Spanish Composition Part 10

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_The coffee held out_ (there was enough).

=Hubo bastante cafe.=


(_a_) 1. El vino aca en el tranvia. 2. Pues, que lo haga tan bien como yo lo he hecho. 3. No cabian en el barco mas de cuatro personas. 4.

Busqueme un cesto mas grande. En este no caben las manzanas. 5. El cajon contenia frutas y dulces. 6. Y la familia? Estan todos buenos segun me escriben. 7. Con tal que haya bastante harina, no nos falta mas. 8. Esta cansadisimo. No se si se le mantendran las fuerzas hasta que llegue a casa. 9. Vaya! Usted aqui? Y desde cuando?

(_b_) 1. This bottle will not hold all that ink. 2. Well, what shall I do with what is left? 3. Put it here and get another bottle. 4. New countries hold out better opportunities to young men than to old ones.

5. Well, everything is ready for them when they get here. 6. He held out the sack to show me what it held. 7. I can't help thinking that he is too young for the office that he holds. 8. How much is it? Well, here's the money. 9. How many books will this bookcase hold? 10. There is not the least doubt that they knew that the box held money.


_Dios no hace las cosas a medias._[12]


=33.= The adverb _so_ expressing manner is rendered =asi=, _thus_; as an adverb of degree _so_ is =tan=. _So much_ and _so many_ are rendered =tanto=, =-a=, =tantos=, =-as=, when used adjectively or p.r.o.nominally. As an adverb _so much_ is =tanto=.

_And I am to live so, as long as I am alone._

=Y asi he de vivir mientras este solo.=--PeREZ GALDoS.

_I didn't know that it was so hard to do that._

=Yo no sabia que era tan dificil hacer eso.=

_That's why they make so many mistakes_ (are mistaken so many times).

=De ahi que se equivoquen tantas veces.=--LOS QUINTERO.

_I don't need so much. You take what's left._

=Yo no necesito tanto. Tome usted lo que sobra.=

(_a_) Used in the manner of a neuter p.r.o.noun _so_ is rendered =lo=.

_I asked him to call them and he did so at once._

=Le rogue los llamase y lo hizo en seguida.=

(_b_) In such expressions as _I think so_, _I believe so_, _he says so_, where _so_ stands for an affirmative clause, it is translated =que si=.

_Is it going to snow? John says so._

=Va a nevar? Juan dice que si.=

_"I think so," he said, taking the instruments from the man's hands._

=Creo que si, dijo, tomando los instrumentos de las manos del hombre.=


(_c_) The conjunctive phrase _and so_ is rendered =y asi= when it is equal to _and therefore_. When it is equivalent to _well_, _then_, it is rendered =conque=.

_We weren't busy, and so we could help them._

=Nosotros no estabamos ocupados y asi podiamos ayudarlos.=

_And so you say they are to be here at five o'clock?_

=Conque, dice usted que han de estar aqui a las cinco?=


=34.= English _to keep_ in its simplest meaning of _to retain_ is rendered =guardar= or =queda.r.s.e con=. It has many other meanings, most of which may be obtained by paraphrase. So: _to keep_ (observe) _a holiday_; _to keep quiet_ (be still, stop talking); _to keep out_ (not to enter); _to keep in_ (not to let go out); _to keep on_ (to continue, _or_ not to take off); _to keep from_ (to hinder, prevent, abstain from).

_Well, I'm going to keep what I have._

=Pues, yo voy a quedarme con lo que tengo.=

_At home we keep all the national holidays._

=En casa observamos todas las fiestas nacionales.=

_Well, I agree, and I keep on sacrificing myself._

=Pues, me conformo, y sigo sacrificandome.=--ECHEGARAY.

_The noise of the street kept him from sleeping._

=El ruido de la calle le impidio el dormir.=--BLASCO IBanEZ.

_Tell them to come back. I will keep them just a moment._

=Digales que vuelvan. Los detendre un momento, nada mas.=


(_a_) 1. Asi es, por desgracia. No te espero hoy. 2. La cordera siguio corriendo y llego a lo alto de las penas. 3. Guardo un asiento vacio junto al suyo. 4. Ha retenido la mitad de lo que me debe. 5. Su enfermedad le impidio que adelantara en sus estudios. 6. Si todos nos mantenemos quietos, no sabran que estamos aqui. 7. Yo le dije que callase, pero siguio hablando. 8. Conque, se marchan ustedes hoy no?

(_b_) 1. I don't know why she wants so much to see me. 2. Of course if she wants to go, I can't keep her from it. 3. She keeps on writing to me, asking me not to keep it. 4. Has he kept back more than he should?

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Spanish Composition Part 10 summary

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