The Nephews: A Play, in Five Acts. Part 9

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_Lisette._ What, are you here, Mr. Brook! I can hardly believe my eyes.

_Lewis._ Not trust those charming eyes?

_Lisette._ You're really here at last?

_Lewis._ And now I _am_ here?----

_Lisette._ I am glad you have not forgotten us. [Going.

_Lewis._ Why in such a hurry to run away?

_Lisette._ I am looking for Mr. Drave; he is wanted at Rose's Bank; Mr.

Rose himself called for him. Has not he been here?

_Lewis._ Yes, a few minutes ago.

_Lisette._ Then I will go after him.

_Lewis._ No, no; let the old fellows look for each other, while we are happy at having met here.

_Lisette._ You have always some obliging turn ready, but you are never in earnest.

(AUGUSTA enters).

_Lewis._ Not in earnest, my little charmer! [kisses her.]

_Lisette._ Mr. Brook! Mr. Brook! [she turns him towards Augusta, and leaves the room, making a low curt'sy].

_Lewis._ So! my fair Augusta [kisses her hand].

_Augusta._ In truth, I seem to have made my appearance rather mal-apropos.

_Lewis_ [smiling]. Only offerings at the entrance of the temple of Love.

_Augusta._ It is long since we have seen you.

_Lewis._ Only five days; truly happy am I, if they have seemed long.

_Augusta._ I know your talent for compliments,

_Lewis._ Truth is not a compliment.

_Augusta._ Truth towards women is perhaps not your fault.

_Lewis._ How?

_Augusta._ In general not the most striking feature in the character of your s.e.x.

_Lewis._ A sad prejudice, indeed, against our s.e.x! [ironically] but you must except me.

_Augusta_ [smiling]. Dare I?

_Lewis._ Certainly. I am----

_Augusta._ Sincerity, constancy itself.

_Lewis._ Certainly.

_Augusta_ [pointing to the door at which Lisette went out]. There went a proof of your unparalleled fidelity!

_Lewis_ [laughing]. Nay, now, you are----

_Augusta._ Fortunately, I was the only witness; yet think if your favourite lady had seen it!

_Lewis._ She would excuse me.

_Augusta._ But if she also loved you?

_Lewis._ Then she would still more readily overlook such a trifle.

_Augusta._ Your lightness must grieve her.

_Lewis_ [laughing]. Then hers would be quite an old-fas.h.i.+oned love.

_Augusta_ [surprised]. Old-fas.h.i.+oned! What am I to understand by that?

_Lewis._ I mean, [with affected seriousness] a love, such as does not now exist; a true, sincere love.

_Augusta._ Have you any reason to doubt the existence of such a love?

_Lewis._ Too many.

_Augusta._ You have been deceived then?

_Lewis._ Oh, a thousand times--and undoubtedly shall again.

_Augusta._ You exaggerate.

_Lewis._ No, no. With the first object of my pa.s.sion, I was up to the ears in love. My G.o.ddess, to reward my cruel sufferings, allowed me only a place by her chair, and the honour of being marked as her most obedient slave; I sighed, languished, complained, despaired: saw at last, what she meant, and was cured--forever, as I presumed; but, alas!

I soon trusted another. Well; there I was made use of to excite the jealousy of her inconstant favourite.

_Augusta._ You misrepresent, Mr. Brook.

_Lewis._ Another bright angel then delighted to have an attendant to hand her to her carriage, to accompany her wherever she thought proper; there again I was--but I tire you with all these melancholy instances of my delusion.

_Augusta._ If all this be true, I pity you.

_Lewis._ Once, indeed, I got a dangerous illness by my folly; but it cured me effectually.

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The Nephews: A Play, in Five Acts. Part 9 summary

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