Spanish Composition Part 9

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(_b_) 1. It isn't ready yet, but I can't help it. 2. Do you want me to help you? 3. I can't help feeling sorry that they have done that. 4. We knew that it couldn't be helped. 5. I have just seen him, and I can't help thinking that he must be ill. 6. She couldn't help hoping that she would get what she wanted. 7. After a short time he could walk without our help. 8. The dog ran after his master after he succeeded in getting out of the house. 9. After the rain had ceased they went out and we did not see them afterwards. 10. He knows it is not well done, but he says he can't help it.


_Cuando uno no quiere, dos no rinen._[11]


=29.= English _here_ is rendered =aqui= denoting _place where_ and =aca= with a verb of motion.

_Here lived a member of my husband's family._

=Aqui habitaba un individuo de la familia de mi esposo.=


_Go and tell him to please come here._

=Ve y dile que tenga la bondad de venir aca.=--LOS QUINTERO.

_Note._--=Aqui= is sometimes found with verbs of motion, but =aca= is the commoner form.

(_a_) _Here_ accompanying the offer of something may be rendered by the imperative of =tomar=, _to take_, or by =aqui= with the verb =tener=.

_Haven't you a pencil? Well, here. I have two._

=No tiene usted lapiz? Pues, tome. Yo tengo dos.=

_Here's the money they gave me for you._

=Aqui tiene usted el dinero que me dieron para usted.=

(_b_) _To be here_ in the sense of _to arrive_ is translated =llegar=.

_They will be here in time according to what they write me._

=Llegaran a tiempo segun me escriben.=

=30.= English _well_ as an adverb is translated =bien=; as an adjective it is =bueno=. As an introductory word having no grammatical connection with the rest of the sentence it is rendered =bien=, =bueno=, or =pues=. With exclamatory force it may be rendered =vaya!= or =toma!=

_It is very well made, isn't it?_

=Esta muy bien hecho, no?=

_He must stay here until he gets well._

=Debe quedar aqui hasta que se ponga bueno.=

_Well, that's done. And now what else is there to do?_

=Bueno= (=bien=), =ya esta hecho eso. Y ahora, que mas hay que hacer?=

_Well, I feel ill, very ill._

=Pues yo me siento mal, muy mal.=--RAMOS CARRIoN.

_Well! Here am I to get everybody out of difficulties._

=Vaya! Aqui estoy yo para sacar de apuros a todo el mundo.=


=31.= The verb _to hold_ as a synonym of _to have_ is translated =tener=; meaning _to contain_ it is =contener=. When it indicates that a thing has a certain capacity it is translated =caber en=. In this last sense the English subject becomes in Spanish the object of the preposition =en=, while the English object becomes the subject of =caber=.

_He held his hat in his hand all the time._

=Tenia el sombrero en la mano todo el tiempo.=

_This box holds all that I want._

=Este cajon contiene todo lo que yo necesito.=

_We shall have to get another sack. This one holds only a pound._

=Tendremos que buscar otro saco. En este cabe solo una libra.=

=Contiene solo una libra= would mean _there is only a pound in it_.

_Note._--A very common expression is =no cabe duda=, which translates _there is no doubt_.

(_a_) The phrase _to hold out_ has many translations, according to its meanings as here ill.u.s.trated.

_He held out_ (offered) _his hand to me._

=Me ofrecio la mano.=

_He held out his hand for the money._

=Extendio la mano para el dinero.=

_He held out_ (persisted) _for a week._

=Se mantuvo firme por una semana.=

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Spanish Composition Part 9 summary

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