Payback. Part 18

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Another pop-up appeared on her screen, asking which operation or name was required. Elena typed in 'Fergus Watts' and within seconds there were three F. Wattses on the screen, but only one with a regimental number.

'That's me, Elena. Let's find out what they've got on me.'

Elena was amazed at what appeared on the screen. Details of Fergus's entire life, everything from his school history to hospital records and military career, were listed. There was even information on a conviction for speeding more than twenty years earlier.

But Fergus was unimpressed. 'This is useless, it proves nothing about me being a K.'

Elena looked up from the computer. 'I could delete all this. You wouldn't exist. I could give you a new name, new social security number, new driving licence, a whole new life. You could even claim the dole.'

'But in my head I'd always be on the run,' said Fergus as he stared at a lifetime on the screen. 'And Fincham won't give up until I'm dead, whatever I'm going by. The only place we'll find anything about me being a K or operating in Colombia is in Secret Ultra.'

'Secret who?'

'It's the only place left that's worth checking, and getting to that is probably impossible.'

'Maybe not for Black Star.'

Elena went back to the Deep Web. Black Star was there. Waiting. Lurking. Eager for information on the progress of the ultimate exploit.

Elena punched in her request. Could Black Star help? Could Black Star get them to Secret Ultra?


In the Depository at Northwood George Fincham was looking at his own life history as it rolled out on a screen. His national security and number, DNA, handprint and iris identification details, and medical, dental and university degree records.

Fincham was deleting them all, erasing every aspect of his life held on any mainframe, anywhere. Soon George Fincham would not exist. Everything from his bank accounts to his gas bills would be gone. George Fincham would have disappeared and George Davies would be flying to Moscow on the 8.30 from Heathrow.

Outside, in the corridor, the escort waited, having been told by Fincham before he closed and locked the door that he was not, under any circ.u.mstances, to be disturbed.

Fincham worked quickly but methodically. Soon there was only one place left to go; the one place no one would ever have known he was able to go SECRET: ULTRA.

This was the reason why Fincham had demanded to be admitted to the Depository. There were only three places where access to SECRET: ULTRA could be gained: the offices of the heads of the Intelligence and Security Services, and the room Fincham was in now.

But Fincham did not need the three code holders, each with their separate codes, to be present. He took a USB memory clip from his jacket pocket and plugged it into the PC.

The screen went blank for a second before a box popped up asking for codes A, B and C. Slowly three sets of numbers and letters began to appear next to the three corresponding letters.

Fincham smiled at his own brilliance and ingenuity. It was all down to the second Gulf War. Twice during the conflict he had been present as all three code holders entered their separate codes in the office at Vauxhall Cross to access the latest intelligence on Saddam Hussein.

The codes were long and complex. There was no fear amongst those present that anyone could memorize all three, not at the speed at which they were entered and for the brief time they were individually on screen. But George Fincham could. He was blessed with a photographic memory, and each time his eyes had flicked onto the screen like a clicking camera shutter, capturing the codes, which were then logged away in the photographic darkroom of Fincham's mind.

Later he had downloaded the codes onto the clip. As a backup. To ensure that they were never lost. Even by him.

The screen informed Fincham he now had access to SECRET: ULTRA. Fincham had no idea if there was anything relating to him in the files, but he had to know. Everything had to be deleted if he was to disappear completely.

He keyed in his name and Intelligence Service number and hit ENTER.

George Fincham was was brilliant. But so was Black Star. There was a reference to Fincham in SECRET: ULTRA. It linked him to the one name to which he seemed destined to be linked for ever: Fergus Watts. brilliant. But so was Black Star. There was a reference to Fincham in SECRET: ULTRA. It linked him to the one name to which he seemed destined to be linked for ever: Fergus Watts.

And as Fincham read the file, Fergus and Elena were also reading it at the unit, and so was Danny, just a few metres away down the corridor in the Stand By Room.




FERGUS WATTS AGE: 53 HEIGHT: Five feet, eleven inches PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Hair grey; eyes blue; build lean, wiry; distinguis.h.i.+ng physical marks noticeable limp due to bullet wound in right thigh BACKGROUND: Infantry. SAS, Warrant Officer, special skills explosives. Tours of duty include Northern Ireland (decorated), first Gulf conflict (decorated), Colombia. Recruited as a Deniable Operator ('K') to infiltrate FARC, Colombia. Cover story traitor, 'gone over' to rebels for money. Watts's cover was deliberately blown by our PRIMARY TARGET. Watts wounded and captured after gun battle with Colombian anti-narcotics police. Imprisoned by Colombian authorities. Subsequently led ma.s.s jail break. Returned to Britain, route and date unknown. Traced through grandson, Danny (see below). Captured but escaped from safe house with help from grandson and Elena Omolodon. Note: Information on Omolodon's involvement unknown to Secret Intelligence Service Note: Information on Omolodon's involvement unknown to Secret Intelligence Service. Two operators and one civilian (Eddie Moyes, freelance reporter) killed during escape. Watts on run for past six months.

DANNY WATTS AGE: 17 HEIGHT: Five feet, ten inches PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Hair brown; eyes blue; build slim; distinguis.h.i.+ng physical marks none known BACKGROUND: Orphaned at six, parents died in car crash. Various foster families until moved to Foxcroft, south London, residential home for teenagers, where he met Elena Omolodon. Applied for army officer training bursary. Rejected after interview with PRIMARY TARGET. Had never met grandfather but fed 'traitor' story and located (method unknown). a.s.sisted in escape of Fergus Watts. On run for past six months. Note: Elena Omolodon still resident at Foxcroft Note: Elena Omolodon still resident at Foxcroft.

INTERIM OBJECTIVE: Still need to confirm who, if anyone outside the FIRM, knew Fergus Watts was working as a K. Watts also remains potentially useful in operation to expose PRIMARY TARGET.

In the warehouse, in the Stand By Room and in the Depository, four pairs of eyes read every word.

For Fergus there was the first feeling of hope. At last. But it was guarded hope. 'This is it. It's what we want.'

'It's just like she told us,' said Elena.

For Fincham there was an overwhelming feeling of horror. Primary target. It was him. His name was not mentioned as an added security measure. It didn't need to be. For those who needed to know, it was obvious.

'There's more,' said Fergus to Elena. 'Go on to the second page.'

Elena scrolled through to the second page. Danny was doing the same thing. And so was Fincham.


MISSION: This is in three parts: 1. To locate and recover money (now estimated at around 15m). PRIMARY TARGET was paid by FARC while a.s.sisting them in trafficking cocaine into the UK.

2. On recovery of money, but before if recovery proves impossible, PRIMARY TARGET to be eliminated to avoid public revelation of treachery and corruption within SIS and subsequent embarra.s.sment to SIS and government.

3. To 'clean house'. All those aware of PRIMARY TARGET's activities also to be eliminated for same reasons. This includes, but may not be restricted to, Fergus Watts, Danny Watts and Elena Omolodon. Before Fergus Watts is eliminated, every effort will be made to discover any other person or persons still living who are aware of PRIMARY TARGET's activities or of Watts's activities as a Deniable Operator ('K'). They, too, will be eliminated.


M. Deveraux

All the final pieces fell into place; the picture became clear. For everyone.

It was what Fergus had feared all along, but all hope was not lost. His mind was working quickly. 'Download it, Elena. Don't lose it.'

Danny's voice came over the mobile phone that Fergus still had at his ear. 'You're seeing it too, then? What they really want to do?'

'Yeah. Elena's downloading it.'

'I heard. So do I come out?'

'Yes, but stay focused. Forget what you've just read for now, and concentrate on what you have to do. Don't get caught now, Danny.'

Danny hung up, but before he could move he heard footsteps in the corridor. He dived back under the table.

The duty officer had returned to the Depository, where the escort was still waiting outside the locked door. 'Is he still in there?'

'Yes, sir. I dunno what he's up to, but I haven't heard a thing.'

There was no way that Danny could move until the two men and their visitor had cleared the area. Cautiously, he crawled out and went back to the PC; before leaving he had to remove the CD and close it down.

As he looked at the screen, the SECRET: ULTRA page suddenly disappeared and the screen went blank.

Danny stared and felt a surge of panic. If his computer had lost the page, then surely Elena's had too. But had she had time to download it?

As he stared at the screen, he heard another door open and then slam. He dived under the desk again. This was starting to feel like home.

Fincham had unlocked the Depository door and pulled it hard behind him as he walked out. 'I'm leaving,' he said to the startled duty officer and the escort. He took the visitor's card from around his neck and thrust it into the guard's hands.

He didn't wait for the lift but took the stairs up to the ground floor, with his escort scrambling behind.

'Go to the guardroom and tell the sergeant I'm leaving,' said Fincham as he reached the ground floor. 'I will not be stopping at the guardroom to check out. Get the main gate opened, man. Now!' He hurried away towards the exit, trying to control his fury. He had deleted the SECRET: ULTRA file the evidence was gone but inside he was raging. Fuming.

Marcie Deveraux! His own protegee. He had trusted her. Encouraged her. Nurtured her career. And all the while she had been plotting and operating to cause his downfall. But he was safe now. When he had calmed down, he would have the last laugh.

He cleared the main building and took a deep breath. In a few hours' time he would be on a plane to Moscow and this nightmare would be behind him.


As Joey parked the car across the road from the unit, Danny sent a text to Elena's phone saying they were coming in. It had been easy to get out of Northwood. Danny had walked to the back gate, fed his arm into the tube and pressed the b.u.t.ton at the end. The gate opened with an electronic buzz and he walked into the married quarters, then out onto the road where Joey was waiting.

Danny hurried out of the car and across the square towards the unit's roll-down shutter while Joey made his more casual approach.

'Come on,' urged Danny as Joey started to unlock the shutter door.

'You go on,' said Joey as he slid the key into the lock. 'I got something to do.'

'Do? What d'you mean? We have to get inside!'

'Look, Danny, I been sitting there hours waiting for you. I couldn't move in case you came out. I got you back, I've done everything Fergus asked of me. Now I need a smoke.'

'Then smoke here! We don't care!'

'I can't! I gave the last of my cigars away in the pub. I'm desperate, Danny. There's an all-night garage down the road.'

'But my granddad-'

'Just tell him I'll be back before he even knows I've gone.' He pushed open the shutter door. 'Go on, I'll be fine.'

Danny hesitated for a moment but then went in; if Joey wanted to kill himself with cigars that was up to him. He pushed the door shut and took the metal staircase three rungs at a time, shouting out before he reached the top, 'Did you get it? Did you download it? I saw it deleted!'

Fergus and Elena were sitting at the laptop. 'Yeah, I got it,' said Elena. 'Every word.'

Danny let out a huge sigh of relief. He'd been almost hyperventilating with anxiety on the way back from Northwood, especially after there had been no response to his text saying that he was out of the camp and in the car. He didn't call for confirmation, partly because he thought Elena might have been struggling to download the information and a ringing phone at the wrong moment could have shattered her concentration, and partly because he couldn't bear the thought that all their work that night might have been in vain.

He slumped down onto the sofa, exhausted but elated. His grandfather was looking pale and drawn but he had just enough strength to manage a weak smile. 'You did well... brilliant.'

'But what it said, about us being-'

'Eliminated,' said Elena.

Danny nodded.

'At least we know their true intentions now, and it's what I always suspected. But thanks to you two we've got a better chance of getting out of this than before.' Fergus turned to Elena. 'I need you to burn three copies of that file onto CD. Can you do that?'

'No problem.'

'And then-' Fergus stopped and looked towards the stairs. 'Where's Joey?'

'Oh, yeah,' said Danny, remembering. 'He's gone for some cigars. Said he was desperate.'

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Payback. Part 18 summary

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