Rebel Walking: Heaven Sent Part 1

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Heaven Sent.

Rebel Walking.

Hilary Storm.


'In a Heartbeat' was dedicated to those who believed in the possibility before it became a reality.

'Heaven Sent' is dedicated to those who helped make it a reality.



He is everywhere.

In my thoughts.

In my dreams.

In my air.

I'm trying to fight my attraction to Taron, but my heart doesn't seem to listen to my mind. I know it's a disaster waiting to happen if I give in, yet I still keep thinking of the possibilities.

He has a past. So do I.

He loves to flirt. So do I.

He will be leaving to go on tour tomorrow. I won't.

He was there for me when I thought I lost my best friend. The t.i.tle best friend' doesn't really do what we have justice. Eaven is my sister. We may come from different blood, but in all aspects that count we are family. A couple of months ago Eaven was kidnapped and driven into the river by her boyfriend's ex. Taron never left my side the entire time we were searching for her or when she was recovering in the hospital. He has been to my apartment to check on me daily since Eaven has been staying with Talon to recover.

Don't get me wrong. He has continuously made advances toward me since we found out Eaven was going to be ok. He flirts non-stop, but I'm a girl who likes all of that attention. I just don't want to share my attention with other girls.

I have to decide if I can handle sharing him before I give myself to him completely. After all he is the lead singer in the band Rebel Walking'.

They are going to be gone more on tour now. This will be their second time to go on tour with main stream bands. They were such a huge success the first time, they were chosen to be the opening band at every single one of Beckoning Reality's concerts. I heard all of the details from Taron when he called to check on me while he was away on the first tour.

I've managed to fight him off until this point, but I'm sure since he leaves in the morning, he will be trying extra hard tonight to get me to cave.

Smitty has kicked off a celebration to send the band off in style. It looks like everyone has shown up to see the band one last time. This place is packed.

Eaven and I went shopping for new outfits this week. She wants to look exceptional tonight since she is sending her fiance off for four weeks. She is just recently engaged to Talon and they are perfect for each other. I am so excited that she found someone who makes her happy and treats her right. He just happens to look identical to the guy that I am fighting myself to not like. Talon and Taron Walker are identical twins. The story of the two sisters falling in love with twin bad boys is one that never comes true.

I look over and see Taron at the band's reserved table talking to his twin. My eyes s.h.i.+ft to his broad shoulders and the dark, tight s.h.i.+rt that doesn't leave much to the imagination.

I've been in his arms a few times and I know that his chest and stomach are sculpted and just as defined as the s.h.i.+rt makes it appear. He has dark hair, almost black. He wears it messy so that it looks like he just got out of bed. The look really works for him. I know that he does put effort into his hair because I have been stuck waiting on him to get ready.

He jumps up to pester his older brother Holden and I begin to appreciate the view of his a.s.s in those jeans. His jeans hang just right, just the way I love to see. I've never let him know that I appreciate how he looks. He would never let me live it down if I did.

Eaven leaves me to make her way to Talon. I see Taron begin to search the room as soon as he sees her arrive. He spots me and starts to look me up and down. His eyes never leave me as he stalks across the room.

"Poison Ivy! It is such a pleasure to see you out for the kill tonight." He takes his index finger and runs it down my chest and into the valley of my cleavage causing my s.h.i.+rt to lower. He stops just before he exposes me.

"Do you want to lose that finger?"

I really want him to continue, but I would never tell him that.

"I would love for you to take my entire finger." He removes his digit from my chest and I know his meaning behind his reply. He has never been shy about his s.e.xual desire with me.

"In your dreams." I turn away from him to begin my walk to the table.

He stops me after only a few steps. He grabs my hips and holds me against him.

I can feel him invading my s.p.a.ce again.

He is consuming all of my senses. He leans down to whisper in my ear.

"Yea that pretty much sums it up."

My body heats up as his breath blows past my ear. The sensation sends a s.h.i.+ver through my body and heat straight to my core. He holds me so close that I can feel how much he wants me as it presses into my backside.

"When are you going to quit playing hard to get? You know we will be hot together. You know you want what only I can give you." He begins to sway back and forth with the music.

I want what he is offering me so much. I want to let go and ride the roller coaster that is Taron. I know there will be ups and downs. I just don't know if I can hang on until the end and exit the ride safely. I don't know if he will break my heart.

Usually I don't let myself get attached to a guy. We have fun and then say our goodbyes. Taron managed to work his way into my life in a way that we are so beyond a simple affair without strings. I just don't know if he is capable of what I want.

I want him. All of him. To myself. No sharing.

"I don't want to share," I say through the lump in my throat.

"I don't have any intentions of sharing you." He flips me around to face him. He guides my arms over his shoulders and slowly drags his hands back down my arms, down my sides, and then around my waist. He flattens both of his hands out on my b.u.t.t cheeks and presses me further into him. We continue to sway with the music.

I look into his eyes. I can see desire. I can see the same heat that I feel. I decide to give in. I pull him down to meet my lips. He doesn't waste any time joining my tongue. I know he is a great kisser. We have already established the hot chemistry between us once before. He continues to press himself into me and the pressure makes me crave more of him.

"Spend the night with me." He is begging me through the tone of his voice.

I bow my head in thought and he kisses my forehead. He uses his large hands to guide my head back up to look at him. He closes his eyes as he nears me and begins to softly kiss my lips.

This gentle side of him is my undoing.

"My place isn't as crowded. I'm pretty sure you won't want your brothers to hear what I have planned for you." I nibble on his bottom lip as I pull away from his lips.

"Fuuuuccckk Me." He has a huge smile on his face.

"I have to sing a few songs and then you are mine." He holds me tight until the rest of the band has taken the stage. When Talon and Luke start to play, he finally releases me. "Don't go anywhere. I want to watch you while I am on stage."

I stay exactly where he leaves me.

I enjoy the songs so much more this time. It seems like he is singing them directly to me. His eyes are intense and he never really looks anywhere but at me. The crowd is still going wild trying to get his attention. Panties and bras are thrown up at him, but he never averts his attention away from me.

I feel someone up against my back and I turn to see who is standing this close to me. It's Dylan. His job relocated him a couple of months back.

We went out a couple of times, but we weren't exclusive.

"Hey Dylan." I smile at him and place my hand on his arm stepping sideways just a little to give myself some room.

"Ivy. How is my girl?" The way he just said my girl irritates me. He grips my arm very tightly and I yank it from his grip. What the h.e.l.l is his problem?

"I am not anyone's girl."

Aiden is next to me in a matter of seconds. Aiden and I have been friends since we met. In the beginning he wanted to be more than friends. I think he finally realized that my feelings for Taron are much deeper than I let on and he backed off. He started dating another girl, but we still talk daily. We sometimes meet for dinner or drinks when he has time. He is pure country.

He is pure country cowboy with a perfect gentleman demeanor.

"Get your hands off of Ivy."

Aiden is in Dylan's face the instant he can be.

"You got a problem, cowboy?"

Dylan pushes Aiden back.

"Lay a hand on a girl and you are the one with a big problem. It will be the last time you use your hands." Aiden is dead serious with his threat. "Let's take this outside." The cowboys surround Dylan.

Taron busts through the crowd that has surrounded us. He slams into Dylan's chest with the rage of a fighter.

His force slams Dylan to the ground.

Taron has his arm pressing into Dylan's throat causing him to gasp for air.

"You touch her again, motherf.u.c.ker, and I will personally make sure that you never live to see tomorrow." It takes four guys to pull Taron off of Dylan. The cowboys escort Dylan out of the bar and Taron is outraged.

"What the f.u.c.k!" He begins to yell in anger.

"Chill out brother." Talon attempts to calm his twin down.

"What did he say to you? Why is he grabbing you like that? Why is cowboy saving the f.u.c.king day?" He is full of questions that I don't know the answer to.

"He just grabbed my arm tightly and asked how his girl was doing. I told him that I am not anyone's girl and then Aiden was there. Calm down, please."

I'm starting to feel the stress of him being this angry. My childhood was spent with different men beating on my mother every day. They used to talk to her and look at her like he is talking to me right now. I don't think he would ever hit me, but his rage is causing old memories to surface that I am not ready to deal with right now.

"Aiden saves the motherf.u.c.king day. Doesn't he?" He is angry with me.

Why is he so p.i.s.sed at me?

"Aiden is just a friend. What is your problem?" I grab him by the collar of his t-s.h.i.+rt and pull his face to mine.

"Jealous much?"

"No one should be touching you like that."

"I agree and it has been handled.

Please don't ruin tonight for us." I beg him as I hold him an inch from my face trying to get him to focus on me. He finally calms down just as Smitty shows up to see what is going on. I'm thankful that Smitty loves these guys. I'm positive that all of our would have been tossed if they weren't the band that fills this bar every time they schedule.

"I'm done tonight. The show is over." Taron begins to yell at everyone that is surrounding us. The DJ starts to play some music and the crowd finally moves away.

"I'm ready to break out of here."

He looks frustrated as he looks at me over his shoulder. He has a hold of my hand and our arms are extended between us since I haven't moved. I see Eaven looking at us with a smile on her face.

I decide to walk in her direction and Taron follows staying attached to my hand. "We're going to head out." She knows what we're leaving to do. She knows me better than I know myself sometimes. She leans over to hug me and manages to whisper in my ear so that Taron can't hear.

"Be careful my friend." Then she leans into a hug with him. She whispers something in his ear that I can't hear.

Taron "Hurt her, and I will kill you."

Eaven's threat is heard loud and clear. I have witnessed the bond that these two share, and I know they will always protect each other. My future sister-in- law is a feisty survivor and I don't plan to cross her. She has proven that she will fight for those she loves.

It takes entirely too long to exit the club. People are everywhere and every time I turn around some girl from one of my past hookups is lingering in my view waiting for the opportunity to meet' up with me. I know Ivy can sense what these girls are after because she gets defensive before we get out the door.

"Jealous much?" I decide the best way to approach this is to be playful and throw her words right back at her.

"Um.... No. Like I have always said, if you want c.o.c.k rot' feel free to play the field, just don't expect me to hang around." She is extremely with that f.u.c.king mouth of hers. It is what I love and hate so much about her equally. She is a breath of fresh air compared to all of the groupies that I am flooded with constantly.

I have been holding out for Ivy since we started spending so much time together after Eaven's accident.

"There's no c.o.c.k rot' here. My d.i.c.k may fall off from lack of use lately, but I know that I'm clean. I always wrap it and I get tested regularly."

I have to protect myself from the lot lizards of the concert scene. They will agree with everything I say or want to do. It's like they are spineless females that expect me to give them a great f.u.c.k and then they know the drill.

They head out. I may hit four girls in the same night if I start at the club.

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Rebel Walking: Heaven Sent Part 1 summary

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