Rage Of Angels Part 61

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Don't let the complexity of this case fool you, Ladies and Gentlemen. Underneath all the jargon and paperwork, all the off sh.o.r.e bank accounts and derivative transactions, what happened here is really very simple. Grace Brookstein stole. She stole because she was greedy. She stole because she thought she could get away with it."

He looked at Grace one last time.

"She still thinks she can get away with it. It's up to you to prove her wrong."

Grace Brookstein watched District Attorney Angelo Michele sit down. He'd given a bravura performance, far more eloquent than Frank Hammond's. The jury looked as if they wanted to burst into spontaneous applause.

If he weren't trying to destroy me, I'd feel sorry for him. Poor man, he's tried so hard. And such pa.s.sion! Perhaps, if we'd met in other circ.u.mstances, we'd have been friends?

The general consensus in the media was that the jury would take at least a day to deliberate. The mountain of evidence in the case was so enormous, it was hard to see how they could review it any quicker. In fact, they came back to Court 14 in less than an hour. Just like Frank Hammond said they would. Just like Frank Hammond said they would.

The judge spoke solemnly. "Have you reached your verdict?"

The foreman, a black man in his fifties, nodded. "We have, Your Honor."

"And how do you find the defendant? Guilty, or not guilty?"

The foreman looked directly at Grace Brookstein.

And smiled.

About the Author.

Novelist and screenwriter SIDNEY SHELDON SIDNEY SHELDON remains one of the world's top bestselling authors. His books have sold more than 300 million copies and have been published in dozens of languages- remains one of the world's top bestselling authors. His books have sold more than 300 million copies and have been published in dozens of languages-Guinness World Records heralds him as one of the most translated authors in the world. He is also the only writer to have won an Oscar, a Tony, and an Edgar award. heralds him as one of the most translated authors in the world. He is also the only writer to have won an Oscar, a Tony, and an Edgar award.

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Praise for Rage of Angels and #1 New York Times Bestselling Author Sidney Sheldon for Rage of Angels and #1 New York Times Bestselling Author Sidney Sheldon "Tense, exciting courtroom drama...poignant love story...and suspense and terror enough to keep the reader eagerly devouring each page until the very end."

-Dallas Morning News

"A master storyteller at the top of his game."

-USA Today

"Storytelling in the grand tradition...and isn't that what fiction is all about?"

-San Diego Union

"A must for all Sidney Sheldon fans."

-Philadelphia Inquirer

"Sheldon is a master storyteller."

-Pittsburgh Press

"Devilishly good reading...sensational."

-Denver Post

"Sheldon comes up with new surprises on every page, sustaining the fast-moving plot that will doubtless keep his fans enthralled."

-Publishers Weekly


"Sheldon is a master teller of tales, a wizard of words who casts an uncanny spell over his readers."

-Fort Worth Star-Telegram

"Memorable...packed full of emotion-romance, high suspense, pathos."

-Columbus Dispatch

"First rate...Sheldon has another well-deserved best-seller."

-Sacramento Union

"Sheldon has done it again...RAGE OF ANGELS is heaven sent."

-Seattle Post-Intelligencer

"If you want a novel you simply cannot put down, go to Sheldon."

-New York Daily News

Books by Sidney Sheldon

The Other Side of Me

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

The Sky Is Falling

Tell Me Your Dreams

The Best Laid Plans

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Rage Of Angels Part 61 summary

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