Carrie And Me: A Mother-Daughter Love Story Part 34

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"Yes, ma'am, an' my vision, too. All happened within a year. Scared me somethin' awful, bein' alone out here, but I have my angel. Watches out for me."

"Your angel?"

"John." Emma Dee sets the breakfast down on the table. They settle in. "He come by here one day, askin' if I needed help."


"He's an angel, I'm tellin' you. At first I was suspicious, too, but he never asks me for anything. Won't even let me pay him. Just come by 'bout twice a week. Brings me groceries, helps cut firewood, tidies up, you know, things like that."

"A Good Samaritan?"

"I s'pose so. I've asked him, 'Why you do this for me, John?' But he just says it's his pleasure, then he's on his way. How's your biscuit, hon? Done enough?"

"Delicious. Best I ever ate."

A few hours later Kate looks out the front window, where F.M.'s truck can be seen across the street.

"It's quite a ways to town, Kate. I'm sure he's fine."

"Oh, me, too."

"You love this man, don't you?"

Kate laughs. "Well, it's hard to describe."

"Love usually is."

"I just feel safe with him. Totally safe."

"Ah. Sometimes we'd be in bed and Robert would shake me and say, 'Breathe, Emma! Inhale! You haven't taken a breath in so long you're gonna faint!' But y'know what, Kate? Truth is, when I was in Robert's arms I didn't feel like I needed to take another breath ever again. It was like he was my air."

Tears well up in Kate's eyes.

"What is it, child?"

"Nothing. May I use your bathroom?"

"Of course. First door on the right."

Kate walks down the short hallway to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Catching sight of herself in the mirror, she turns away, lowers the lid on the toilet, and sits. Burying her head in her hands, she weeps.

Above the sound of the Big Mama Thornton record playing in the living room, Kate hears a knock at the front door and Emma Dee's voice.

"John? Is that you? Well, come on in!"

The front door slams shut, followed by the sound of footsteps and more greetings. Kate rises, splas.h.i.+ng cold water on her face, hearing the m.u.f.fled conversation through the bathroom door.

"Roses? It's not my birthday."

"Doesn't have to be your birthday for me to bring you roses."

Emma Dee laughs delightedly. "You are spoiling an old woman! I've got fresh biscuits, just out of the oven."

"No thank you, ma'am. I have to get goin' pretty quickly today. Let me just put these groceries away for you. Do you need any more wood for the stove?"

"No, I'm fine for a while."

Kate opens the bathroom door and makes her way back down the hallway toward the living room. "Emma, I should get going."

"Kate! I want you to meet John. John! I have a visitor I'd like you to meet."

John enters the living room. Kate stands frozen, staring at him.

It's F.M.

"Kate, this is John, the young man I was telling you about. John, this is Kate. She and her friend ran out of gas across the road."

F.M. says, "I saw the car," but before he can finish Emma Dee turns to Kate.

"We've had a lovely visit, haven't we, Kate?"

"Yes, we have. I really should go now."

"Well, your young man should be back soon."

Kate looks hard at F.M. "I'm sure he'll be here any minute." She bends over and gives Emma Dee a hug, breathing in deeply. "Thank you, Emma."

Emma Dee whispers, "You fly, child, but never lose sight of the ground."

Kate straightens up. "Nice to meet you ... John."

"Nice to meet you, too."

Kate quickly walks down the path. Her emotions are a confusing jumble of shock, fear, and anger. Making her way to the truck, she quickly grabs her backpack, stands by the side of the road, and sticks out her thumb. A car

F.M. comes running down the road toward her. "Kate!"

She starts walking at a fast clip, but F.M. catches up to her.

"Kate, please. Give me a chance to explain."

Kate's eyes focus on the road ahead. She won't look at him. "No."

"Please don't do this. It's dangerous to hitchhike alone."

Kate continues walking. F.M. stays where he is, watching her go. A truck approaches, and Kate sticks out her thumb. The truck stops, Kate jumps in, and leaves F.M. standing alone on the side of the road.

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Carrie And Me: A Mother-Daughter Love Story Part 34 summary

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