A Happy Meeting Part 3

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She turned her back on Cressida, "Tea is just made," she said to the


"Do have a cup with me. I see so few people and you must tell me about Cressida's ankle."

He refused with a charm as smooth as her own.

"I have an evening appointment and have still some distance to drive.

Miss Preece should be all right now-- a week or two keeping off the

ankle and plenty of rest. But, of course, you will know what to do."

He shook hands again and then turned to Cressida standing so quietly close by.

"I am sure that Dr. Braddock will be over to see you shortly.I'm glad that the damage wasn't worse. I'll take care of the dog. "She smiled."I'm sure you will and it's very kind of you to have him.I hope you have a good journey home. "He stared down at her--such a plain little face but such beautiful eyes, and despite her smile she was unhappy. Not surprisingly, he

considered; he had a poor view of Mrs. Preece.

Sitting opposite his grandmother that evening, he voiced his vague disquiet about Cressida.

"The girl seems sensible enough," he observed, 'and really one hardly expects the modern young woman to behave like Cinderella. Mrs. Preece is someone that anyone with an ounce of good sense would get away from as quickly as possible. "

"Then there must be a good reason for the girl to remain there. Haveyou any idea what it might be?""None." He added, "I suppose there is no way of finding out?""Well, of course there is; ask her.""Perhaps I will. I must go up to town tomorrow but I'll come down to say goodbye before I go over to Holland, my dear, and I'll make time to see her then." He frowned.

"Do you think I'm making a mountain out of a molehill? Probably I shall get short shrift..."

"In that case you need do no more about it. On the other hand she may be longing to confide in someone."

It was a week later when he came back to Lady Merrill's and on a sudden impulse turned off the main road to go to Minton Cracknell. He was within half a mile of the village when he saw Cressida, walking awkwardly with a stick, going in the same direction as he was. He drew up beside her, and opened the door. His "h.e.l.lo, can I give you a lift?" was casually uttered and when she turned to look at him he was careful to stay casual. She had been crying, although she smiled now and thanked him politely.

"That's kind of you, but I walk a little way each day, you know--it's good for me."

The doctor said, "Get in, Cressida," in a gentle voice which none the less she felt compelled to obey. She got in.

"Is your stepmother at home?"

She shook her head.

"No. She goes to Bath to have her hair done. Did you want to see her?"

"No. Why have you been crying, Cressida?" He leaned across her and closed the door.

"Supposing you tell me what is wrong? And I must beg you not to tell me that there is nothing wrong, because that is merely wasting time.

Possibly you do not wish to con G ride in a friend but since we are unlikely to meet again you can safely unburden yourself to me."

"I don't think," began Cressida doubtfully, 'actually, that it would be of any interest to you. "

"You are politely telling me that it is none of my business. Quite right, and all the more reason to talk to me. Since it is none of my business I shall give you no advice, nor shall I read you a lecture or tell you that none of it matters." He laid a great arm along the seat behind her shoulders.

"Now let's have it..."

It was hard to start, it had been all bottled up for so long, but once started Cressida was unable to stop. It all came pouring out.

"It's Moggy, you see," she explained.

"If she leaves before she's sixty she can't have Father's legacy and she depends on that for her old age..."

"Have you seen the will...?"

"No. Mr. Tims, the solicitor, read it out to us but it was full of hereto fores and those long words they use."

"Just supposing that there had been a misunderstanding about the terms of the legacy. Miss Mogford would be able to leave, would she not? And you would be free to leave home, knowing that her future was secure."

Cressida gave a great sniff and he glanced at her. She hardly looked her best, her hair was all over the place, as far as he could judge she had no makeup on and her clothes were deplorable. He said very kindly, "It is likely that Miss Mogford hasn't under 9 stood the conditions of the legacy. If that could be looked into she might find herself free to leave before she is sixty. Who exactly told her of this condition?"

"My stepmother." The doctor frowned. Tiresome woman, and how on earth had he come to get involved in the business? All the same it seemed to him that he was the only one with a pair of scissors to cut the tangle. A pity that he would be leaving the country so soon. "Feel better?" heasked."Yes, thank you." She put a hand on the door handle."You've been very kind. I won't keep you."His hand came down on hers, firm and warm."The rest of the day is my own. I'll drive you home."At the gates she asked him, "Would you like to come in? Moggy will make a pot of tea..."

He had got out of the car too and stood looking down at her.

"I should have liked that but I'm going into Yeovil to collect the dog.

Have you any ideas about a name?"

"Well, no. Oughtn't he to have a Dutch name since he's to live in Holland?"

"He is English; he should have a name which is common to both

countries.""Caesar?""That would do very nicely. It will suit him, too;he bids fair to be a large beast when he is grown. "Cressida put out a hand."I'm so glad he's going to be looked after.That's wonderful; thank you again for all you've done. Goodbye. "The hand holding hers felt rea.s.suringly large and secure. She wished very much that the doctor wasn't going away. He would forget her, of course, but knowing him even for such a short time had been pleasant.

He waited by the car until she reached the door and went inside,

turning to give a final wave as she did so.She didn't tell Moggy about the will. First she would write to Mr.Tims; it would never do to raise the dear soul's hopes until she hadheard from him. Over their tea they talked about the dog and thesplendid home he would have when he travelled to Holland.

"Lucky beast," said Miss Mogford with a good deal of feeling.

Dr. van der Linus found his grandmother sitting in her high-backed

armchair by a brisk fire. The weather was still fine and sunny, but, as she pointed out cheerfully, arthritis and old age needed warmth.

He bent to kiss her cheek.

"My dear, you are one of those lucky people who never grow old; you're

really a very pretty lady, you know."

"Go on with you! b.u.t.tering me up... What have you been doing withyourself?""Working." He sat down opposite her."Grandmother, do you know of a Mr. Tims of Sherbome?""Of course I do. He is my solicitor, has been for years--must be all of seventy.""Do you suppose he would allow me the sight of Mr. Preece's will?""Been to see that girl again, have you?" Lady Men-ill's old eyes twinkled with amus.e.m.e.nt."I met her on the road as I was coming here. She looked like a smallwet hen. I gave her a lift home and got her to talk. I fancy Mrs.

Preece has shall we say? misunderstood the terms of the will..." He explained briefly and his grandmother nodded in quick understanding.

"So if she has been misleading the girl and the housekeeper things can

be put right, the housekeeper can leave and the girl will be free to find herself a job." Her old face puckered in thought.

"What kind of a job would a wet hen be able to get?"

The doctor laughed.

"I think that if she were free and independent she might begin to look like any other girl. Have you any ideas?"

"I'll think about it. Go and phone George Tims and then come and play


Mr. Tims was co-operative. The doctor might pop in any time he chose during the next day. Dr. van der Linus went back to the drawing-room and bent his powerful mind to the problem of allowing his grand mother to win without her suspecting it.

Undoubtedly there had been a misunderstanding, Mr. Tims a.s.sured the doctor the following morning; Miss Mogford was free to leave when she wished and would receive her legacy without delay.

"Mrs. Preece will miss her; she has been with the family for many years and will be hard to replace. Mrs. Preece is a delicate lady, unable to do a great deal, but of course she will have Cressida such a sensible girl."

The doctor agreed blandly and drove back to the house. The little wet hen deserved a chance. She was, he supposed, possessed of the normal skills of a well- educated girl; she should have no difficulty in getting herself a job, but what as? She knew nothing about computers; he felt sure of that. Probably she couldn't type or do shorthand, and she would be no good as a nurse; far too small for a start and with far too soft a heart. Not that he approved of nurses who didn't have soft hearts, that was a vital part of being a decent nurse but he suspected that she would allow personal sympathy with the patient to supplant nursing expertise. It would have to be something around the house, he thought vaguely. Were there companions nowadays? He wasn't sure, but there were au pairs from whom all that was required was common sense, an ability to do around the house, like children and animals and be willing to babysit. He knew that; various of his married friends had them. She would have a roof over her head too. He was turning in at Lady Merrill's gate when he found the answer.

Over dinner he told his grandmother what he had in mind.

"I shall want your help, my dear," he added.

Lady Merrill listened carefully.

"This is really rather fun. You do realise that I shall have to do this through a third person? I cannot appear on Mrs. Preece's doorstep out of the blue. Let me see, Audrey Sefton knows her. Leave it to me, Aldrik. Is the girl presentable?"

He leaned back in his chair.

"She has a pretty voice and nice manners.

Beautiful eyes and no looks. I suppose dressed in the right clothes she would do very well in the most exacting of households. "

"Yes, dear--but how does she get these clothes if she has no money?"

"I'll see Mr. Tims. A small sum held in some sort of reserve for her use or something similar."

His grandmother gave him a sharp look.

"You're going to a great deal of trouble, my dear. She would probably get herself some sort of work if she were left to do so."

"Oh, I'm sure she would. I shall be going up to Friesland in any case and I'll see Charity and Tyco. Charity might like company for a few months, at least until the baby is born, and that will give Cressida time to look around and decide what she wants to do."

"Yes, dear? Will you stay up there?"

"I've no appointments there until the middle of the month. I'm tied up in Leiden almost as soon as I get back. That will give me a chance to see something of Nicola..."

"I'm sure she will be pleased to see you again. There's nothing definite, I suppose, dear?"

"No, Grandmother. We are both sensible people; a deep regard and a full knowledge of each other's character seems to me to be essential before marry G ing." It sounded pompous but he disarmed her with a grin.

His grandmother gave him a loving look. He was her very favourite grandchild and she wanted him to be happy. He loved his work as a consultant physician and he was very successful. He had money, friends, and those who worked for him liked him. All very well, she thought, but he has no idea what it is like to be in love. Nicola was a cold fish, elegant and witty and wanting. Lady Merrill suspected, only a secure place in her comfortable world, never mind the romance.

He left the next day, promising to come and see her as soon as he could spare a few days.

"I'll be driving Mama over before Christmas," he promised her.

Two days later Mrs. Preece came down to breakfast looking annoyed.

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A Happy Meeting Part 3 summary

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