Consent To Kill_ A Thriller Part 41

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THE LIGHT WAS fading. The sky had gone from blue, to orange, to gray. Rapp stoked the logs in the large stone fireplace with a black iron poker, and then left the tip of it sitting in the midst of the blazing red coals. He took two st.u.r.dy chairs from the dining room and placed them in front of the fireplace. Coleman sat Abel in one and the big Saudi in the other. Their lower legs and ankles were duct taped to the chairs, as were their waists and chests. Both men were blindfolded and gagged. Neither knew he was in the other's presence. Rapp and Coleman had already searched the house and found nothing of interest other than the black bags, which were loaded into the trunk of Abel's Mercedes. fading. The sky had gone from blue, to orange, to gray. Rapp stoked the logs in the large stone fireplace with a black iron poker, and then left the tip of it sitting in the midst of the blazing red coals. He took two st.u.r.dy chairs from the dining room and placed them in front of the fireplace. Coleman sat Abel in one and the big Saudi in the other. Their lower legs and ankles were duct taped to the chairs, as were their waists and chests. Both men were blindfolded and gagged. Neither knew he was in the other's presence. Rapp and Coleman had already searched the house and found nothing of interest other than the black bags, which were loaded into the trunk of Abel's Mercedes.

When Rapp was ready he asked Coleman to remove their shoes and socks and then told Wicker, Hackett, and Stroble to wait outside. When Coleman was done with the shoes and socks he gave him the option to leave. Coleman declined.

Rapp stood in front of the two men with his back to the fire. He reached out and grabbed the silver tape that covered Abel's eyes and yanked it off his face. Two thirds of both eyebrows stayed attached to the tape. Abel tried to scream, but his cry was m.u.f.fled by the tape covering his mouth. Rapp yanked the tape off his mouth, and Abel began gasping for air. Rapp yanked the tape off the Saudi's eyes, and the man barely flinched. The Saudi had yet to utter a word other than when he was screaming in Abel's office and that had been because he knew his only chance was to have one of the neighboring office workers call the police. Since then he'd remained silent. Rapp could see it in his eyes. This one was a true follower. It would take months to break him, and even then the Saudi might prefer to die. That was why Rapp kept the tape over his mouth.

Rapp held up a phone and said, "On the other end of this line is a man who has thoroughly read your KGB file. He has access to every database you could imagine. We know all about your time with the Stasi. We know how you started out as gay bait for Westerners traveling to East Germany, and we know about the blackmail operations you ran. You are only going to get one chance at this." Rapp held up the forefinger of his left hand and repeated himself, "One chance."

Rapp turned around and grabbed the hot poker from the fire. The tip was bright red. Rapp held it in front of Abel's horrified face and said, "We've talked to your buddy here." Rapp moved the poker over to the Saudi. "I think he lied to us. He blamed everything on you."

The Saudi looked at the tip with a frown.

The poker swung back in front of Abel's face. It was still glowing hot. Abel turned his head away. Rapp pulled the poker back and said very calmly, "Look at me. If I catch you lying to me...even once, this is what I'm going to do to you."

Rapp took the poker, held it vertically in his left hand, and jammed it straight down through the top of the Saudi's right foot. The Saudi's entire body looked as if it would break through the duct tape for a second. Coleman stepped up from behind and grabbed the man so he wouldn't tip over in his chair. Rapp yanked the poker free and held it in front of Abel. A hunk of charred skin hung from the end, and the room filled with the awful smell of burnt flesh.

"One chance," Rapp said. "That's all I'm going to give you."

That was all it took. Earlier, Abel had thought his biggest mistake had been threatening the Then he thought it was leaving the money in the accounts. Now he was convinced the biggest mistake he ever made was entering into a business relations.h.i.+p with Prince Muhammad bin Ras.h.i.+d. Abel sang and kept on singing for twenty solid minutes. He told how Ras.h.i.+d had sent for him. How Ras.h.i.+d had arranged the meeting with Saeed. How later he learned that this whole thing had been Ras.h.i.+d's idea. Abel didn't know that for a fact, but he suspected it. Ras.h.i.+d was a sick sociopath. He lived to manipulate people, and it was important to give Rapp someone bigger to go after. Some fresh meat. He'd already killed Saeed, and if this was the end of the road for Rapp, Abel was a dead man. If he could offer him someone like Ras.h.i.+d, someone who was really guilty, he might survive. He told Rapp that Ras.h.i.+d was in Granada, Spain, at his villa for the rededication of some ridiculous mosque on Friday. Abel had been to Ras.h.i.+d's villa before. He explained how the Saudi prince viewed himself as the new caliph for the reclaimed Muslim lands of southern Spain.

He spat on Tayyib and told Rapp everything he knew about the Saudi intelligence officer. He'd never liked the man. At one point the big Saudi tried to knock his own chair over and go after Abel. Rapp grabbed the red hot poker and held it up to the Saudi's groin. Tayyib instantly turned into a statue.

Rapp put the poker back in the fire and asked Abel, "Tell me about the you hired."

Abel hesitated.

Rapp reached for the poker.

Abel answered, "A man and a woman. I met them in Paris. I had never worked with them before."

"How did you find out about them?"

Abel hesitated before answering. "Ras.h.i.+d had heard of them."

Rapp saw the lie. He could tell by the way the man had looked quickly down and to his right before answering. It was the first time he'd done it. Rapp grabbed the poker, held it out in front of Abel, and then jammed it through the top of his right foot.

Abel howled in pain and began screaming.

Rapp told Coleman to get some ice from the kitchen and then said to Abel, "I told you not to lie to me. Now, how did you come to hire the"

Abel had tears streaming down his anguished face. Coleman returned with the ice wrapped in a kitchen towel. Rapp tapped the other foot with the hot poker and said, "Last chance."

"Petrov...Dimitri Petrov."

Rapp had also read the file. "Your old boss from the KGB."

Abel nodded.

Rapp set the bag on top of his foot. "Now tell me everything you know about the"

"I never saw the man. I only spoke with him. He spoke perfect French and English. His Russian was also very good, but not as good."

Rapp remembered the man's perfect Americanized English from when he'd run into him near his house. "What do you remember about the woman?"

"Very beautiful. Black hair, high cheekbones, very nice skin."


"I never saw them. She never took her off."


"French. I am almost certain."

That jibed with what Rapp had guessed. "Do you think they were a couple? Beyond the business end of things?"


Rapp stopped asking questions for a moment.

Abel grew nervous. He knew once Rapp had gotten what he wanted from him, it would likely be the end. "I would like to say that I was nothing more than a courier. I was never told who Saeed and Ras.h.i.+d wanted killed. I simply handed over an envelope to the"

Rapp placed a hand on the fireplace mantel and looked at Coleman. "Why don't you drag our other friend outside and leave us alone for a minute?"

Coleman grabbed the Saudi's chair, tilted him back and dragged him across the hardwood floor and out the front door.

The door closed with a thud and Abel said, "I am very sorry about your wife. They went too far."

Rapp felt like shoving the hot poker through Abel's heart for even mentioning his wife. "Nothing more than a courier, huh?"

"That's right."

"A courier who got paid eleven million dollars." Rapp's eyes were locked on Abel's. Once again he looked down and to the right and then he looked back at Rapp with pleading eyes.

"Please, you must believe me. All I did was deliver an envelope. Nothing more, nothing less."

Rapp pushed himself away from the fireplace and walked into the dining room. Coleman had found the bottle of Louis XIII cognac. Like the modern-day pirate that he was, the former SEAL wanted to keep it. Rapp told him maybe. Now he had a better idea for it. He walked back in front of the fireplace, the ornate bottle in hand. Rapp took off the cap and thought about taking a swig. He thought about his wife and the life they had had together. He thought about the child they would never have. Then he thought about how their entire future had been ruined by this greedy p.r.i.c.k sitting before him.

Abel was really nervous. When men like Rapp got quiet, nothing good ever came of it. He had to keep him talking. "We are both professionals, you and I. I know the rules. Professionals never harm each other's families."

"You were a Stasi pig who used to kidnap people and hold them for ransom. You were never a professional." Rapp brought the bottle to his lips and took a big gulp. It went back smooth and then bit his throat with a mellow burning sensation.

"How old is this place?" Rapp looked up at the timber rafters.

"It was built in nineteen fifty-two," Abel answered, a confused expression on his face.

Rapp nodded. "I bet the wood is pretty dry at this alt.i.tude." Rapp turned the bottle on its side and some of the cognac spilled onto the wide plank hardwood floor and then onto the carpet. Rapp splashed out a little more.

"What are you doing?" Abel yelled.

"Arranging your funeral pyre." Rapp splashed a little more liquid on the carpet by Abel and then some close to the fireplace.

"No!" Abel screamed. "I know more!"

"I'm sure you do. More lies." The cognac splashed into the flames and caught fire. It shot out from the stone hearth and spread to the rug. Rapp bent over and grabbed the side of the copper kettle that was filled with kindling. He dumped it onto the floor and it caught fire almost immediately.

Abel was screaming. Pleading for his life. "You can't do this!"

"Oh yes, I can," Rapp said as he started toward the door. He opened the heavy wood door and never bothered to look back. Didn't even bother to close the door. He figured the air would be good for the fire.

Rapp took one more swig of the cognac and then handed it to Coleman. "I'll drive."

The other guys got into the rented Volvo van, and Rapp got behind the wheel of Abel's Mercedes. Coleman climbed in the pa.s.senger seat.

The former SEAL took a sip of the $2,000-a-bottle cognac and sighed. "Where to now?"

Rapp put the car into reverse and said, "Granada, Spain."



R app looked up at the country estate on the hill and a.s.sumed the b.a.s.t.a.r.d Ras.h.i.+d was hiding behind its walls. It was midafternoon on Wednesday. They'd arrived in the city of 300,000 late the previous evening and rented two minivans. The first order of business was to find a hotel and get some sleep. Langley had confirmed what Abel had told them; that Ras.h.i.+d was in the Spanish town to rededicate an old mosque that had been converted into a church. The ceremony was to take place on Friday. Rapp decided that they would start their reconnaissance in the morning. app looked up at the country estate on the hill and a.s.sumed the b.a.s.t.a.r.d Ras.h.i.+d was hiding behind its walls. It was midafternoon on Wednesday. They'd arrived in the city of 300,000 late the previous evening and rented two minivans. The first order of business was to find a hotel and get some sleep. Langley had confirmed what Abel had told them; that Ras.h.i.+d was in the Spanish town to rededicate an old mosque that had been converted into a church. The ceremony was to take place on Friday. Rapp decided that they would start their reconnaissance in the morning.

They found the country estate right away. It was impossible to miss. It sat high on a hill just to the north of the world-famous Alhambra. Rapp had toured Alhambra in his early twenties. The part citadel/part palace was built by the Nasrid Kings, the last Moors to rule southern Spain. This was where they took their last stand in 1492 before they were defeated by the forces of Spain's Catholic monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella. According to the report provided by Langley, Ras.h.i.+d had bought the country estate in severe disrepair and had poured millions of dollars into it and every other Muslim landmark he could find in the historic town. Abel had said that this was all part of Ras.h.i.+d's grand plan to retake southern Spain and claim it for Islam.

Rapp was sitting behind the wheel of a dark blue minivan. He looked down at the laptop balanced on the center console, and read the report the researchers at Langley had sent along. The house that Ras.h.i.+d bought even had a name. The place dated back to the twelfth century and in Arabic it was called al Yannat al-Arif-the garden of lofty paradise. Rapp picked up a set of binoculars and looked at the place high up on the hill. Rapp picked up a set of binoculars and looked at the place high up on the hill.

"That's as close as you're ever going to get to paradise, Ras.h.i.+d."

Rapp lowered the binoculars and looked up the street at a small outdoor cafe. He was parked on the Carrera del Darro. Coleman was sitting at a small table negotiating with a man who looked like he could have been his brother. They were the same height, the same build, the same fair hair, and about the same age. Ras.h.i.+d had called in the reserves. On the first reconnaissance sweep of the morning they noticed the men in the blue coveralls, with the berets and Enfield rifles. It was immediately obvious that these guys were no rent-a-cops. The way they carried themselves, their berets, their Enfield rifles all pointed to one thing-these guys were British commandos. Probably former SAS guys, some of the best soldiers in the world.

Their presence presented a real problem tactically. They would not be easy to get past, and even more importantly, neither Rapp nor Coleman had any stomach for killing men they saw as comrades in arms. They had both worked with the British before and considered them America's best ally. Stuck in this seemingly no-win situation Coleman came up with an idea. He ran his own security company. Almost all of his men were former SEALs, Delta Force, Green Berets, Rangers, or Recon Marines. They were almost always guys who got out because they were tired of the bulls.h.i.+t that went along with being in the service. That and the fact that they could make six to ten times more in a year what they were getting paid in the military. Personal protection, guns for hire, it was a pretty specialized field. There were a few pretenders, but most of the players were real, and they were all interconnected, either from their military days or the time they spent hanging out in c.r.a.ppy Third World bars while they either protected diplomats or plotted to kill terrorists and thugs.

Coleman had contacts in Britain, and he got on the phone. Within an hour he had a pretty good idea which company had taken the job guarding Ras.h.i.+d. It was an outfit called s.h.i.+eld Security Services, and as they'd guessed, it was run by a couple of former SAS guys. Coleman called the office directly, and a nice young woman answered. He explained who he was and that he was in the business. He asked to speak to the owner, a guy named Ian Higsby. The woman informed him that he was on a.s.signment at the moment. Coleman pressed her for details telling her he needed to subcontract a job and that he'd heard good things about the company. The prospect of new business did the trick and she gave Coleman Higsby's mobile phone number.

Coleman called him up straight away, introduced himself, and gave the commando his military credentials. Higsby had heard of him. By the tone of his voice, Coleman got the idea that this was not good. Coleman saw no point in bulls.h.i.+tting the guy, so he came straight out and asked him if he was in Spain. The dead silence on the line said it all.

"Granada," Coleman said.

The man still didn't answer.

"We need to meet," Coleman told him. "Face to face. As soon as possible."


"You ever heard of a guy named Mitch Rapp?"

"Most certainly. I was just given a picture of him and told to shoot him on sight."

"How do you feel about that?"

"Wasn't exactly thrilled. It was dropped on me after I took the job."

" I said. We need to meet. I think we can help each other out."

They agreed on a place in the Albaicin neighborhood and set a time.

Rapp had been watching them for the better part of an hour and was starting to get frustrated. It appeared to be going well, but enough already. Finally, the two shook hands, and Coleman got up and walked down the street. Rapp watched the Brit head the other way. Coleman got in the van and gave Rapp the thumbs-up.

"It's all taken care of."

"It was that easy?" Rapp asked, surprised.

"Higsby had read about your wife. He offers his condolences."

Rapp started the car and said nothing.

"He received a call on Monday and was offered fifty thousand to do five days of security. He's got an eight-man team, and Ras.h.i.+d sent a plane for them. The job was five days in southern Spain babysitting some Saudi billionaire. He takes ten grand off the top and the rest of them get five grand apiece for what they thought was going to be a cakewalk. Then they got here and the head of Ras.h.i.+d's security detail showed them a picture of you and told them to shoot you on sight."

"How'd they like that?" Rapp asked as he pulled out into traffic.

"They didn't. Some of these guys have served over in the sandbox, and they've had friends killed by Saudi suicide bombers. They consider you an ally and Ras.h.i.+d the enemy. Higsby told me he practically had a mutiny on his hands."

"So did he agree to play ball?"

"Yeah, he was a little worried about what this might do to his reputation. None of us like to lose a protectee. It's not exactly good for business."

"Did you offer him the cash?" Rapp was referring to the money they'd taken from Abel's Alpine house.

"One hundred thousand euros. Plus I told him I'd make sure the U.S. government sent some contracts his way. I'll leave it up to you to tell Irene."

Rapp nodded. "No problem. I'll take care of it. What's the plan?"

"He's eating dinner tonight with the mayor. Up at the house. Seven o'clock. Higsby said he went to bed at nine last night so he doesn't expect him to stay up late." Coleman unfolded a piece of paper. "He gave me a layout of the place and showed me where he sleeps. He also offered a uniform."

"Good." Rapp stared straight ahead. "I'll go in alone as soon as the mayor leaves."


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Consent To Kill_ A Thriller Part 41 summary

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