Jane And The Man Of The Cloth Part 14

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"And do you think the two deaths are linked?"

"I cannot yet say, sir."

"I see." There was a pause, and a significant glance for the jury, most of whose members attempted to look sensible of the coroner's meaning, and failed.

"You observed, Mr. Dobbin, the hoofprints by the body."

"I did, sir."

"And did they speak with as much meaning to you, you, as to Mr.-er-Crawford?" as to Mr.-er-Crawford?"

"Mr. Crawford's being at the scene empowered that gendeman to share his convictions and fears."

"Yes, yes. And what did you then?"

"Not wis.h.i.+ng to appear over-hasty in a matter of such gravity," Mr. Dobbin began smoothly, "I enquired first of the local blacksmiths, of which there are three; and discovered that none of them had forged a like shoe for anyone. -Excepting, that is, Mr. Geoffrey Sidmouth."

Mr. Carpenter reached a hand to his fleshy jowl, and caressed it reflectively. "And then?"

"I determined that Sidmouth's horse, at least, must have been at the scene, and deemed it appropriate to enquire of his stable lad whether any mounts had been absent on the evening in question. He a.s.sured me, with some defiance"-at this, I glanced at poor Toby, and saw him starting from his chair, and wincing in pain at his ankle's unequal attempt to bear his weight-"that the horses were well-guarded within the stables the entirety of that night." Mr. Dobbin paused, the better to unleash his effect. "All, that is, except Mr. Sidmouth's particular mount-a black stallion by the name of Satan. It seems Mr. Sidmouth departed High Down Grange on horseback just after supper-around eight o'clock-and returned only with the dawn. The stable boy would not, or could not, say where his master had been."

The sensation aroused at this revelation was decidedly excessive; though I should have thought the crowd to be blessed with such particulars, by way of the intimacy of milliner's stall and publican's room, well before the inquest. I looked for Sidmouth, and found him unbowed in the midst of his captors; but Seraphine, in her chair beyond Mr. Dobbin's men, appeared very unwell indeed. Her golden radiance was dimmed, her gaze unfocussed- the angel's wings as clipped as a captive swan's.

When the stir of interest had died away, the coroner continued. "And as a result of this information, Mr. Dobbin, "' he said, "you arrested Mr. Geoffrey Sidmouth, pending the outcome of this jury's deliberation?"

"I did."

"You may stand down."

"I would beg to suggest, sir," the justice interposed, "that Miss Augusta Crawford be requested to give evidence. She has information that has only lately come to my attention."

Mr. Carpenter raised an eyebrow in Dobbin's direction. "Indeed? Then she shall be called. Miss Augusta Crawford!"

It was as I had suspected; Miss Crawford had found a place for her tongue in the midst of the proceedings, and appeared well-satisfied with the fruits of her ingenuity, as she advanced upon the jury in a rusde of black silk. Her high cheekbones were sharp, her mouth severe-but her eyes, I thought, held a sparkle of malice as she stood in her place beside the coroner, and they were fixed upon Mademoiselle LeFevre.

"You are Miss Augusta Crawford, sister to Mr. Cholmondeley Crawford, of Darby?" the coroner began.

"I am.

"And what have you to relate that should be of service in these proceedings?"

"It is in my power to offer an account of the events that occurred at Darby the evening before before the evening when Mr. Sidmouth murdered Captain Fielding," Miss Crawford replied, with some importance of manner. the evening when Mr. Sidmouth murdered Captain Fielding," Miss Crawford replied, with some importance of manner.

"Madam!" Mr. Carpenter e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed. "Mr. Sidmouth's guilt in this matter has not yet been determined." He turned to the foreman. "Pray disregard the lady's words. Madam?"

"Mr. Crawford and I had several guests to dinner that evening-"

"-being last?"

"-being last; and among them were Captain Fielding, Mr. Sidmouth, and his cousin, Mademoiselle Le-Fevre." At the mention of Seraphine's name, Miss Crawford could not contain an expression of lively scorn, that should certainly have discredited her intelligence, were / the coroner; but Mr. Carpenter's countenance remained impa.s.sive.

"The deceased and Mr. Sidmouth were on such terms as might encourage social intercourse?" he enquired.

"So my brother and I a.s.sumed/' Miss Crawford replied, "from understanding that the Captain had preserved the mademoiselle from an adventure of some danger to her person, and was thus due, one would think, the deepest grat.i.tude from all who held her welfare among their dearest concerns; but imagine our amazement, when Mr. Sidmouth betrayed himself as anything but pleased to see the Captain, and went so far as to question my brother's motives in having invited them both!"

"Miss Crawford," the coroner probed with the faintest suggest of irritation, "what is it you would wish this panel to understand?"

The lady stared at him open-mouthed, as though dumbfounded the fellow should be so obtuse. "Why, my good sir!" she rejoined. "Is not it apparent? Mr. Sidmouth bore the Captain a grudge! The mademoiselle treated her cousin with excessive coldness-the result, I imagine, of his having caused caused the very misadventure which required the gallant Captain's a.s.sistance, or so I understood, from something the Captain once dropped; and that she the very misadventure which required the gallant Captain's a.s.sistance, or so I understood, from something the Captain once dropped; and that she preferred preferred Captain Fielding to Mr. Sidmouth, caused in him an enormity of rage, the result of which we saw first in our drawing-room, and not two days later, upon the Charmouth road!" Captain Fielding to Mr. Sidmouth, caused in him an enormity of rage, the result of which we saw first in our drawing-room, and not two days later, upon the Charmouth road!"

"And how would you explain the fact of the dead man's purse having been stolen? Surely you would not suggest that a crime of pa.s.sion was also one of calculation?"

"I suppose Mr. Sidmouth to have been covering his tracks, by suggesting some common footpad had killed the Captain"

"But, my dear lady," Mr. Carpenter said smoothly, "it would appear that covering his tracks, covering his tracks, is exacdy what Mr. Sidmouth did is exacdy what Mr. Sidmouth did not not do." He paused to appreciate the full effect of his little joke, then took up his pen with an air of dismissal. "I fear this is all conjecture, Miss Crawford. It cannot put our enquiries any for warder." do." He paused to appreciate the full effect of his little joke, then took up his pen with an air of dismissal. "I fear this is all conjecture, Miss Crawford. It cannot put our enquiries any for warder."

"You ridiculous man!" that lady cried. "Do not you see that Fielding was killed in a duel over the mademoiselle's honour?"

"You may stand down, madam," the coroner replied distantly. "Mr. Geoffrey Sidmouth!"

Miss Crawford spluttered, and looked all her outrage; but she was conducted from her place nonetheless, and suffered a momentary quailing of her courage, in being forced to pa.s.s quite close to the very Mr. Sidmouth she had just maligned, as he approached the coroner's table. He gave her neither a look nor a word, being intent, it appeared, on the maintenance of his gravity, amidst the tide of chatter his pa.s.sage engendered. I could not detect in the noise, however, any evidence of ill-will towards the gendeman, despite his d.a.m.ning appearance of guilt; and it struck me forcibly that Geoffrey Sidmouth retained his reputation among the folk of Lyme, and a measure of grat.i.tude, however heinous his offences. A curious community, indeed, that could treat a Maggie Tibbit with such contempt, and a Geoffrey Sidmouth with unrelenting tolerance.

Mr. Carpenter gave the gendeman at his right hand a cursory glance, neither severe nor benign. "You are Mr. Geoffrey Sidmouth, of High Down Grange, are you not?"

I am.

"And what answer can you give, Mr. Sidmouth, to the conjectures so lately put forward by Miss Augusta Crawford?"

"I would suggest that the lady pay greater heed to her own affairs, and less to those of her neighbours, or she shall utterly lack for dinner partners," he rejoined mildly, to some laughter; but from knowing Sidmouth a little, I judged him to be checking his temper only with the greatest difficulty. A muscle at his temple had commenced to pulse, in a distractingly involuntary fas.h.i.+on.

"And did you, sir, bear a grudge grudge towards Captain Fielding?" towards Captain Fielding?"

"I certainly bore him little affection."

"That is frankness indeed, from a man so imperilled by circ.u.mstance as yourself," Mr. Carpenter said, in some surprise.

"I make it a practise, sir, to offer honesty when such is possible."

"When it is possible possible-but not, you would have us understand, on every occasion?"

"Can any man a.s.sert such consistency?"

"It is a common-enough profession."

"But to profess profess honesty, and to practise it without fail, are entirely different talents. Rare is the gendeman who allies them both." honesty, and to practise it without fail, are entirely different talents. Rare is the gendeman who allies them both."

My father leaned towards me and winked. "One for my philosopher," he observed sofdy.

"So we may take it as setded that you harboured towards the Captain a healthy dislike. On what was it predicated?"

"Upon matters of a personal nature."

"Having to do with Mademoiselle-"


"LeFevre. And would you care to elucidate, Mr. Sidmouth?"

"As I have stated, these are personal matters. It should be a violation of every conception of honour, did I canva.s.s such things before the common crowd."

"I see." From his expression, Mr. Carpenter clearly did not not see. "And will you state your movements during the course of Sunday evening last?" see. "And will you state your movements during the course of Sunday evening last?"

"I was away from home."

"This panel is aware of that. And were you riding your black stallion"-at this, the coroner peered narrowly at his papers-"the unfortunately-named Satan?"

"I was." From Mr. Sidmouth's expression, it pained him to let slip even so small a sentence.

"In the company of the surgeon's a.s.sistant, Mr. William Dagliesh?"


"Mr. Sidmouth," the coroner e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed, in evident exasperation, "if we are to have any hope of placing your guilt in doubt, you must give us some means of proving your innocence! Will you not tell us your movements on the night in question?"

There was an instant's silence, and Sidmouth's eyes met mine with a sudden flaring of intensity, so that I felt my heart lurch; then his gaze moved beyond me, to the back of the room. I knew whose face he sought; and turned, despite myself, to look for it.

Seraphine had risen, as slow as a spectre rising from the grave. "Tell them, Geoffrey," she said-though her voice was so caught in her throat, the sense of it may not have reached him. "Tell them," she cried, in a firmer accent, and clutched at a chair for support.

"You know that I cannot," he rejoined. His voice was infinitely gende-the very quiet of despair, I thought. "Sit down, my dear, before you fall."

"Is there something you wish to say to this panel, madam?" the coroner asked, rising to gaze at the mademoiselle. She nodded briefly, unable to look at her cousin.

"Say nothing, Seraphine!" Sidmouth interposed with sudden fierceness. "There can be no cause for such sacrifice. I will not allow it! Say nothing-? beg of you-that you will not recall years hence, with vast regret!"

"Oh, Geoffrey-" she said, in a breaking wail, and swayed as I watched. In an instant, Sidmouth had sprung from his place, and coursed down the aisle to her aid; but Dobbin's men were before him, and barred his path, in evident alarm that he meant to flee. He was seized, and maddened by the seizure, as Seraphine crumpled to the ground in a faint; and the room was in an uproar in an instant. Between Sidmouth's efforts to fight loose of his captors, and the shouts of those around him, even Mr. Carpenter's gavel rang out unheeded in the tumult.

At last the gentleman was subdued, and the lady borne from the room into the street, the better to revive her; and the jury dismissed, for the consideration of the case. In but a few minutes they had returned, with hanging heads, and avowed their belief that Captain Fielding had died at Geoffrey Sidmouth's hands. And so the master of High Down was taken away, half-mad with anxiety for his cousin's state, and thrown once more into the foetidness of Lyme's small gaol.

Miss CRAWFORD AIONE CXHJID LOOK TRIUMPHANT, AS THE CRAWFORD AIONE CXHJID LOOK TRIUMPHANT, AS THE a.s.sembled crowd filed away. She was afforded no congratulations; and indeed, most of Lyme's worthies avoided her like a manifestation of the plague; but she had seen enough to confirm her wildest conjectures. From Seraphine's behaviour, could anyone doubt that a.s.sembled crowd filed away. She was afforded no congratulations; and indeed, most of Lyme's worthies avoided her like a manifestation of the plague; but she had seen enough to confirm her wildest conjectures. From Seraphine's behaviour, could anyone doubt that she she was the cause of all the Captain's grief? Or that her cousin bore her such love, as would counsel killing to preserve it? was the cause of all the Captain's grief? Or that her cousin bore her such love, as would counsel killing to preserve it?

1 The a.s.sizes are preliminary sessions held locally throughout the United Kingdom, in which a suspect is charged, indicted, and remanded for trial. In Austen's time they were held quarterly. - The a.s.sizes are preliminary sessions held locally throughout the United Kingdom, in which a suspect is charged, indicted, and remanded for trial. In Austen's time they were held quarterly. -Editor's note.

Chapter 17 - Playing at Cat'Paw.

21 September 1804, cont *

SUCH EVIDENCE OF S SIDMOUTH'S GUILT COULD NOT BUT BE convincing. I should have felt the merit of its claims more forcibly, however, had I not perceived that convincing. I should have felt the merit of its claims more forcibly, however, had I not perceived that some other some other consideration had silenced his friends and himself, and that the better part of Sidmouth's struggle throughout the proceedings, had been to consideration had silenced his friends and himself, and that the better part of Sidmouth's struggle throughout the proceedings, had been to prevent prevent a matter coming to light, that should a.s.suredly have cleared him of the murder, but at a personal cost he was mysteriously unwilling to endure. Proof of innocence through revelation, was an avenue closed to us; proof of a matter coming to light, that should a.s.suredly have cleared him of the murder, but at a personal cost he was mysteriously unwilling to endure. Proof of innocence through revelation, was an avenue closed to us; proof of another's another's guilt must, therefore, be the avenue pursued. I did not stop to ask why I felt guilt must, therefore, be the avenue pursued. I did not stop to ask why I felt myself myself to be the chosen pursuer; it was a matter that did not admit of choice. Someone had murdered Percival Fielding, for reasons that remained obscure to me; and someone wished the world to believe Sidmouth had done it in his stead. In such a case, could to be the chosen pursuer; it was a matter that did not admit of choice. Someone had murdered Percival Fielding, for reasons that remained obscure to me; and someone wished the world to believe Sidmouth had done it in his stead. In such a case, could any any stand by, and observe injustice triumph? stand by, and observe injustice triumph? Jane Jane a.s.suredly would not. But what, in fact, was to be done? A bewildering array of paths branched from the ground at my feet, like the turnings of a wilderness maze; how to embark upon the proper way? a.s.suredly would not. But what, in fact, was to be done? A bewildering array of paths branched from the ground at my feet, like the turnings of a wilderness maze; how to embark upon the proper way?

"Well," my father declared, as he stared about the rapidly emptying room; "well, indeed. It might be advisable-do not you agree, my dear Jane-to offer the mademoiselle what a.s.sistance we may, for she is decidedly bereft of friends at the moment, and some Christian solicitude should be as balm to her distress."

"You are all goodness, Father," I said, somewhat ab-sentmindedly; for my thoughts were employed in the consideration of other matters, against which Mademoiselle LeFevre's indisposition must be weighed as slight. It was imperative not not to set a foot wrong at so critical a juncture, when every hour might have bearing on Sidmouth's fate. I bent my thoughts accordingly to a review of the facts, and set aside for the moment all extraneous conjecture. to set a foot wrong at so critical a juncture, when every hour might have bearing on Sidmouth's fate. I bent my thoughts accordingly to a review of the facts, and set aside for the moment all extraneous conjecture.

Geoffrey Sidmouth was a.s.suredly abroad on the night in question, and that he rode his stallion Satan, we knew from the statements of both the surgeon's a.s.sistant Dag-liesh and Toby the stable boy. The marks of hoofprints bearing his initials were clearly stamped in the mud by Fielding's body. Therefore, if it were conceivable that Sidmouth was not not Fielding's murderer, then I must find that Fielding's murderer, then I must find that another another had stolen the horse on the night in question, while Sidmouth was otherwise engaged; or that someone else from the Grange had ridden forth that night, despite the stable boy's words to the contrary; or that a different animal altogether had been similarly shod, and ridden to its fatal errand. Mr. Dobbin would have it that the blacksmiths in town were above reproach, and that their negatives of having forged such shoes for any but Sidmouth might be taken as truth; but I was not so sanguine. Regardless of the motivations in the case-the mysterious business between the Captain and Seraphine, the presence of white flowers by the corpses, and the matter of the Reverend's ident.i.ty-the horseshoes were the crux of the affair. had stolen the horse on the night in question, while Sidmouth was otherwise engaged; or that someone else from the Grange had ridden forth that night, despite the stable boy's words to the contrary; or that a different animal altogether had been similarly shod, and ridden to its fatal errand. Mr. Dobbin would have it that the blacksmiths in town were above reproach, and that their negatives of having forged such shoes for any but Sidmouth might be taken as truth; but I was not so sanguine. Regardless of the motivations in the case-the mysterious business between the Captain and Seraphine, the presence of white flowers by the corpses, and the matter of the Reverend's ident.i.ty-the horseshoes were the crux of the affair.

"Will you accompany us, Jane?"

I looked up to find my father already on his feet, my mother by his side, and both serene in the certainty of doing good. Their purposeful faces reminded me that Seraphine had very nearly revealed the nature of her trouble, before fainting away, and that all might be speedily concluded, were she now now persuaded to speak. I rose from my seat without a word, and followed hastily in my father's train. persuaded to speak. I rose from my seat without a word, and followed hastily in my father's train.

POOR SERAPHINE LAY PROSTRATE IN A CHAMBER ON THE LION'S FIRST floor, her wild mane of hair flung out on the straw mattress, a compress to her head. One of the inn's maids-of-all-work leaned mistrustfully in the doorway, torn between the claims of gossip-mongering and those of legitimate work; but the subject of her baleful study might almost have been turned to stone, so oblivious was Mademoiselle LeFevre of anyone's presence. She stared fixedly at the ceiling above her head, her lips moving continuously in what might pa.s.s for a prayer-but knowing a little of Seraphine, I rather imagined it to be a curse. Her hatred for Sidmouth's enemies, and her driving need for vengeance, should be fearful to behold; and I respected as well as feared her for it. I would not care to find myself on the wrong side of her will. floor, her wild mane of hair flung out on the straw mattress, a compress to her head. One of the inn's maids-of-all-work leaned mistrustfully in the doorway, torn between the claims of gossip-mongering and those of legitimate work; but the subject of her baleful study might almost have been turned to stone, so oblivious was Mademoiselle LeFevre of anyone's presence. She stared fixedly at the ceiling above her head, her lips moving continuously in what might pa.s.s for a prayer-but knowing a little of Seraphine, I rather imagined it to be a curse. Her hatred for Sidmouth's enemies, and her driving need for vengeance, should be fearful to behold; and I respected as well as feared her for it. I would not care to find myself on the wrong side of her will.

"Forgive me, mademoiselle," my father said gendy, as he approached her doorway, "but we would wish to offer some consolation in your distress. Is there aught that any might do, to ease the discomposure of your mind? Some sustenance, perhaps, or a conveyance home to the Grange?"

"Mr. Austen!" my mother cried. "The poor thing cannot be left to her own devices in such a house! So lonely as it finds itself, in the very midst of the downs, and so melancholy in its current atmosphere! Such reflections, as must overwhelm her! I am sure, Mademoiselle, that you should better come to us. We might send our Jenny to the Grange for your things, and make you as comfortable as can be." My mother appeared well satisfied with her speech, until a moment's reflection brought the inevitable cloud.

"-Providing, that is," she added, "you do not mind making s.h.i.+ft to room with Jane. For, you will understand, we have but two bedchambers. It would be some return," she concluded, brightening, "for your kindness in taking our family in, not a few weeks ago, after our own dreadful misfortunes-though I should not like to suggest that being overturned, and being charged with murder, are at all the same thing."

"You are very good, Madame Austen," Seraphine replied, her gaze steadfast upon the pale plaster above, "but it is not in my power to accept your invitation."

"Not in your power? power? But, my dear-how can it not?" But, my dear-how can it not?"

"Mother-" I said, in an attempt to intervene, "Mademoiselle LeFevre may wish for the reflection so necessary at such a time, and so dependent upon solitude."

"Indeed, madame, madame, I have obligations that I have obligations that must must be met-the needs of a farm being unrelenting-and though I value your kindness and consideration"-at this, the angel's eyes slid downwards to meet our own-"I must decline your entreaty to remove from the Grange." be met-the needs of a farm being unrelenting-and though I value your kindness and consideration"-at this, the angel's eyes slid downwards to meet our own-"I must decline your entreaty to remove from the Grange."

"Well!" my mother declared, dumbfounded.

I recollected, then, the midnight landing from the smugglers' cutter, and the m.u.f.fled burden borne up the cliffs at Seraphine's direction. Was an unknown fellow even now recovering from his wounds beneath the Grange's roof? Was this why Seraphine could not desert her post in Sidmouth's absence?

"As you wish, my dear," my father said, with a mild nod, "but may we offer you some other some other relief?" relief?"

"Pray for me, my good sir," Seraphine replied, "and for my cousin, Mr. Sidmouth. I fear that neither of us shall be long for this world."

I glanced at my father, and motioned the maid from the doorway. "Fetch a pot of tea for the mademoiselle, and be quick about it," I said. "How long should the lady have lain here, without a drop of restorative by her? I cannot believe you did not think of it before."

"There's no tea to be had," the maid replied, without s.h.i.+fting from her place. "Stores'uv been low these three days past, and what wit' the 'quest today, tea'uv been all drunk up."

"Then do you run to a shojp and purchase some, you stupid girl," I said briskly, and handed her a few s.h.i.+llings. "Be off with you."

The slattern dropped a curtsey, and scurried away, her expression turned sour. I seized the opportunity of her absence to close the chamber door as firmly as I might. I did not choose for the entirety of Lyme to overlisten my conversation with the mademoiselle.

"Your cousin's circ.u.mstances are so very bad," I observed, as I turned back towards the bed with an effort at complaisance-for I was curious how my apparent indifference might provoke the lady, and what turn of conversation it should bring. "I wonder that he bothered to deny his guilt at all, considering how many are the proofs against him." Without waiting for a reply, I looked to my father. "When, sir, did you declare to be the next sitting of the a.s.sizes?"

"I did not, not, that I can recall," the poor man replied, in some surprise, "but I believe I heard them to be held in Dorchester, in but ten days' time." that I can recall," the poor man replied, in some surprise, "but I believe I heard them to be held in Dorchester, in but ten days' time."

"So Sidmouth must endure another ten days in the Lyme gaol," I said thoughtfully. "Unless it be, of course,that some other some other comes forward, and admits a part in the Captain's murder. But who else can have had so much reason to kill the man? It does not seem very likely. We may take it, then, that Sidmouth has but a few weeks more to live; for the a.s.sizes once concluded, his trial and execution shall be speedily achieved. You know that they are in the habit, at Newgate, of hanging the convicted only a day or two following their condemnation." comes forward, and admits a part in the Captain's murder. But who else can have had so much reason to kill the man? It does not seem very likely. We may take it, then, that Sidmouth has but a few weeks more to live; for the a.s.sizes once concluded, his trial and execution shall be speedily achieved. You know that they are in the habit, at Newgate, of hanging the convicted only a day or two following their condemnation."

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Jane And The Man Of The Cloth Part 14 summary

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