The Nephews: A Play, in Five Acts. Part 10

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_Augusta._ And now you chuse the way of retaliation?

_Lewis._ Why not?

_Augusta._ But did you ever reflect how many an innocent breast you robbed of its peace?

_Lewis._ I cannot reproach myself with that.

_Augusta._ How many you have plunged in sorrow?

_Lewis_ [goodnaturedly]. Not a single one. As for protestations of love, extravagant praises of their beauty, and so forth, they are mere words of course; ladies know that very well from their childhood--a woman of sense never trusts them.

_Augusta._ Yet how unfortunate must she be, who loves sincerely!

_Lewis._ Why so?

_Augusta._ Who loves only one, and, if deceived, can never love another?

_Lewis._ Why, indeed, true love holds for ever, and is not dependant upon circ.u.mstances. A man may be obliged to marry against his inclination, to make his fortune: but this is a cold prudential bargain, with which love has nothing to do. True love is ever the same; and----But what is the matter with you?

_Augusta_ [with difficulty holding herself upright]. Nothing of consequence.

_Lewis._ But----

_Augusta._ You put me in mind of one of my friends. She was deceived so, and now----

_Lewis._ Well?

_Augusta._ She is unhappy for ever. [Exit Augusta.

_Lewis._ Bless me! how deeply in love! Such tenderness I have never before met with. When I remember my other coquette sweetheart, I have almost a mind to run after her----but liberty, dear liberty--no, I dare not.

Enter DRAVE.

_Mr. D._ Good morning, Lewis; I did not expect to meet you, we are so seldom favoured with your visits.

_Lewis._ I am afraid of interfering with more important concerns.

_Mr. D._ I am indeed much concerned for you.

_Lewis_ [with politeness]. You have always been so attentive to my interest, I am entirely convinced.

_Mr. D._ You are not convinced.

_Lewis._ Upon my honour.

_Mr. D._ Why this forced politeness? I do not wish it. You cannot judge of my actions, or their motives; but I am still your friend. The common frailties of youth I can overlook; but dissimulation, it is true, I cannot bear.

_Lewis._ You cannot surely accuse me of that.

_Mr. D._ Give me proofs, and I will thank you.

_Lewis._ How can I, being entirely misunderstood?

_Mr. D._ Convince me of your sincere attachment to my house.

_Lewis._ I protest----

_Mr. D._ No protestations! proofs! Besides shall enquire more deeply to-day, and would fain believe you if possible.

_Lewis._ You may securely.

_Mr. D._ Your way of life is not the best. It is time to think of entering on some more settled plan.

_Lewis._ I am glad you mention it; it was for this very purpose I came here. I am determined to seek for a fixed employment.

_Mr. D._ You give me pleasure; with your talents you cannot fail of success.

_Lewis._ I flatter myself the more, as for a long while----

_Mr. D._ What!

_Lewis._ I will unfold my heart. Be not severe, or you will drive me to despair.

_Mr. D._ [kindly]. Well; speak.

_Lewis_ [flatteringly]. I beg you to look upon my wishes, not as a guardian, but as a friend, as a father--I--I love--and your consent to a marriage will make me happy.

_Mr. D._ Brook! [with warmth] you really love the girl, and sincerely?

_Lewis._ Not to madness, but truly and honourably.

_Mr. D._ Are you perfectly sincere?

_Lewis._ Why should you doubt?

_Mr. D._ Brook! I never was at a wedding, but the question arose, Will it be happy? To be unhappily married is dreadful.

_Lewis._ I have considered maturely.

_Mr. D._ The means of amending an inconsiderate step afterwards are shocking; still worse than the misfortune itself.

_Lewis._ It is too true. But why this to me? You disquiet yourself without cause. Love, our best reformer, has inspired me with juster sentiments.

_Mr. D._ Then G.o.d be praised! both will be happy.

_Lewis._ It was for the sole purpose of asking your consent that I came hither.

_Mr. D._ But why did not you speak sooner?

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The Nephews: A Play, in Five Acts. Part 10 summary

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