Spanish Composition Part 17

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=59.= English _time_ has various translations. Meaning _time of day_ it is =hora=.

_When it came time to go to bed he went toward the room._

=Cuando llego la hora de acosta.r.s.e fue hacia el cuarto.=


_At this time of day_ and _at this time of night_ are translated =a estas horas=.

_I wonder where Elise is going at this time of night?_

=Adonde ira Elisa a estas horas?=--PALACIO VALDeS.

(_a_) Denoting one _time_ of a series, _time_ is always =vez=.

_Every time it rains the sky sows diamonds._

=Cada vez que llueve el cielo siembra diamantes.=--CAMPOAMOR.

(_b_) Denoting a _period_ of time or _length_ of time the word is translated =tiempo=.

_This church has been here since the most remote times._

=Esta iglesia se halla aqui desde los tiempos mas remotos.=

_In this house I lose the idea of time._

=En esta casa pierdo la nocion del tiempo.=--ECHEGARAY.

=60.= _Time_ occurs also in many idiomatic adverbial phrases. The commonest of these are _from time to time_, =de vez en= =cuando=, =de cuando en cuando=; _from this time on_, =de hoy en adelante=, =de aqui en adelante=; _from that time on_, =de ahi en adelante=; _time after time_, _time and time again_, =una que otra vez=.

_He agreed to return from time to time._

=Se quedo en volver de cuando en cuando.=


_From time to time he stopped for a few minutes._

=De vez en cuando se detenia algunos instantes.=


_Note._--=De cuando en cuando= and =de vez en cuando= translate also the English adverbial idioms _every now and then_ or _every once in a while_.

=61.= The verb _to like_ meaning _to be fond of_ (persons) is generally translated =querer=, but sometimes =gustar= is used. _To like_ (things) is =gustar=.

_We don't like our new neighbors very well._

=No queremos mucho a nuestros nuevos vecinos.=

_I don't like this house as well as I did the other._

=No me gusta esta casa tanto como me gusto la otra.=

_He will like these. Let's see if there are any more here._

=Estos le gustaran. A ver si hay mas por aqui.=


_Note._--Though the verb =gustar= may be used in the regular way with a personal subject, it is more commonly used as in these examples, the _thing_ being considered as the subject and the person as the indirect object. Cf. 51, note.

(_a_) _Like_ used as a preposition of manner is translated =como= or =cual=.

_The girl is charming, like her mother._

=La nina es, cual su madre, encantadora.=--CAMPOAMOR.

_This boy sings like a bird._

=Este muchacho canta como un pajaro.=

(_b_) _To feel like_ in the sense of _to want_, _desire_, is translated =tener ganas de= with the infinitive.

_I don't feel like going to-day._

=No tengo ganas de ir hoy.=

_(c)_ In questions _what's ... like_ is translated =que tal ...?=

_What's the new professor like?_

=Que tal el nuevo profesor?=

_Look at me.--I'm looking.--Well, what do I look like to you?_

=Mirame.--Te miro.--Bueno, que tal te parezco?=



(_a_) 1. Cuales le gustan mas, estos o aquellos? 2. Hay tiempo para todo. 3. Unas veces le trata usted bien y otras veces mal. 4. Hace tiempo que noto eso. 5. De aqui en adelante necesitaremos mas tiempo. 6.

De vez en cuando me hablo. 7. Una que otra vez bajaban al manantial. 8.

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Spanish Composition Part 17 summary

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