Rebel Walking: Heaven Sent Part 5

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Her words. .h.i.t me hard. I realize that I haven't given him a chance. How many times did I nag him about not sharing? I can't even be honest with him when all I want is to let him hold me and for him to pick up the pieces of my heart that are scattered. My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. My insides instantly tremble as Eaven checks the peep hole in the door.

"Aiden and Macy are here!"

"Hey baby girls! How are you?

Are you missing your men? I brought you something to help!" Macy pulls out two bottles of wine and, for once, the thought of alcohol is not at all appealing.

I notice Aiden come in and shut the door behind him. He looks over at me and I can't help but feel safer with him here. Macy and Eaven disappear to the kitchen. Aiden makes his way to sit beside me.

"I didn't tell Macy. I want you to stay with me until they find that a.s.shole."

"Aiden, thank you for everything, but I'm going to stay here with Eaven.

We will have a security system installed tomorrow and Holden should be here sometime in the morning to stay with us."

"Mighty fine. I will stay here tonight then. Macy can crash here also.

It should be easy to convince her after those bottles." I don't argue with him. I actually like the idea a lot. He would never let anything happen to any of us."

"The guys are looking for him. I think he left town. I will get your things from your apartment tomorrow."

"Eaven and I will come with you.

She won't have much, but I don't want to go back there anytime soon."


Taron The sound of my twin pacing and yelling has me on my feet and in the hallway moving toward him until I hear his one sided conversation.

"You don't expect me to keep this from my brother, Ev. He is f.u.c.king heartbroken and drinking everything in sight. He needs to know."


What do I need to know? My mind starts turning, but I can't imagine what would have my brother so frustrated.

"Ok, but don't think I'm done with this conversation. Lock the d.a.m.n doors."

"You don't go anywhere with that f.u.c.king cowboy. My dad will be there soon."

"Over my dead body will you stay at Aiden's house." What the h.e.l.l? Is that f.u.c.king cowboy after Eaven too? I'm about to beat his a.s.s.

"I love you and I don't want to fight like this when I'm on the road."

"Ok. I will call you tonight with Holden's flight information."

I walk out and look at his face.

His expression tells me everything I need to know. Something is wrong with Eaven and Ivy. Something very bad. He can't hide his feelings from me. I will pick up on that s.h.i.+t across the country.

"What the f.u.c.k is going on?"

"I have it under control."

"Bulls.h.i.+t, Talon. Tell me now."

"Brother, you need to go home and talk to Ivy."

"Tell me now! I have always been there for you, now you f.u.c.king tell me what is going on."

"I can't. It is not my place to tell you. I can tell you that you need to go home now. She needs you. I can't tell you why, just trust me on this one."

"What about the show tonight?"

"To h.e.l.l with the show! You have to take care of business. I'm calling the airlines now for two tickets. Would you like me to make it three?" I see the dead serious look on his face and know that I have to go back.


We catch the earliest flight home.

We should land at 3:00 a.m. After the bus ride across the country, my a.s.s is dragging. I look at my phone and try to fit the pieces together. I just can't seem to figure out what I'm walking in to. I know their safety is in danger by the way Talon is reacting.

"You need to tell me what I am going home to face. I take care of your a.s.s all the time and you can't even give me a heads up."

"Eaven specifically asked me not to tell you. I think you need to know.

I'm coming home with you because my a.s.s will be gra.s.s when she finds out I have you on this flight."

"Are you going to tell me what the h.e.l.l is going on?" Holden leans over me to ask Talon.

"Just know that we need to install security at the house. The girls will be s ta yi ng there while we are gone.

Holden, you will need to stay with them until all of this blows over."

"Who is with them now?" Holden beats me to ask the most important question.

"Probably cowboy." The thoughts going through my mind when he says cowboy begin to p.i.s.s me off even more than I am already.

"Little brother. I'm getting really f.u.c.king p.i.s.sed about this and I need you to tell me right now. Quit being a p.u.s.s.y whipped mother f.u.c.ker and tell me!"

My voice rises above everyone else on the airplane. "I need answers." I say through gritted teeth. He knows my limit has been reached.

"Dylan tried to rape Ivy last night.

He was inside her bedroom when she woke up. He forced himself on her until cowboy came to the rescue."

My skin began to crawl at his first word. My gut is clinching at the fourth.

Everything goes downhill from there.

My entire body starts to shake in anger.

I grab the seat in front of me and try my hardest not to stand up and kill anyone who tries to stop me from screaming at the top of my lungs.

"You have to calm down. She needs you calm. She needs you to reign in your barbarics and be there for her."

Holden puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes. This is what he has always done to straighten me up since we were kids. I shrug his grip off.

"Taron, chill. You made me tell you. Now you know why we have to go home. We need to make sure the girls are safe."

Ivy I figure out two things tonight.

Macy really likes wine and I'm tired as h.e.l.l.

I slip away to his bedroom and start to snoop around. There isn't much left in here. I grab a t-s.h.i.+rt from the foot of his bed and pull it over my head. His scent comforts me and this helps with my constant ache to be near him. I drop my shorts to the ground, and pull back his comforter. I slip between the sheets and melt into the softness of his bed. His pillows are fluffy and the perfect kind to cuddle. I flip one long ways in front of me and prop another under my head. I close my eyes and let his scent linger while I inhale and exhale.

I feel him slide in behind me. A smile forms on my lips when I feel him press into my backside. He is happy to see me.

He grabs my wrist from behind and quickly yanks it to the middle of my back. His other hand reaches around my head and covers my mouth. He leans in close to my ear.

"Did you think I would leave you that easily?" His tongue leaves my ear wet and my stomach twists at the sound of his voice.

I start to squirm and try to scream.

He tightens his grip when I begin to f i g h t . My heart begins to race uncontrollably. Hysterics over take me and I bite down as hard as my teeth will grip. I use my legs and try to kick him. I can't get my scream to release from my lips.

I continue to struggle and thrash until a roar finally escapes me.

"Ivy, baby, I'm here. Come on.

Wake up! I won't let anything happen to you." The sound of Taron's voice pulls me out of my personal h.e.l.l almost immediately. His arms envelop me from behind and he holds me tight. The tears and sobs begin to pour out of me and I can't get control of the speed that my heart is pounding. I didn't want him to see me like this, but instantly feel relief in his arms. The arms that I wish had never left me that terrible night.

The harder I cry, the tighter he squeezes and I feel wetness from his face brush across mine.

Why is he here? He is supposed to be in concert tonight.

"I'm so f.u.c.king sorry I left you that night. I'm here now." I can hear the lump in his throat constricting the sound of his voice.

I pull his arms up so I can wrap mine around his. We both lie there silently in voice, but actions speaking loudly. I know this can't be forever, but I wish I could use this moment to slip back into in the future.


finally let myself relax completely and close my eyes to inhale and exhale his scent again. The only difference is that this time he is here wrapped all around me.

I feel him all over. This is what I've been dying to feel. Craving with every ounce of my soul. I draw strength from his hold on me and eventually the tears quit falling.

This is getting dangerous. I can't need someone like I feel I need him. I won't be that vulnerable. I can't fall in love with a guy who is incapable of loving me back. I make a deal with myself to end whatever this relations.h.i.+p is in the morning. Right after I cherish his hold on me through the night.

I will tell him we can just be friends. He should be thankful for that anyway. No strings. That's what he needs to go on tour. I can't be the reason he doesn't succeed. I won't hold him back, just like I won't let my heart be vulnerable to him.


Taron What the h.e.l.l have I done? How did I miss this? She is completely broken. My tough as h.e.l.l, feisty girl, is broken and I helped break her.

I hold her through the night. I can feel the tension as her body struggles to calm down from my touch. She finally relaxes and drifts asleep a couple of hours after I slide in the bed with her.

There is nothing in the world that could pull me from this bed in this moment. I hold the woman that is slowly breaking her way into my heart. A place I don't let anyone into. I don't want to leave her again.

I hear someone in the hallway, but don't move. I don't want to ruin this. I haven't slept at all as I plot my revenge on the a.s.shole who did this to her. I could go to jail for murder very easily. I have never felt a hatred for anyone like I do right now. I have no respect for him or anyone who would force himself on a woman. That f.u.c.ker will rot in h.e.l.l.

She begins to stir and I watch as she realizes where she is. She starts to pull away from me and I ease her back into my arms.

"Taron, I can't." She starts to tug at my arm to get me to release her. I don't let go and I know she's getting ready to pull away from me. That's something I've learned over the past few months. She doesn't let people in.

There are very few people that have been there for her.

"Please," she begs.

I release my hold knowing this ride is just f.u.c.king getting started.

"Why can't you let me hold you?"

She sits up and refuses to look at me.

"You held me all night."

"Why does it have to end? She turns to face me and this is when I see how empty her face looks.

"Because you need to go." I laugh at her.

"Babe, I hate to tell you this, but you are in my bed."

"I know. I'm, sorry. I won't let it happen again."

"Ivy, you are always welcome in my bed, especially if I'm in it."

I watch her expressionless face as I try to get a rise out of her. She pulls her pants on and begins to slip on her shoes. She is getting ready to bolt.

"Where are you going?"

"Aiden is taking me to my apartment to get my things."

"I'll take you."

"No, Taron, you need to go back on tour."

"My flight back isn't until tomorrow." I watch her conflicted expressions. She is internally a.n.a.lyzing what her next move should be.

"We can't do this, Taron."

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Rebel Walking: Heaven Sent Part 5 summary

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