War For The Oaks Part 47

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Hedge scrambles up the fence, jumps down on the other side.


The crumbling facade of an abandoned 1930s nightclub built into one of the bluff caves. Its faded sign: "MYSTIC CAVERNS." The front door is padlocked and boarded up.

After a last wary look around, Hedge presses a hand against the door and steps back. The door swings silently open.


The nightclub's rich furniture and fittings are still there, but rotting with neglect. Dust puffs out of the faded oriental carpets as Hedge crosses them. Two of the three chandeliers hang c.o.c.keyed and dark.

The Queen of Air and Darkness sits at a table at the edge of the empty dance floor. The Bodach stands guard at her elbow. Other WINTER COURT CREATURES lounge in the shadows.

On stage, lit by candles, Stuart plays jazz guitar. He hits a wrong note and looks up with a flash of terror at the Queen. But she's distracted by Hedge's entrance.


Here's my little turncoat! What news?


Everybody's fightin' and yellin'. Queen and th' mortal and her band.


That must be hard on your delicate sensibilities. But the decision... ?


They're gonna let you have th' park.

The Dark Queen throws back her head and LAUGHS.



(to the Bodach) Champagne, Bodach. Oh, and my new toy.

(to Hedge) Have they made no other plans?

Hedge shrugs, his eyes on the floor.


Can't, with all th' yellin' and the not speakin' to each other.


I so wish I could see it.

The Bodach returns with champagne, two and two huge GOBLIN CREATURES dragging w.i.l.l.y between them. He's shackled wrist and ankle with coiling red SNAKES of light and still battered from his capture.

The goblins shove w.i.l.l.y down in a chair beside the Queen. He looks up, scowling... and his eyes widen in shock at the sight of Hedge. Hedge refuses to meet his gaze.


Did you hear? You're to be ransomed.

The Queen fills the, clinks them together, and holds one to w.i.l.l.y's lips.


To discord, and my victory.

w.i.l.l.y refuses to drink. The wine pours over his chin and down his neck. The Queen leans over and licks wine from his throat.

Hedge backs away, turns, and hurries out past the stage, where Stuart watches the Queen in terror... and longing.

And here's the final battle, the duel of music and magic between Eddi and the Queen of Air and Darkness at First Avenue (pages 313-318. The spelling of the Phouka's name has been changed in the screenplay to the Anglicized version-"Pooka"-because producers have it tough enough already. They should be able to p.r.o.nounce the romantic lead's name in a pitch meeting.

First Avenue is a lot of the reason War for the Oaks exists. It's a place where magic happens all the time. No matter how often they remodel the main room, it retains that charge, that buzz, that comes from people creating things, feeling intensely, caring about something bigger than themselves.

Since I wrote War for the Oaks, I've stood on the stage in the main room (with my pal and fellow Flash Girl, the Fabulous Lorraine). I've watched the video screen roll up in front of me to reveal 1500 people standing in the dark waiting for me to do something musical and entertaining. Worst case of stage fright I've had since third grade. It occurred to me later that at last I knew exactly how Eddi felt. (A year later, Lorraine and I got back up on that stage-to accept a Minnesota Music Award. There really is magic in that room.) .


Eddi, Carla, and Hedge are onstage, hidden from the audience by the lowered video screen. w.i.l.l.y's usual spot is empty.

Eddi turns to the rest of the band and nods. The screen rises slowly.


Ladies and gentlemen, Eddi and the Fey!

The crowd APPLAUDS, then falls quiet.

Stuart, the Bodach, and the Queen of Air and Darkness are on the balcony. The Pooka stands beside them, a little apart. A GLOWING RED THREAD connects his wrist to the top rail.

At the back of the room, the Summer Queen and Oberion watch. Eddi looks up at the Pooka. He smiles at her.

Eddi plays the opening notes of the song the band was learning the day w.i.l.l.y was captured.

Carla and Hedge watch Eddi uncertainly. There's silence where w.i.l.l.y's guitar part had been. The song seems fragile and full of empty places.

Eddi begins to sing very simply. A BREEZE stirs her hair. Faint LIGHT s.h.i.+mmers on the stage around her feet, spreads like a growing POOL of water.

Carla's and Hedge's faces grow calmer: The die has been cast. They know how to do this, and they'll do their best.

The LIGHT expands to cover the stage. Suddenly it envelops Hedge and Carla as they join the song in a wall of sound.

SPARKS fly from Carla's sticks. Hedge tosses his head; LIGHT falls like drops of sweat from his hair.

On the floor, audience members begin to dance.

The Queen of Air and Darkness points at a DANCING COUPLE. A TENDRIL OF RED LIGHT snakes from her fingers and circles them. They stop, frown, start to leave the floor.

Eddi leans into the mike to sing, her whole heart in her voice. The couple looks back... and starts to dance again.

The Dark Queen frowns. This won't be easy.

The music grows fuller, as if Eddi's guitar has been joined by other instruments. Flurries of light follow her movements. The floor crowds with dancers, their hair blowing in a wind that seems to come from the stage.

Eddi spares a glance toward the balcony...

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War For The Oaks Part 47 summary

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