Spanish Composition Part 12

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_They couldn't open the door, but they let me in through the window._

=No podian abrir la puerta, pero me dejaron entrar por la ventana.=


(_a_) 1. Salga Vd. de la sala y no vuelva Vd. a entrar. 2. Si no han partido todavia, digales que quiero verlos antes que se marchen. 3. No salimos de la casa antes que dejo de llover. 4. No se si me dejaran acompanarla a usted. 5. Que vayan a traermelo en seguida. 6. Les sobrara mucho? Creo que si. 7. Partimos manana en el tren de la manana.

8. Su madre no quiere dejarle acompanarnos. 9. Las mujeres dejaban sus ocupaciones de la casa y salian a las puertas. 10. Todavia me queda la pequena casa que me dejo mi padre.

(_b_) 1. We will not let you leave until it leaves off raining. 2. They have all left their umbrellas at home. 3. When he had paid for his dinner he had two dollars left. 4. They left five minutes ago. 5. I have just one old umbrella left for myself. 6. Let Mary let them in through the kitchen door. 7. Let's ask him how many he has left. 8. If I have any money left after I have bought all the things that they are asking me for, I will let you take it. 9. We can't do much with what is left.


_La ley es Dios--o debe serlo._[15]


=40.= English _now_ is generally translated =ahora=, but when it means _already_ it is rendered =ya=.

_I am going to take a walk through the village now._

=Voy a salir a dar una vuelta por el pueblo ahora.=


_I have been a workman in the shops for a week now._

=Soy operario de los talleres hace ya una semana.=


(_a_) The phrases _well, now_, and _now, then_, may be rendered =ahora bien=. The exclamatory phrase _come, now!_ is expressed =vamos!=, =vaya!=, or =ea!=

_Come now, Antonio dear, a little patience!_

=Ea, Antonito, un poco de paciencia!=--TOMAYO Y BAUS.

_Come now! Tell me everything. I am your friend._

=Vamos! Confiemelo todo. Yo soy su amiga.=


(_b_) _Now ... now ..._ is translated =ya ... ya ...= or =ora ... ora ...=.

_Now it was too hot, now it was too cold for him._

=Ya hacia demasiado calor, ya demasiado frio.=

_Note._--The phrase _from now on_ is translated de =aqui en adelante=.

=41.= English _about_ as a preposition meaning _of_ is translated =de=; meaning _in regard to_ or _concerning_ it is rendered =acerca de=; meaning _almost_, _nearly_, _in the neighborhood of_ it is =cerca de= or =mas o menos=.

_What are you talking about?_

=De que habla usted?=

_I have to write to him about that matter._

=Tengo que escribirle acerca de ese asunto.=

_I have about a hundred._

=Tengo cerca de ciento= (=ciento mas o menos=).

=42.= _To be about to_ is rendered =estar al punto de= or =estar para=.

_When we arrived, the others were about to leave._

=Al llegar nosotros, estaban los otros para salir.=

=43.= The verb _to feel_ meaning _to experience_, _perceive_ is rendered =sentir=; meaning _to be of the opinion_, _think_ it is rendered =pensar=, =ser de la opinion=, =parecerle a uno=; meaning _to have the feeling of_ it is rendered =ser ... al tacto=; meaning _to touch_ it is =palpar= or =tentar=.

_I feel for this man a tremendous interest._

=Siento por este hombre un interes tremendo.=


_Do you feel ill? Just a little pain._

=Te sientes malo? Un dolorcillo, nada mas.=


_Well, I feel that it would be better to return now._

=Pues, a mi me parece que seria mejor volver ahora.=

_What's in this bag? It is something that feels hard._

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Spanish Composition Part 12 summary

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