Spanish Composition Part 13

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=Que hay en este saco? Es algo que es muy duro al tacto.=

_Feel this. It's too hard, isn't it?_

=Palpe= (=Tiente=) =este. Es demasiado duro, no?=


(_a_) 1. Ahora tengo ganas de bailar. 2. Pero ya no ha de ir usted, verdad? 3. Por desgracia ya me quedan pocos. 4. De aqui en adelante se ha de trocar mi adversa fortuna en prospera. 5. Palpaba su chaqueta para ver si estaba mojada. 6. Me gusta mucho esta tela. Es muy blanda al tacto. 7. Eran cerca de las ocho cuando oimos sonar una campana. 8. Ya es hora de acabar. 9. Los viejos sienten el frio. 10. Ya lo vi y ya desaparecio de nuevo.

(_b_) 1. He feels better now. It's not necessary to call the doctor. 2.

Do you want to see them? Well, they have come now. 3. He has about two hundred books in his library. 4. Come now! You know what I told you just now (see Section 24 (_c_)). 5. Feel his hands. How cold they are! 6. It was about six o'clock when we felt the first shock of the earthquake. 7.

He was feeling his way (_to feel one's way_, =andar a tientas=) in the dark corridor. 8. We do not feel safe here, but father feels that it would be foolish to go out just now.


_Hacer bien a los villanos es echar agua en la mar_.[16]


=45.= English _will_ as an auxiliary has two meanings. As denoting simple futurity it is in Spanish included in the future form of the verb. As a synonym of _to want to_, _will_ is translated by the present tense of the verb =querer=.

_They will get here to-morrow and then I will tell them._

=Llegaran manana y se lo dire entonces.=

_I will tell it to as many as (all who) will listen to me._

=Lo dire a cuantos quieran oirme=.--TOMAYO Y BAUS.

_Note._--In case of doubt subst.i.tute _is going to_ or _wants to_ for _will_. If the former keeps the sense, use the future tense; if the latter, use =querer=.

(_a_) _Shall_, denoting simple futurity, is included in the future tense.

_I shall not be able to come. Shall you be here?_

=Yo no podre venir. Estara usted aqui?=

Expressing determination on the part of the speaker, _shall_ must be translated by a clause or by =deber= with the infinitive.

_You say he has stolen your bicycle? Well, he shall return it at once._

=Dice Vd. que se le ha robado su bicicleta? Pues, yo hare que se la devuelva en seguida=, or =debe devolverla=.

=46=. The word _all_, commonly translated =todo=, has many different translations which should be learned in the phrases in which they occur.

Of these the commonest are: _all at once_, _all of a sudden_, =de repente=; _all right_, =bueno=, =bien=, =esta bien=; _all alone_, =solo=, =solito=; _first of all_, =en primer lugar=, =ante todo=; _not at all_, =de ningun modo=, =no hay de que= (an expression of courtesy in reply to the person who says _thank you_); _all over_ (_everywhere_), =por todas partes=.

(_a_) _All that_ or _all the ... that_ may be translated literally =todo lo que= or =todos los ...= but they are frequently rendered by =cuanto= and =cuantos=.

_Up to now I did all that was in my power for you._

=Hasta ahora hice cuanto estaba en mis manos por vosotros.=


_I have at my disposal all the money that I may need._

=Tengo a mi disposicion cuanto dinero pueda necesitar.=


_I am very much obliged to you. Not at all, sir, not at all._

=Le estoy muy agradecido a usted. No hay de que, senor, no hay de que.=

Note also the phrase _it's all the same_ (_it makes no difference_), =lo mismo da=.


(_a_) 1. No es de ningun modo lo que se llama hombre rico. 2. Ya es tarde. Tendra ganas de marcha.r.s.e. 3. Al decirme la senora "Muchas gracias," yo respondi "No hay de que, senora." 4. Le hemos convidado a acompanarnos, pero no quiere venir. 5. Vendra manana y le prometemos a usted que haremos que vuelva en seguida. 6. No queremos dejarte solo solito. Ven tu tambien. 7. No quiere calla.r.s.e, pero lo mismo da. No le hacemos caso. 8. De repente se puso a buscarlo por todas partes de la casa. 9. En primer lugar debe devolver todo lo que necesita usted, ante (_above_) todo los cuadernos. 10. Vamos a ver. Esta bien la cuenta?

(_b_) 1. Is that all you have to do? Well, I'm going to look for another job for you. 2. He says he won't stay here all alone. 3. Is your letter written? Well, my son shall take it to the post-office with mine. 4.

There will be a masked ball this evening. Shall you go? 5. What shall I tell them? Tell them that we shall not send the things till they ask for them. 6. All right. Tell me when it is all over (_to be all over_, =acaba.r.s.e=). 7. He will give you all you want if you ask him for it. 8. I have already asked him many times, but he will not listen to me. 9. All the brothers I have are older than I am. 10. Well, since they say they will not do it, I shall have to do it myself.


_Es dificil salvar a quien no quiere salva.r.s.e de ningun modo._[17]


=48.= The word _way_ meaning _road_ is translated =camino=; meaning _manner_ or _mode_ it is rendered =manera= or =modo=.

_Our sailor was on the way to become rich._

=Nuestro marinero estaba en camino de hacerse rico.=


_Don't talk to me in that way if you don't want to make me cry._

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Spanish Composition Part 13 summary

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