euro Base to pick them up and bring them back here."

"Are we sure we don't want to fly?" Singh asked.

Having just flown from Australia to the U.S., I had the answer. "Not just no, but h.e.l.l no. Those gates may make me sick, but we're not going to die because of turbulence or get shot down or whatever."

The others nodded. "I agree with Kitty," James said. "Regardless of how 'alien' that makes us appear. We're officially under attack, again, and that means we need to minimize our exposure. Air travel is not on the list of options right now. Besides, based on the time differences, we can take our time and be ready and take a gate and still get there in Australia's morning, versus losing an entire day on an airplane."

This settled it, Walter and the com turned off, and everyone scattered to ask the Operations Team to pack for them. Nice setup. Of course, I had Peter to do that, but still, he actually had to take time, versus just snapping his fingers.

Serene and Singh sat me down on the couch. "High-level is this," she said without preamble. "Jeff has five older sisters. The eldest, Sylvia, was married to Clarence Valentino. Most of Jeff's brothers-in-law are jealous of him and Christopher to the point of treason, and Clarence led the way. He was first working with our former Diplomatic Corps, who were discovered to be traitors. Then he joined up with LaRue Demorte Gaultier and Ronaldo Al Dejahl and left our part of the galaxy with them in tow. They came back with the Z'Porrah, an ancient alien race, to destroy us. We foiled the invasion, though not without help, and thought Clarence was dead. But the Mastermind found him and he joined that team, or, rather, he joined the head guy on the overall team, since we know they all are or were in league with the Mastermind. Kitty killed Clarence, but not before he turned his and Sylvia's eldest, Stephanie, against us."

"She's confirmed to be with the Mastermind," Singh added. "So if we had an A-C attacking your agents, it's pretty much a sure bet that it was her."

"Makes sense. The pertinent question is how they knew we were gone and where to find us."

"That's easy," Singh said. "The Secret Service checked in on you about an hour after you'd left. If you'd found what you needed quickly you might have been back." He gave me a chiding look.

"That whole romantic interlude thing was a ruse to fool the Mastermind. Jeff and I found the bodies, or at least we found three of them, which is why we put that ruse into action. So stop blaming us for this-this was going to happen regardless of how long we did or didn't take in Paris."

They both looked shocked. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because we could tell it was set up to frame us or Malcolm or both."

Serene stared at me for a few long seconds. "There's only one logical reason for why you didn't tell us that before now." Her expression went to horrified. "No," she whispered. "Really?"

Singh jerked. "Oh. Oh no. No wonder . . ." He looked ill. "We've told him all our moves, and he's in so tightly with-"

"c.r.a.p, stop guessing! Malcolm's going to kill me. None of you guys can lie."

Serene and Singh exchanged an amused glance. "Well, as to that," he said, "some of us have troubadour talent. It's the ability to sway and to act and so forth. And you know what acting actually is?"

"Oh, wow, yeah. It's pretending in a believable fas.h.i.+on."

"Exactly," Serene said. "We have an, ah, group. That only our Kitty knows about. We function in a protective fas.h.i.+on."

"Oh my G.o.d, you're running the A-C spy organization."

They both looked pleased. "Well done," Singh said. "And yes, we are. Someone has to. We've been trying to determine who the Mastermind is, of course, just as everyone else has been. But we've come up short. However, I know Mister Buchanan knows who it is."

"He does. It's why the Mastermind was trying to frame him. And why he doesn't want any of you knowing."

"We're different, I can promise you that," Serene said. "So, to confirm, it's Cliff Goodman, isn't it?"

"Malcolm is going to be so freaking mad at me."

Serene smiled brightly. "Hey, Jeff. Kitty's worried that Malcolm is going to be mad." She didn't sound in charge. She, frankly, sounded like a total ditz, and I saw Singh alter his expression so he looked amused and slightly worried, but nowhere near the intense he'd been just seconds ago. I stopped worrying about either one of them giving anything away to Goodman.

"No," Martini said as he joined us. "He won't be. I guessed, you two guessed, we can't be faulted for thinking. We're going to handle Australia and get back and handle the Mastermind."

Singh shook his head. "We need proof, Jeff. And if Mister Buchanan had it, he'd have shared it already."

"Yes, that's the issue. And, frankly, if Goodman didn't kill the agents-and it sounds like none of you think he actually did-then us finding Stephanie would only get her caught. Because I'm just betting that she's become a fanatic, especially since my Cosmic Alternate killed her father."

"Yeah," Martini said sadly. "She hates us all with a pa.s.sion that I can't figure out how we'd overcome."

"Then we don't. We have to make sure we don't give away that we know who the Mastermind is and we have to find proof of some crime, any crime, that will allow us to get him convicted in a court of law."

"It's more than that," Serene said. "There are the clones to consider."

"Oh. Great. I can't wait."

"We mentioned them, briefly," she said. "They've cloned LaRue Demorte and Leventhal Reid. They're tightly tied to the Mastermind. And from what we know, they have their minds backed up into a database that allows them to recreate new clones with the sum knowledge of all their prior clones. Each and every time."

"Well, that just sucks, doesn't it? So, we have to actually destroy more than this version of the Mastermind, don't we?"

They all nodded. "And that is and remains the problem," Singh said. "Though knowing who the third person in the Unholy Trinity is helps dramatically."

"Supposedly." Martini ran his hand through his hair. "We need to avoid him as much as possible, and we really need to be sure no one lets Chuck figure out who it is."

"And we need to get to Australia and attempt to save that particular day."

"But not yet," Singh said. "We have hours before we need to go-it's the middle of the night in Australia right now. You two should get some rest, you've had a busy few hours and we need you both to be at your best."

"And we don't have a confirmed appointment time with the Prime Minister yet, either," Serene said. "Though James is working on it, coordinating with the President's Press Secretary."

"I don't want to take that Strauss woman with us. She can fly."

"She's not our enemy," Martini said mildly.

"She's not your friend, either, and I don't care what you get from her emotionally. She's a b.i.t.c.h and I don't want her with us."

"I'll tell James and let him handle it," Singh said soothingly.

Decided to let it drop. If Strauss came along, I'd be watching her. Closely. "So, what will I wear? The usual stuff you all do?"

"No," Martini said. "The Operations Team has your outfits hanging up in the closet. They'll be packed once we're ready to go. And don't worry-they apparently consulted with Akiko."


"The fas.h.i.+on designer on retainer with us," Serene answered. "She's great, you love her stuff. She's aware that you tend to, ah, get a little disheveled."

"Yeah, using today as an example, why any of you go out in anything other than jeans and combat boots is beyond me."

Martini grinned. "We like to live on the edge."

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Katherine Katt: Universal Alien Part 40 summary

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