Nothing In Common Part 15

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She tilted her head as she reached out to push away the long bangs from his eyes. "You're crazy, you know that?"

He captured her hand. "Crazy for you."

She moved forward and kissed his mouth, then pulled back enough to look into his compelling hazel eyes. "I think my furnace is on the blink. It's a little chilly in here. Any ideas about how I could get warmed up?"

Alex curled his arm around her neck. "I think I could arrange something."

"Another thing I like about you," Sarah told him. "You're very resourceful."

He waggled his inky eyebrows at her, then quirked one and put on a fake, posh accent. "Indubitably."

That made her laugh. She put his hand on her breast and curled the fingers around her already taut nipple. "Let's make out and watch old movies."

"Make out?" He looked like he was pretending to think. "With you? I don't know, Sarah. That's awfully presumptuous of you."

She knew him well enough by now to have been prepared for a smarta.s.s reply, and she greeted it promptly with a pillow to the head. He ducked and yelped, then grabbed the pillow from her and threatened her with it. He didn't hit her, though, just held it up before tossing it unceremoniously to the floor and gathering her in his arms.

His tongue parted her lips and she giggled, then relaxed into his embrace. His mouth moved over hers with sweet perfection, fitting with her lips the same way he fit her body. Like they'd been made for each other.


She blinked. "Yes, Alex." He sighed and brushed a kiss along her cheek before finding her lips again. "You think I'm a big dork, don't you?"

"Of course not!" Shocked, she sat back and searched his face for signs he was joking again. "Are you serious?"

Alex only stared before nodding. "You expect me to be more ... suave. Don't you?"

Actually, she found his lack of ego endearing and charming, as well as flattering. She shook her head. "No, Alex. I don't think you're a dork."

For the first time, she had a better appreciation of what being judged on his looks had done to him. "I think you're smart, and funny, and incredible in bed. I think you're kind and generous, and you make a great omelet. I most definitely do not think you are a dork."

He grinned. "How about when I do this?"

He made the stupidest face she'd ever seen on a man, but it made her laugh out loud. "Except when you do that."

He rearranged his features into a more normal expression. "Just checking."

He reached for the remote control and turned on a cla.s.sic movie station. Then he pulled her onto his lap. "Didn't you say something about making out?"

She'd been joking, a little, but readily accepted his kiss. "Sure."

And make out they did. She hadn't kissed for so long at a time without getting naked since ... well, since high school. Back when a boy's hand on her breast was an advance to be gracefully fended off, rather than an expected pleasure.

Back then, hours of kissing on the rec room sofa had left her stomach a tight mess, her panties damp, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s aching for a release she didn't really understand. A lot had changed since high school. Now, though the affects on her body were the same, Sarah knew exactly what she was missing.

Alex had pulled her legs over his lap, but though one strong hand moved back and forth from her thigh to her hip, he hadn't even made a move to touch her anyplace else. His entire concentration focused on her mouth, her lips and face, the curve of her neck, the lobes of her ears.

Sarah slid her leg closer, over the hard bulge in his pants. Alex's breath caught in his throat, and he paused in kissing her to cup her face in his hands. She thought he would say something, but he didn't ... just bent back to brush his mouth lightly on hers in a teasing kiss that made her groan in frustration.

"You're driving me crazy," he whispered.

Sarah laughed. "Me? Driving you?"

Alex nodded, eyes bright. He ran his tongue across his full mouth, and Sarah had no trouble imagining how it would feel on her skin. "Kissing you is ... hard."

That made her frown and punch him. "Nice. Thanks."

"No. I mean, only kissing you is hard. I want to make love to you so bad."

She tilted her head to look at him, then ran her fingers down his cheek. "So what are you waiting for?"

"I don't know." His grin melted her further. "I don't want it to be over yet. I want to make love to you forever."

That was possibly the s.e.xiest thing a man had ever said to her, and her thighs clenched in a pre-o.r.g.a.s.mic spasm so strong it rippled her entire body, and a low noise escaped her throat.

Her breath hitched. "Forever's a pretty long time, Alex."

In reply, he leaned forward and kissed her again. This time, he didn't tease. His tongue swept inside her lips, plunged deep, and he did with his mouth what she'd been longing for him to do with his p.e.n.i.s. He made love to her with nips and licks and kisses, and the thrusts of his tongue echoed the clenching in her belly and thighs.

She was going to come, and he hadn't even touched any part of her body other than her face. Oh, she was going to come, now, and all he had to do was keep kissing her. If he touched her, she'd explode, go off like a rocket, all it would take was just the right pressure, the lightest touch, a breath.

Now she was on his lap, straddling his hips, her center pressed to the metal of his belt buckle and his hands holding tight to her b.u.t.t. He bit her throat hard enough to make her gasp, but it didn't hurt, just it sent a spear of pleasure straight to her c.l.i.toris. She rocked against him. Her fingers tangled in his hair, and she pulled his head back so she could devour his mouth like he'd been devouring hers.

Even with the layers of clothing between them, Sarah had no trouble feeling the throb of his p.e.n.i.s against her. Alex lifted his hips to rub her further, until her o.r.g.a.s.m quaked through her and sent her reeling into an abyss of ecstasy.

A minute later, when she could think again, Sarah blinked and looked into Alex's heavy-lidded eyes. As with everything between them, Sarah didn't get embarra.s.sed at her pa.s.sionate display. She sighed and snuggled close to him.

It wasn't until the field in front of her suddenly bloomed with flowers the size of her head that Sarah awoke with a start. She'd been dreaming, which meant she'd been sleeping. Guiltily, she sat up, wincing at the stiffness in her legs from the awkward position. If she was sore, she couldn't imagine what Alex felt like.

"Sorry," she said. "I fell asleep."

"I didn't care." Alex s.h.i.+fted her weight so she no longer sat on his lap. "It was

nice. Holding you like that. I can't feel my legs anymore, but it was nice."

"Oh, no!" she cried, chagrined. "Alex, you should've woken me up."

He grinned, and despite the recent s.e.xual explosion, his smile sent a tingle of

arousal through her. "Ah, who needs legs anyway? Mine are too long. Can't

find pants to fit."

"You're such a goofball," Sarah told him. Heat flared in her cheeks at the memory of what had pa.s.sed between them. "How long was I out?"

"Maybe fifteen minutes or so. Not long."

More guilt poked her. "That was amazing."

Heat blazed in his gaze. "Yeah. It was."

Sarah had never been with a man who gave pleasure without expecting

immediate payback. She waited to see if Alex would gaze pointedly down at his still-bulging crotch, or even take her hand and put it on his erection. He didn't. And maybe, she thought with some amazement, he wasn't going to.

Maybe he really was content to have given her an o.r.g.a.s.m without demanding one for himself.

"You are so different than I expected," Sarah told him, and was pleased to see his mouth quirk into a self-effacing grin.

"So you've forgiven me for being pretty?"

She took his hand. "Forgiven."

Alex kissed her, softly, with a promise of more to come. "Let's go to the restaurant."

"The Foxfire?" The change of subject confused her. "Why?"

"Because I'm starved, and I happen to know you don't have any food in the house. C'mon, Sarah, we can walk there from here easily."

"We'll have to," Sarah reminded. "The roads are closed."

"Even better. We'll be able to make snow angels in the street without fear."

Alex grinned as he squeezed and kissed her again.

"I don't have any skis." Her protest was weak. Already she knew his enthusiasm was going to win her over, but she had to make a token effort.

"There's a blizzard outside. Wouldn't you rather stay in here by the fire with me?"

Her wheedling had no affect on him. Alex was up and off the couch so suddenly he almost dumped her on the floor.

"Me need food." Alex grunted, cave-man style. He hopped up and down while thumping his chest fiercely. "Sarah come with Alex for food!"

Sarah got the giggles. He was acting ridiculous, but she didn't care. In fact, his total disregard for how silly he might look or sound only made her feel more comfortable with him.

"I have some ice cream left." She tried to be as seductive as she could, knowing her ploy to stay out of the cold wouldn't work.

"Ice cream not food! Me need man food, steak and potato!"

Sarah groaned. "Alex, it's cold out there!"

"Sarah." Alex mimicked her whining tone perfectly. "The walking will keep you warm."

"You'd rather walk a mile in the freezing blizzard than stay here with me?" she asked mock-sadly. "The magic's already gone."

She sighed, shaking her head. With a Neanderthal's roar, Alex jumped on her and began pummeling her with the sofa cus.h.i.+on. Sarah grabbed the nearest pillow she could find and tried in vain to defend herself.

In no time, Alex had pinned her arms to her sides. "Are you trying to make me feel guilty for wanting to eat instead of make love to you?"

"Yes." She tried to catch her breath after all the laughing.

"A relations.h.i.+p based on s.e.x will never last, Sarah." His eyes were a picture of wounded masculinity. "I can't tell you how it hurts me to hear you say you'd rather make love to me than feed me. How selfish of you, to put your own base, perverted needs before mine--"

He didn't have time to finish his sentence because Sarah had shoved a cus.h.i.+on in his face. The pillow fight was on again--the two of them wrestling like children. Only when Sarah threw a pillow at Alex, knocking over a lamp, did they both stop.

"You're pretty immature, Sarah." Alex grinned. "But I like it."

Her stomach rumbled, and the exercise had heated her up enough that facing the cold didn't seem so daunting. "Now I'm hungry."

"Hungry enough to brave the weather outside?"

She looked out the window. "Yep. But I still don't have any skis."

"Got a cookie sheet?"

She frowned. "Yes, why?"

Alex just smiled. "You'll see."

Behind him, Sarah was letting out little gasps of hysterical laughter. With every forward movement of his feet, she let out another stream of breathless giggles. She'd been laughing for fifteen minutes straight.

"You're going to pee your pants," he remarked over his shoulder.

More laughter. It had taken on a high-pitched, desperate quality. He glanced around to see Sarah clutching the edge of the cookie sheet with one mittened hand and her stomach with the other.

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Nothing In Common Part 15 summary

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