Spanish Composition Part 11

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They say so. 5. He always keeps out of the house when he sees that the maid has just cleaned the floors. 6. In Spain and South America they keep all the church holidays. 7. This lesson is not so hard (_difficult_). 8. If it keeps on raining, you must keep on your raincoats. 9. I tried to keep the children from making so much noise.

10. Keep them out of this room for just a few minutes.


_Mi opulencia es la sencillez; mi lujo, la sobriedad; mi reposo, el trabajo._[13]--PeREZ GALDoS.


(_a_) 1. _Ask_ as many questions as you want to. 2. I have not been so busy _for a long_ time. 3. I _asked_ the young lady how much the hat _was_. 4. _Well_, we will _look for_ it here and if we can't find it we will send him to _get_ another. 5. We had been gone _for_ an hour when they _got here_. 6. This is a situation that cannot last _longer_. 7.

You will _get_ better. Why (=si=), you _are_ better! 8. Did you _know_ that man _before_? Yes, I _made_ his _acquaintance_ last year. 9. I have _just_ seen your parents _go in_. It is _just_ eight o'clock.

(_b_) 1. He _can't help_ seeing that it is too large. 2. The poor girl _looks_ ill. 3. I don't _know_ how she has been able to work _so long_.

4. I am waiting _for_ my brother; I can't _get in_ till he comes because I have lost my key. 5. Ah, _here_ he comes. I was _just_ going to send some one _to look for_ you. 6. Even the teacher _couldn't_ help laughing. 7. I have not seen the sun _since_ morning. I'm sure it will rain _before_ night. 8. It is impossible _to know how_ to speak a language _well_ without practice. 9. Shall you _be_ here when we _get back_? 10. If I can _get_ him to lend me the money, I will buy it from (=a=) you.

(_c_) 1. _How long_ do you think they will be able to _hold out_? 2. In her arms she _held_ a pretty _little_ girl. 3. I have only a very _little_, nevertheless this valise won't _hold_ it. 4. This little basket _just holds_ a dozen. 5. This pitcher _holds just_ a quart. 6.

_Keep_ a place _for_ me near you. 7. I _asked_ him who said _so_. 8. I don't _know_ what to do with _so_ many books and still you _keep on_ buying more. 9. Who says that? He says _so_. 10. Is he ready? He says _so_.


_El hombre que se averguenza de ser feliz debe andar en cuatro pies._[14]--TOMAYO Y BAUS.

=37.= English _to leave_ has three translations. Meaning _to depart_ it is rendered =partir=; meaning _to go out of_ it is =salir=; and meaning _to allow to remain_ it is =dejar=.

_He left for London yesterday._

=Partio para Londres ayer.=

_For two months I haven't been able to leave the house._

=Hace dos meses que no puedo salir de la casa.=


_The train had left him in the East station._

=El tren le habia dejado en la estacion del Este.=


(_a_) In the sense of _to let_, =dejar= is used.

_Leave the poor child alone! He's not bothering you._

=Dejale al pobre nino! No te molesta a ti.=

(_b_) _To leave off_ in the sense of _to stop_ is rendered =dejar de= or =cesar de=, followed by the infinitive.

_He left off coming when he found out that he was not congenial to us._

=Dejo de venir cuando supo que no nos era simpatico.=


(_c_) _To have something left_ is translated =quedar= or =sobrar=.

_I know you have no time left for social life._

=Ya se que no le sobra tiempo para la vida social.=--PeREZ GALDoS.

_I used to have a lot, but I have very little left now._

=Antes tenia mucho, pero me queda muy poco ahora.=

_I gave him four, but he has only two left now._

=Le di cuatro, pero ya no le quedan mas de dos.=

_Note._--In this construction notice that the English subject becomes the indirect object of the verbs =quedar= and =sobrar=, while the thing "left" is the subject. The Spanish says literally, _to him are left only two_. Note also the order: object, verb, subject.

=38.= _To let_, meaning _to allow_, is rendered =dejar=.

_The poor woman has died of fatigue. Let her rest in peace._

=La pobre mujer ha muerto de fatiga. Dejadla que descanse en paz.=--MARTiNEZ SIERRA.

(_a_) When _let_ is used with the third person in the sense of a command it is translated by =que= with the subjunctive. When the verb is in the first person plural, the =que= is omitted.

_Let John take these letters to the post-office at once._

=Que Juan lleve estas cartas al correo en seguida.=

_Let's go now. No, let us sit down here for a moment._

=Vamonos ahora. No, sentemonos aqui por unos momentos.=

(_b_) _To let in_, _out_, _up_, _down_, _through_ are translated =dejar entrar=, =salir=, =subir=, =bajar=, =pasar por=.

_Don't let that dog in. I have just put him out._

=No dejes entrar a ese perro. Acabo de hacerle salir.=

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Spanish Composition Part 11 summary

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