Rebel Walking: Heaven Sent Part 13

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"If you love him, then I wouldn't affect you. Can you tell me you're not feeling this?" I move my hand between us pointing out the connection I know she feels.

"Can you tell me you haven't missed me?" I pull her hand into mine and move it against my chest.

I move in close as I continue to speak. My lips hers as I say. "Can you tell me you aren't f.u.c.king dripping wet right now?"

I use my free hand to pull her close. I run my hand along the edge of her short dress and let my fingers slide under the material. I continue sliding upward until I find her bare a.s.s. I fill my palm with her firmness and moan because of what this does to me. She isn't pus.h.i.+ng me away. I'm watching her eyes and waiting for her to pull away, but she isn't. She buries her head against my chest and I start to pray that I've gotten through. Please let this be the moment that she finally lets me in.


Ivy Oh. My. G.o.d. I miss him so much. I know I just made a huge mistake leaning into his chest and letting him touch me, but I need this. I miss this. I wish with everything inside of me that I could let him in and not drag him down.

He'll be famous one day. I know he will. I love him enough to push him away from a life that will ruin his career. He's not ready to be a father and I'm still dealing with Dylan. He doesn't need all of that in his life.

I let myself feel alive a few more minutes and get goose b.u.mps when his hand moves up my back and into my hair. His gentle caress is relaxing me, and for a moment I feel the world lift off my shoulders. I forget about my troubles just long enough to f.u.c.k with our minds.

I shouldn't have let him touch me. I knew better that to let him near me, but he's a determined pain in the a.s.s.

"Don't touch me." I push back from him. His face drops and his hands go straight to his hair. He's frustrated.

"Get out!"


"Yes, NOW."


"I'm going to scream if you don't get the f.u.c.k out, Taron. I'm done. Get out. Get OUT. GET OUT. GET OUT.

Get. The. f.u.c.k. Out." He stares at me the entire time I'm acting hysterical. He opens his mouth to say something and I scream even louder. "GET. OUT.

NOW. Leave me alone." He turns to leave and I lose it. My emotions come cras.h.i.+ng down around me. I'm f.u.c.king crying again.

I crouch to the floor and fold my legs against my chest. I can't have the man I love, and it's going to kill me. I start to feel the walls closing in on me, so I push up and open the curtain. I see Eaven and she runs up to help me pick up the pieces, because that's what we do for each other.

"Let's go. Take the dress off and let's get out of here." She's already pus.h.i.+ng hers down when she tells me to get it off. I don't waste time. We are out of there in record time and she pulls me through a door in the backroom.

"He's still up front. Dave is talking to him and there are four sales people with a police officer. Let's catch a cab and go back to your hotel." I don't say anything and the rush of escaping is a nice feeling. I'm on the run with my best friend, just like old times. One of us was always saving the other.

"I missed you," I say, just as we hit the curb to wave down a taxicab.

The first cab pulls over and we begin the route to my hotel.

"I missed you too! You look like s.h.i.+t though! Tell me what's going on with you!"

"Just worrying about my stalker."

A ping of guilt crosses my face and I know that I'm busted. She sees through me and is immediately worried.

"What else?"

"Isn't that enough?"

"Yes, but I know you. This is me you're talking to."

"I know you know me, but that's it. I'm scared he'll find me." She looks at me with with a skeptical look.

"How's Aiden?"

"He's good. He had to go home for a few days."

"You still pretending to love him?"

"No." I can at least give her this.

"You should give him a chance.

He loves you. I've seen him in the past couple of weeks and he's a mess."

"I can't."


"Because I'll ruin his life."


"He can't stay focused on the tour when I'm around."

"Honey, I hate to tell you, but he isn't focused at all when you're gone.

He at least has purpose when you're around." I take this information in, but she doesn't understand my entire situation because I'm holding back telling her. I need to keep it to myself a little longer. Once I get on my feet and get settled in somewhere, I'll tell her that she's going to be an aunt. Until then, I'll just remain quiet.

"Sorry that he's a mess, but I can't trust him. I don't need to be worried about who his nightly f.u.c.k is when I'm not there."

"Are you kidding me? He doesn't even stay around for fans anymore. He leaves for the bus as soon as the last song is finished." Her words. .h.i.t me in the heart. He isn't the type to walk away from anyone giving it away, and I know the girls are ready and willing to give it up to him.

We pull into the hotel before we have the chance to call Holden. He should be nearby, so I text him hoping he can hurry back. He went to see his brothers since Dave was with us. He'll be madder than h.e.l.l that we left without security.

We pay our cab driver and hurry into the lobby.

I get a weird feeling almost instantly and I start to look around frantically. Eaven sees me and starts to panic with me. I search everywhere, but I don't see him. I can feel him though, so I know he's watching me. We move quickly to the elevators and rush to close the doors.

Right before the door closes my heart stops. My life flashes before my eyes. His hand stops the door from closing. The gun is the first thing I see, his face is the second. My instinct to scream is overtaken by the fear running through my body that he'll shoot. The gun is aimed at my stomach and I wonder if he knows my secret. He's pointing the gun at the only thing in my life that I can hold on to. The only person I can claim as mine.

"Don't make a sound." Eaven and I both begin to move closer together when he gets on the elevator. I feel her hand squeeze mine.

"Dylan, let her go. You can have me. Just let her go!"

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"No, but I'll go with you willingly. Just let her go."

"I'll handle her soon enough. You don't call the shots anymore, Ivy. This is my game. Your game ended."

"This isn't a game, Dylan. How did you find me?"

"I knew your little friend here would lead me to you. I have my resources. Lets just say I got an ear full of information every time you two talked."

"Please let her go."

"Shut up! You f.u.c.king ruined my life by going to the police."

"Because you're a sick b.a.s.t.a.r.d,"

Eaven spits out with obvious disgust in her tone. I grip her hand tight and beg her not to encourage him.

"Who asked you? Shut up, before I silence you permanently."

I'm frantically running through my options. I could refuse to get off the elevator, and die. I could take him to the wrong room and p.i.s.s him off, then die.

Or I could take him to our room and become a victim again when he tortures us. My options are s.h.i.+t.

Maybe if I give him what he wants, we can walk away with our lives.

The elevator reaches our floor.

"What room?" He sounds impatient and psychotic right now. I'm scared to death he's going to kill us, so I tell him.


"If you're lying, she's dead." He points the gun at Eaven and I'm so glad I told him the correct room number.

Taron The bridal b.i.t.c.h did call the police. After I convince the police that I have no plans to ever enter this f.u.c.king dress shop again, I'm released. They officially ban me from the shop for the rest of my life. That's just perfect. I've been banned from a place that sells wedding dresses. My friends will have a d.a.m.n hay day with that s.h.i.+t. I see a text come in from Holden.

Holden: You with Ivy?

Taron: No Holden: s.h.i.+t Taron: What?

Holden: She f.u.c.king le the shop without cover.

Taron: Where's she going?

Holden: Hotel. I'm all the way across town.

Taron: I'm going.

I run to get a cab. I yell at the driver to drive as fast as f.u.c.king possible. I throw cash on the seat when I'm stepping out of the car while its still rolling. A bad feeling over-takes me the closer I get. I stop at the lobby to get a room card.

"I left my key at the restaurant.

Can I get a new one?

"Name, please."


"Room number?" s.h.i.+t I have no idea.

"I can't remember."

"ID, please."

"We don't have Taron Walker registered."

"It's Holden Walker." My patience is gone. Hurry. The. h.e.l.l. Up.

Ivy We get to the room without a single soul seeing us in the hall. I wanted someone to see us. I use the card to open the door and stop to plead with him one more time.

"Please let her go. I'll do everything you ask." He shoves both of us inside the room once it's open, ignoring my plea yet again.

"You'll do what I ask anyway.

Now sit on the couch." He opens his backpack and pulls out the rope.

"Please, don't do this."

"You've ruined my life, so I may as well continue to ruin yours. I think I'll enjoy you both, and the fact that you want me to let her go so badly reminds me just how close you two are. Tonight you're gonna get real close. Now tie her hands behind her back." He throws a bundle of rope at me.

"NOW." I tie my best friends hands behind her back because a gun is aimed right at her head. I f.u.c.king tie my best friend up so a rapist can ruin her life, just to save her life. This me off.

"Stand up, Eaven. I'm going to check Ivy's work." He pulls on the knot just like I knew he would.

"Now sit. Ivy, get up." He yanks my arms behind my back and ties the knot so tight it brings tears to my eyes.

He presses himself into my back.

He starts to rub himself into my hands. I work my fingers to get a good grip and the gun touches my temple. I want to f.u.c.king rip his b.a.l.l.s from his body, but I'd never get that far.

"f.u.c.king feisty. I want you to fight, but be smart about how hard you do it. There are consequences, Ivy.

Your actions did this. You use people to get what you want. You're a selfish b.i.t.c.h only looking out for yourself.

Tonight you're going to be the one getting used."

I relax my fingers, repulsed that he's so hard right now.

"Move to the bedroom. Ivy, I'm going to tie your friend up better so I can enjoy you first." I turn to watch him grab her chest with one hand and her crotch with the other. My guts twist that she's going through this.

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Rebel Walking: Heaven Sent Part 13 summary

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